Talking about your favorite food can make you hungry, but let’s see what’s going to happen when reading about 15 most hated foods in the US.
It is funny how people use the same words when describing their relationships both with food or people. Those words are hate, love, pain, pleasure, disappointment, boredom, etc. Psychology said this is not by accident. During our lifetime, we develop a relationship with food – some of it we love and some of it we hate. That relationship can change over time. As a child, I hated raw tomato, but now it is one of my favorite foods. Besides, we all know that healthy food is very important for our well-being. But often, we use food for comfort when being in a bad mood, like ice cream or chocolate.

Also, food can be a part of a tradition. On the Balkans (where I come from) guests are greeted with bread and salt, as a sign of hospitality. On the other hand, food can, and should be used as a cure and our list of foods that lower cholesterol fast proves that. Nutritive values of fruits, vegetables, and meat can improve health. You just love a cup of hot soup when you have a common cold, right? It’s well known that red meat has many benefits and that it can increase both physical and mental strength. So, it’s not strange that Americans in 2018 are set to eat red meat more than ever as well as chicken as evidenced in 11 Most Profitable Food Items Sold in America in 2018. But even though we know that certain food can improve our health, we still don’t like it or simply don’t want it. Rabbit meat, for example, also has many benefits, and it should be consumed once a week, but some people just can’t eat the little fluffy bunny.
So, people have their favorite as well as their least favorite foods. Although the taste buds are individual, some foods have been noticed as universally disliked. Brussels sprouts are one of the most disliked vegetables, but because of its nutrition value, many parents force their children to eat them, even though they don’t like them as well. It’s same with fruits, and since we’re already mentioning it, we can say that the figs are one of the most hated. However, some people found figs as their favorites.
To make our list, we checked sources based on people opinions, about the food they don’t like. We collected data from an app called Hater, where people discuss things that they don’t like, or like the name says – hate. In this case, we checked data about most hated food by state. Furthermore, we found out which states have the largest number of citizens, and by comparing these two sources, we made a list of foods that are hated by the largest number of people. Also, we visited Man’s Journal, LiveJournal, and some other websites, to check for foods that are on the ‘hate list’ for years. What’s interesting is the that some of the foods whose appearance we expected, like liver, garlic or Brussels sprouts didn’t show up on the list (by the way, these are most hated foods in the UK). We guess that the “haters” just spoke about foods they tried. You will also find some liquids on our list that we decided to put in because they give a specific taste to food, and people think about them when they talk about taste buds.
So, let’s check which are 15 most hated foods in the US.
15. Balsamic vinegar
We start our list with vinegar that is either incredibly expensive or incredibly cheap. Expensive ones come in tiny bottles and have rich, sweet flavor, and they are typically used in different sauces or marinades. However, fifty dollars per a bottle is a way too much, right? On the other hand, the cheap ones are made by mixing grapes juice and some stronger vinegar that tastes horrible. It is understandable why people hate this type of vinegar.

Pixabay/Public Domain
14. Quinoa
Nutritionists say that quinoa has many benefits when it comes to improving health, but many can’t eat it because of its taste. There are some recipes that could make quinoa tastier if you want to give it another chance.

Pixabay/ Public Domain
13. Veggie burger
Those who hate veggie burgers said that burger must be with meat. Others said that they didn’t try the right one. So, this food might as well be on the higher place in the future, or it won’t be on the list at all. We will see.

Pixabay/Public Domain
12. Hummus
This spread made of olive oil, lemon juice, chickpeas, and tahini came from the Middle East. Besides the fact that some people love the taste of hummus, many can’t even imagine eating it. They just don’t want it on their salad or sandwiches.

Pixabay/ Public Domain
11. Cookies with raisins
Well, this one is obvious. Chocolate belongs to cookies, not raisins, and that’s why this is a combination that nobody wants. It seems like this cookies deserve to be among 15 most hated foods in the US.

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And now, let’s see top 10 America’s most hated foods.
10. Beans
There are many types of beans and definitely many ways to prepare them, but people still don’t like to eat this food. However, beans have many health benefits, and people should change their attitude about it.

Pixabay / Public Domain
9. Lunchables
This brand is the only snack on the list. Even if you like the taste, you will agree that combination of meat, cheese, and crackers isn’t healthy.

Pixabay/Public Domain
8. Mayonnaise on fries
These two foods served separated are good and tasty, but this combination can produce stomach problems because of the high value of fat. After all, ketchup is a way better solution for fries.

Pixabay/ Public Domain
7. Kombucha
This beverage is made by adding bacteria in black or green tea. While many people speak about kombucha like it’s a pure miracle, science said that it is not. With the price of 5$ for a tag, it is on our list of 15 most hated foods in the US.

Public Domain/Pixabay
6. Coffee Pods
Many coffee lovers will say that this type of coffee should be on the highest spot. It tastes really awful, maybe because it had been ground months, even years before it gets to the customer. It is hard to say that you can get fresh, tasty cup of coffee this way.

Pixabay / Public Domain
5. Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese ranks 5th on our list of most hated foods in the US and it’s nationwide hated food. People complain that it looks like something served at a nursing home. It is hard to find anything to combine with it, but there are a few recipes that could help.

Pixabay/Public Domain
4. Tuna salad
Some people really love this salad, but according to Hater, many don’t. On our list 0f most hated foods in the US, it ranks 4th, but in Georgia particular, it’s the most hated food.

Pixabay/Public Domain
3. Pesto
This Italian sauce can be used on pizza, pasta, sandwiches and in many other combinations. But many people hate garlic taste this sauce has. Maybe this recipes can change their opinion.

Pixabay/Public Domain
And now, let’s see the 3 most hated foods in America.
2. Licorice
When it comes to licorice, its taste is not the biggest problem. Glycyrrhizin, a compound in licorice can reduce testosterone level in men, according to researchers. That effect nobody wants.

Public Domain/ Pixabay
1. Steak cooked well-done
It is a little bit strange that steak is even on the list. Nutrients said that there is no difference between well done and medium rare steak if we are talking in the terms of nutrients. But there is surely a difference in taste, smell, and texture, so that is why people hate when somebody burns their stake. This is a reason good enough for a stake to be on the first place of 15 most hated foods in the US, right?

Stephen Mcsweeny/