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15 Most Consumed Vegetables in the US

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 15 most consumed vegetables in the U.S. To skip our detailed analysis, you can go directly to see the 5 most consumed vegetables in the U.S.

The fruit and vegetable industry in the U.S. is worth more than $96 billion, according to Grand View Research, even as the overall food industry exports goods worth over $200 billion annually, as can be seen in the biggest American food exports in recent years. Vegetables, including the most consumed vegetables in America, are extremely important to the American agriculture industry. While the U.S. is an industrialized nation and most of its GDP is derived from industrial and service sectors, agriculture still plays an incredibly important part in the country’s GDP and food sustainability.

Currently, the global agriculture industry has been hit with a lot of uncertainty after one of the largest agricultural producers in Ukraine was invaded by Russia, leading to significant uncertainty which is still ongoing, with Ukraine being a major contributor to some of the most consumed vegetables in the world. Before the invasion took place, Ukraine was the fourth biggest exporter in the world of corn and the fifth biggest exporter in the world for wheat, two staple products whose importance cannot be understated. The invasion impacted global supply of some of the top 10 most consumed vegetables in America. Currently the tomato is the most consumed vegetable in the world in 2023, while also being counted among the most consumed vegetables in the U.S.

Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

While the U.S. produce industry suffered somewhat in 2022, mainly due to weather delays and a drought in the West, 2023 has brought more optimism even though inflationary and economic pressure still remains. Because of higher costs, while fresh vegetables have only seen a modest price increase, frozen vegetables increased 18% year on year in July 2023, the highest increase of any grocery item in the country according to the consumer price index. The primary reason behind this significant increase is due to heavy rains in California which is the state which produces the most vegetables in the U.S. Many of the most consumed vegetables in the U.S. in 2023 including bell peppers, broccoli and tomatoes all see their highest production levels in California. Meanwhile, higher cold storage have also had a disproportional impact on food prices while the aforementioned war from Ukraine has additionally played its part. Further, lower level of immigrants moving from Mexico to the U.S. has seen higher labor costs being incurred and that has also had a corresponding impact on price.

For the U.S. to continue being a major agriculture player, it needs to continue driving innovation in the field, and considering that it is the most advanced country in the world, it should come as no surprise that it is doing exactly that. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, productivity has continued to increase as the U.S. adopts science and technology to reduce costs, as evidenced in real life example of genetically modified organisms. After all, the vast majority of soybean and corn crops are planted based on GM seeds, and the area of corn planted has increased by 10% since 1996, while in some areas yield has improved by nearly 40%. Many of the GM seeds planted are already resistant to various herbicides, making them more cost effective. in 1996, 3% of herbicide-tolerant varieties were planted, which in 2016, increased to 84%, signifying how quickly GM seeds have become the most effective method for farming.

Unfortunately, the U.S. fresh produce industry still has to fight harder to increase demand. Even though fruits and vegetables are incredible healthy, most people still prefer to eat foods which can cause a variety of diseases and avoid the healthier options. Despite the inherent deliciousness of the most popular fruits in the world such as bananas and applies, or the flavors offered by vegetables, according to the CDC, only 1 in 10 Americans get enough fruits or vegetables. Within the overall population, younger people, men and people with low income are more likely to have less intake of fruits and vegetables, including the most consumed vegetables in the U.S. This is an important challenge for some of the biggest food companies in the U.S. including Dole plc (NYSE:DOLE), one of the largest produce companies in the country.

Currently with a market cap just exceeding $1 billion, Dole plc (NYSE:DOLE) has seen its share price fall by over 3% YTD. While Dole plc (NYSE:DOLE) has one of the largest vegetable divisions in North America, it has been looking to sell it off, which it mentioned in its Q2 2023 earnings call, stating “While we continue to work through the regulatory process for the planned sale of the vegetables business, I’m also pleased to note that on an underlying basis, this division has continued to sustain the improved performance we saw in the first quarter despite a challenging operating environment.”

