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15 Most Important U.S. Military Bases in the World

In this article, we look at the 15 most important U.S. military bases in the world – both domestic and overseas. You can skip our detailed analysis on the strategic significance of these bases and head over directly to the 5 Most Important U.S. Military Bases in the World.

The United States, in its early years, was a country that did not want to intervene in armed conflicts outside its borders. The country’s attitude towards having a global role changed completely after the two world wars which made it a nation that proactively sought to keep an eye on global threats and also promote American ideals across the world. 

While military and intelligence capabilities of the United States were greatly stretched in the two World Wars and later during the Cold War, in modern times it has had to grapple with the challenges emanating from countries like Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. Therefore, in order to have a logistical edge over its foes, the US maintains military bases around the world, which gives it the capability to strike enemy targets anywhere in the world. A majority of these bases are equipped with modern military equipment and airfields.

According to a report, the U.S. had about 750 military bases across 80 countries in the world and had deployed 173,000 troops in 159 different countries as of July 2021. Japan has the highest number of overseas military bases of the U.S. with 120 bases, followed by Germany and South Korea at second and third, with 119 and 73 bases respectively. These numbers are testament to America’s military and economic strength to be able to have such significant military presence outside its borders.

United States Military Strength

The United States has the most powerful military in the world. The country accounts for nearly 40% of all defense spending worldwide, which is triple the amount that China spends, and more than the combined amount that the next ten highest spenders incur on defense expenditure.

The U.S. is also home to some of the largest defense contractors in the world. Most notably four of the top five defense contractors in the world, which include Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT), RTX Corporation (NYSE:RTX), General Dynamics Corporation (NYSE:GD), and The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA). You can read more on this in our article, Top 16 Defense Contractors in the World in 2023.

U.S. Military Bases in the Middle East

Though an exact count is not known, the U.S. has several military bases in the Middle East that deploy more than 30,000 U.S. troops according to the Department of Defense. The most notable of all is the Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar, situated west of Doha. It is the largest military installation of the United States in the Middle East and critical for operations in the region. The air base hosts an estimated 11,000 troops and is well equipped with fighter jets. The US Air Force deployed five 5th Generation F-22 Raptors developed by Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) to the air base in 2020.

The Al-Udeid Air Base is also used by the US to aid Qatar in bolstering its defense capabilities. The Boeing Company (NYSE:BA) in 2020 got a $657.2 million deal from the Qataris to provide sparing and logistics support for the Qatari air force’s fleet of F-15 aircraft. Moreover, formerly Raytheon Technologies Corporation (NYSE:RTX), now RTX Corporation (NYSE:RTX) received a $77 million contract in the same year to upgrade Qatar’s Air Operations Center by 2025. Work on both contracts was and is being carried out at the Al-Udeid Air Base.

U.S. Military Bases in Japan and South Korea

The Americans have maintained a military presence in Japan since the conclusion of the second World War in 1945 and in South Korea since the Korean War starting 1950. More than half of all American troops deployed overseas are stationed in these two countries. Camp Humphreys, located 40 miles south of Seoul in South Korea, is the largest overseas U.S. military base in the world.

The base is equipped with Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, an anti-ballistic missile defense system developed for South Korea by Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) in response to regular missile threats from North Korea.

U.S. Military Presence in Europe

There are eight U.S. Army garrisons located across Europe which are home to at least 60,000 troops. Germany has the highest number of American bases and troops among European countries. The most notable U.S. military base in Europe is the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, which is critical to the American Air Force’s European operations.


We have ranked the 15 most important U.S. military bases in the world based on our analysis and that of several other defense experts on the strategic importance of current active American military bases. Both domestic and overseas bases of the U.S. military are covered in this article. We’ve ranked these bases in order of importance.

The Visual Explorer /

Let’s now head over to the list of the most important U.S. military bases in the world.

15. Fort Meade, Maryland

Fort Meade is a large United States military installation located in Maryland that is critical for cyber and intelligence operations as it houses the U.S. Cyber Command and National Security Agency (NSA). First established in 1917, it is named after one of the most prominent generals of the Civil War, General George G. Meade. 

14. Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii

Hickam Air Field and Naval Base Pearl Harbor merged two historic bases to become one joint base in 2010. Both are of immense significance to the United States military. Hickam is home to the 15th Wing, 154th Wing, and the Hawaii Air National Guard. It also provides support to 140 associate and tenant units. On the other hand, Pearl Harbor provides vital shore side support to submarines and naval ships.

Together, the joint base is home to 270 tenant units, several ships and submarines, and seven fixed-wing aviation squadrons. The base has a population of more than 100,000 people.

13. Thule Air Base, Greenland

The Thule Air Base is one of the most important U.S. military bases in the world, located only 947 miles from the North Pole, and 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle. This air force base is of vital significance when it comes to missile warning and space control and surveillance. The Thule Air Base is capable of detecting all intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) targeting any place in North America.

12. RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom

These two sister bases have the largest presence of U.S. troops in the United Kingdom. Although it has a status of being the British Royal Air Force Station, the RAF Mildenhall and RAF Lakenheath primarily provide services to the US Air Force and are home to the 100th Air Refueling Wing. These are two of the most important U.S. military bases in the world.

11. Naval Station Rota, Spain

Naval Station Rota in Spain is often referred to as the gateway to the Mediterranean. It is one of the most important U.S. military bases in the world due to its strategic location that helps provide logistical support to the U.S. military and its allies. Built over 6,100 acres of land, the base provides cargo and fuel support to units and ships that transit the region. Moreover, it gives airfield and port facilities to the Naval Forces Europe Africa Central (EURAFCENT) and the 6th fleet.

10. Incirlik Air Base, Turkiye

The Incirlik Air Base is a strategically located base used by the American forces for operations in the Middle East and Europe. The base has always been used by the U.S. as a hub in times of humanitarian emergencies. When the Afghan war began in 2001, the Incirlik Air Base was used as the main hub for humanitarian airlift operations, special operations, refueling missions, and the sustainment of deployed forces.

9. Naval Support Activity Bahrain

The Naval Support Activity is one of the most important U.S. military bases in the world. Located in Bahrain, it is home to the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet and the US Naval Forces Central Command. It is a crucial base for American interests in the Persian gulf, particularly in providing operational support to the US and coalition troops, and ensuring security of ships, aircrafts and other remote locations in the region.

8. Al-Udeid Air Base, Qatar

The Al-Udeid Air Base in Qatar is the largest military installation of the United States in the Middle East. It serves as a hub for overseas American operations, particularly against targets in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. More than 11,000 American and coalition troops are stationed at the air base.

7. MacDill Air Force Base, Florida

The MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida serves as the headquarters of the U.S. Central Command and the U.S. Special Operations Command. More than 15,000 people work at the base. MacDill has been a strategic center for decades and was used for various military operations, including Desert Shield and Storm in the Persian Gulf, Just Cause in Panama, and Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti.

6. Ramstein Air Base, Germany

The Ramstein Air Base in southwestern Germany serves as the headquarters for the American Air Force in Europe and for NATO’s Allied Air Command. It is one of the most important U.S. military bases in the world since it is a hub for the US and NATO’s European operations. The base became the transfer point in 2021 for Afghan civilians fleeing Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, and in 2022, the Ramstein Air Base hosted defense agency representatives from 42 countries to synchronize military assistance for Ukraine.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Important U.S. Military Bases in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Most Important U.S. Military Bases in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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