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15 Most Hardworking States in the US

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 15 Most Hardworking States in the US. You can also take a detailed look at the 5 Most Hardworking States in the US.

Hard work, often synonymous with diligence, determination, and discipline, is an important part of American identity. It is the driving force behind economic prosperity, social mobility, and personal fulfillment. But it is imperative to define what constitutes hard work and how it is measured. While the concept itself is subjective and multifaceted, we can take a look at the insights from various metrics and indicators that shed light on the labor force participation, productivity, and economic output of a state.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U.S. Census Bureau, and other reputable institutions provide a wealth of data on employment rates, average working hours, wages, GDP per capita, and other pertinent variables that offer a glimpse into the work ethic and productivity levels of different states. By synthesizing these data points and contextualizing them within the broader socio-economic framework, we can see patterns, trends, and disparities that show the relative hardworkingness of each state.

One of the key determinants of a state’s hardworkingness is its labor force participation rate—the percentage of the working-age population that is employed or actively seeking employment. States with high labor force participation rates typically exhibit a robust work ethic and a strong commitment to workforce engagement and productivity. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of February, 2024, the labor force participation rate in the United States is 62.5%. States such as North Dakota, Nebraska, and Utah consistently rank among the top in terms of labor force participation, reflecting a culture of industriousness and engagement in the workforce.

Moreover, wage growth and income inequality are crucial dimensions of hard work that merit consideration. While high wages alone do not necessarily indicate a strong work ethic, they are indicative of the value placed on labor and the economic opportunities available to workers within a given state. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the real median household income in the United States was $74,580 in 2022, which recorded a 2.3% YoY decline. States such as Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey boast median household incomes above the national average, reflecting a commitment to economic prosperity for residents.

Furthermore, innovation and entrepreneurship play pivotal roles in driving economic growth and fostering a culture of hard work and ingenuity. States that invest in research and development, technology infrastructure, and entrepreneurial ecosystems are better positioned to capitalize on emerging industries and seize opportunities for innovation and growth. States such as California, New York, and Texas consistently rank among the top in terms of startup density and entrepreneurial activity, which reflects a culture of innovation and risk-taking that fuels economic dynamism and job creation.

In addition to macroeconomic indicators, the performance and presence of public companies within a state can offer valuable insights into its work ethic and economic vibrancy.  For example, Texas is home to several Fortune 500 companies, including Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) and Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX). These corporations not only contribute significantly to the state’s GDP but also serve as pillars of employment, innovation, and economic growth. For instance, Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), headquartered in Irving, Texas, is one of the world’s largest publicly traded oil and gas companies, driving innovation in energy exploration and production.

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM)’s financial performance is closely monitored by industry analysts due to its significant impact on the energy sector and broader economy. In FY2023, Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM) reported total revenue of $344.6 billion. However, it was down 14% YoY. Net income was also down 35% year over year. 


To compile the list of the 15 Most Hardworking States in the US we have considered rankings of the most hardworking states in the US from multiple reputable sources like: Fox Business, ThinkAdvisor, Zippia, EBN, and Mental Floss. Rankings from each source were assigned a weighted score and then we calculated the average rankings of these states to calculate our own scores for each state to determine the most hardworking states in the US right now, ranking from least hardworking states to the most hardworking states. The list is presented in descending order of scores, with higher scores corresponding to lower levels of hard work. 

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15. Tennessee 

Score: 13

In the heart of the southeastern United States, Tennessee is a state rich in both cultural heritage and natural splendor. From the majestic peaks of the Great Smoky Mountains to the fertile valleys along the Mississippi River, the landscape of Tennessee is as diverse as its people. In cities like Memphis and Nashville, the vibrant pulse of music and entertainment beats alongside the rhythm of commerce and industry. Tennessee’s history is woven with threads of resilience and innovation, from the early pioneers who carved out a living in the wilderness to the entrepreneurs who built empires in fields like music, manufacturing, and technology, making it one of the top most hardworking states in the US. Today, Tennesseans continue to embody these values of hard work and determination, whether they’re farming the land, crafting artisanal goods, or driving economic growth in emerging industries. It’s a state where the spirit of community runs deep, and neighbors are always willing to lend a helping hand.

14. Georgia

Score: 11

Situated at the crossroads of the South, Georgia is a state steeped in history, tradition, and southern charm. From the antebellum mansions of Savannah to the gleaming skyscrapers of Atlanta, Georgia’s landscape is a portrayal of old-world elegance and modern innovation. The state’s rich agricultural heritage is evident in its sprawling farmlands and bustling farmer’s markets, where Georgians take pride in the bounty of the land. But Georgia is also a place of bustling commerce and industry, with Atlanta serving as a major hub for finance, technology, and transportation. It’s a state where hard work and determination are rewarded, and where the entrepreneurial spirit thrives. Whether they’re running family businesses, pursuing careers in medicine or law, or leading research in fields like biotechnology and aerospace, Georgians approach their work with a sense of pride and purpose that reflects the state’s storied history and bright future.