Another giant in the U.S. vegetable industry and an important contributor to the most consumed vegetables in U.S. is Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP), which has a market cap of $1.2 billion. While the pandemic has impacted its numbers, Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP) did return close to 2019 sales after recording $4.4 billion in revenue in 2022. In the current year, Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. (NYSE:FDP) has seen its share price slide by nearly 4% and had this to say about its vegetable business in its Q2 2023 earnings call “We believe there is a significant potential in partnering with a brand like Kraft Heinz. With more than 30 years in the market, Kraft Heinz is a leader in the kids meals combos category. On the consumer front, we see this as a great opportunity to change children’s perspective around fruits and vegetables, ideally helping to make fruit and vegetable consumption second nature to younger generations by showing up front and center in a product they already know and enjoy. This partnership aligns closely with our mission to inspire healthy lifestyle and provide wholesome and convenient products to everyone.” At the same time, the company also mentioned that its fresh vegetables volumes have declined partially offset by higher prices because of which growth has remained flat.


To determined the most consumed vegetables in the U.S., we headed over to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. While the department did not have direct statistics on exact consumption by vegetables, we instead focused on production and availability, as the more the demand and higher the consumption, the greater the production and availability. We have used the average of total availability for both 2021 and 2022. While some products such as tomatoes and squash are technically fruit, they’re often counted among vegetables and included as so by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and hence, have been included in our list.

15. Broccoli

Total availability (pounds per capita): 3.9

Considered to be among the most disliked vegetables out there, broccoli has started to see a major improvement in its reputation as more and more delicious recipes containing one of the most consumed vegetables in the U.S. are sprouting up (no pun intended) which in turn has seen demand increase.

14. Celery

Total availability (pounds per capita): 4.4

Celery is a difficult product to grow because even though it can be grown year round, it prefers cooler temperatures and requires a much longer growing season as compared to other vegetables, not to mention a lot of water.

13. Carrots

Total availability (pounds per capita): 5.2

While the belief that carrots improve eyesight is a myth perpetuated by the British during World War II, they are good for balancing blood sugar and are highly nutritious. California accounts for around 85% of all carrots grown in the U.S.

12. Squash

Total availability (pounds per capita): 5.5

The three main varieties of squash which makes it one of the most consumed vegetables in the U.S. are yellow, scallop and of course, zucchini.

11. Cucumbers

Total availability (pounds per capita): 5.6

Most cucumbers in the U.S. are produced in open fields, while a large percentage is also imported from Mexico.

10. Sweet potatoes

Total availability (pounds per capita): 6.0

While China is the largest producer of sweet potatoes, and the U.S. isn’t even in the top 5, sweet potatoes are still an important vegetable for the U.S. which also exports large quantities since many countries, especially in Europe, don’t have temperatures necessary to encourage sweet potatoes growth, though production is improving there as well.

9. Dry beans excluding chickpeas

Total availability (pounds per capita): 7.1

Dry beans may be among the favorite vegetables in the U.S., but they need specific weather to fulfil their potential and many areas in the U.S. have been either too wet or too dry for the best dry beans output. Tariffs imposed on dry beans in 2018 are still having an impact on growers even in 2023.

8. Sweet corn

Total availability (pounds per capita): 8.0

Sweet corn is one of the America’s top food exports, and is grown in all 50 states, though Florida, Washington and California are among the largest producers. In Florida alone, sweet corn is a $150 million industry.

7. Chile peppers

Total availability (pounds per capita): 8.6

The smell of chile peppers can be intoxicating to the hungry, which is why they are among the most consumed vegetables in the U.S. in 2022. However, poor weather in Colorado has negatively impacted the chile pepper crop. The biggest producer of chile peppers globally is China.

6. Lettuce, head/iceberg

Total availability (pounds per capita): 10.5

Of the many varieties of lettuce available, iceberg lettuce are certainly among the most popular, with its taste and crunchy texture making it a favorite in salads and in burgers. However, a shortage in December 2022 saw prices spike significantly with a California lettuce head going for up to $11.

Click to continue reading and see 5 Most Consumed Vegetables in the U.S.

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Disclosure: None. 15 most consumed vegetables in the U.S. is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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