Are you living in one of these most expensive countries to buy gas in the world? You don’t know? Well then, be sure to stay with us throughout the entire article to find out and to catch up with some interesting facts about these countries that don’t allow its citizens to drive around that cheap.
Why do gas prices vary that much from country to country? The important thing to notice here is that not only gas prices differentiate from country to country, but prices of everything. Maybe you are interested in checking out our article on most expensive countries to buy cigarettes in the world to see if there are any matches between these two lists. With so many countries in the world, there is an incredible economic diversity. Hence, prices of everything can differ in great amounts. Countries with the high standard of living are usually the ones with the highest prices of various things. We are sure that no one will be surprised to find out that countries like Norway and Netherlands have made it to this list. But there are probably a lot of people who will be confused not to see Switzerland here. Oh, well Switzerland almost made it; with the price of gas at $1.55 per liter it takes the 16th place among the most expensive countries to buy gas in the world. From this, it is obvious that prices of gas differ between countries at all levels of development. This happens because of various factors such as: taxes, whether or not a country has natural gas production and whether or not it offers subsidies for gasoline.

Before we start with this list, we want to give you some more insights about the gas prices, so you can have the entire picture ahead of you and notice the real difference in prices. If we only state the 15 most expensive countries to buy gas without offering you information from the other side of the spectrum, you wouldn’t be able to do the comparison, and therefore comprehend how expensive these prices really are. And, prices of gas between these 15 countries don’t vary that much, since the lowest one is $1.56 per liter and the highest is $1.87 per liter. Hence the biggest difference in price here is only $0.37. You maybe think that this is a big difference, but when we tell you that the lowest price of gas in the world is $0.02 per liter, you will probably question that thought. Thus, expensive or cheap – it all comes down to with what do you compare – how big is the picture you are looking at.
Therefore, we have decided not only to provide you with information about the prices of gas in these most expensive countries to buy gas in the world, but also to provide you with information about the average salary of their citizens. Why? Because, what is expensive for somebody doesn’t necessarily mean it is expensive for everybody. Of course, countries on our list are ranked by the highest prices of gas in 2015, but more information about the average salaries will help us understand how expensive those prices are for the people most influenced by it – the people living there. We’ve gathered information about the prices of gas from Global Petrol Prices, and they are brand new – few days old. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find information about the average salaries for all the countries, since we’ve used a survey done by International Labour Organisation (ILO) in 2009, that includes 72 countries. So, 3 countries on our list are not in ILO’s statistics, but still, we are sure that information about other 12 countries will be more than enough for you to get the bigger picture on the gas expenses. Prices of average salaries are in PPP dollars.
Let the countdown of most expensive countries to buy gas in the world begin!