13. Hawaii

Score: 10.5

From the lush rainforests of Kauai to the fiery landscapes of the Big Island, the islands of Hawaii are a symphony of natural beauty and cultural diversity. Here, the spirit of aloha infuses every aspect of life, from the warmth of the people to the bounty of the land. But beneath the surface of this idyllic paradise lies a population of hardworking and resilient individuals. Hawaiians have long understood the importance of hard work and perseverance in sustaining their way of life, which makes it one of the top most hard working states in the US. In cities like Honolulu and Hilo, residents work in industries ranging from tourism and hospitality to government and education, each contributing in their own way to the rich tapestry of Hawaiian life. It’s a place where the values of community, respect, and stewardship are woven into the fabric of daily existence, creating a culture of hard work and dedication that is as enduring as the islands themselves.

12. Wyoming

Score: 9.5

In Wyoming, the spirit of the frontier lives on in the hearts of its people, who have long relied on hard work and self-reliance to carve out a living in this harsh and unforgiving land. Whether they’re ranching cattle on remote homesteads, mining for precious minerals deep beneath the earth, or guiding visitors through the wonders of Yellowstone National Park, Wyomingites approach their work with a sense of purpose and determination that is as unyielding as the granite peaks that tower above them. It’s a state where the values of independence, resilience, and perseverance are passed down from generation to generation, shaping the character of its people and the course of its history.

11. Colorado

Score: 9.2

Nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado is a state of breathtaking beauty and boundless opportunity. It offers a wealth of experiences for residents and visitors alike. Here, the spirit of adventure is alive and well, as Coloradans embrace the great outdoors with a passion and enthusiasm that is as infectious as it is inspiring. But beyond its natural beauty and recreational opportunities lies a population of driven and ambitious individuals who are dedicated to making a difference in the world. Whether they’re pioneering new technologies in the high-tech corridors of Boulder and Fort Collins, stewarding the environment in the state’s many national parks and wilderness areas, or building thriving communities in the shadow of the Rockies, Coloradans approach their work with a sense of purpose and dedication that reflects the state’s pioneering spirit and can-do attitude. It’s a state where the values of innovation, collaboration, and perseverance are woven into the fabric of daily life, creating a culture of hard work and determination that is as vibrant and dynamic as the landscape itself.

10. Kansas

Score: 8

Kansas’s landscape is dominated by endless fields of wheat, corn, and sunflowers, earning it the nickname “The Wheat State” and “The Sunflower State.” Cities like Wichita, Topeka, and Kansas City offer a blend of Midwestern hospitality and urban convenience. Kansas is also home to historical sites such as the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Abilene. The state’s economy is deeply rooted in agriculture, manufacturing, and aviation, with hardworking Kansans playing pivotal roles in driving these industries forward, which shows how this state is certainty one of the most hard working states in the US.

9. New Hampshire

Score: 7.75

New Hampshire, located in the scenic New England region, is a state of breathtaking natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural richness. The state’s landscape is defined by the majestic White Mountains, pristine lakes, and charming colonial-era villages. Cities like Concord, Manchester, and Portsmouth offer a vibrant mix of cultural attractions, culinary delights, and outdoor recreational opportunities. New Hampshire’s economy thrives on tourism, manufacturing, and high-tech industries, with a workforce known for its ingenuity, work ethic, and entrepreneurial spirit. The state’s commitment to education and innovation has positioned it as a leader in sectors such as aerospace, biotechnology, and renewable energy.

8. Maryland

Score: 7.5

Maryland is a state of diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. From the bustling urban centers of Baltimore and Annapolis to the serene beauty of the Eastern Shore and Western Maryland mountains, the state offers a wide range of experiences for residents and visitors alike. It is renowned for its thriving seafood industry, historical landmarks such as Fort McHenry and the U.S. Naval Academy, and world-class institutions like Johns Hopkins University. The state’s economy is driven by sectors such as biotechnology, cybersecurity, and defense contracting, with a workforce known for its innovation, resilience, and commitment to excellence.

7. Oklahoma

Score: 7

Oklahoma, located in the Great Plains, is a state of boundless natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and resilient communities. The state’s diverse landscape includes rolling prairies, rugged mountains, and picturesque lakes, offering endless opportunities for outdoor recreation and exploration. Cities like Oklahoma City and Tulsa serve as centers of commerce, culture, and innovation, while smaller towns and rural communities contribute to the state’s strong sense of community and identity. Oklahoma’s economy is anchored by industries such as oil and gas, agriculture, and aerospace, with a workforce known for its hard work, determination, and entrepreneurial spirit.

6. Texas

Score: 5.4

Texas, the largest state in the contiguous United States, is a land of vast horizons, rich history, and diverse cultures. From the deserts of West Texas to the piney woods of East Texas, the state offers a wide range of landscapes and experiences for residents and visitors alike. Major cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin are hubs of commerce, culture, and innovation, attracting people from around the world with their dynamic economies and high quality of life. Texas is known for its strong tradition of independence, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit, with a workforce that drives innovation and growth across a wide range of industries, including energy, technology, healthcare, and agriculture.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Most Hardworking States in the US.

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Disclosure: none. 15 Most Hardworking States in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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