12. Equatorial Guinea
The current president of Equatorial Guinea has ruled the country for the past 38 years. As the Reporters without Borders indicates, he has been controlling the media by exercising prior censorship. Self-censorship comes in place of reporting.

SlideshowList XFinancemedia censorship in Laosmedia censorship in Iranmedia censorship in Cubamedia censorship in Chinamedia censorship in Syriamedia censorship in Sudanmedia censorship in Yemenmedia censorship in Somaliainternet censorship in Laosinternet censorship in Iranmedia censorship in Vietnaminternet censorship in Cubamedia censorship in Eritreainternet censorship in Chinamost censored countries 2016most censored countries 2017media censorship in Djiboutiinternet censorship in Sudaninternet censorship in Syriainternet censorship in Yemencensorship in the world todayinternet censorship in Eritreainternet censorship in Somaliamedia censorship in Uzbekistaninternet censorship in Vietnammedia censorship in North Koreamost censored countries in 2016internet censorship in Djiboutimost censored countries in 2017media censorship in Turkmenistaninternet censorship in UzbekistanLaos media and internet censorshipIran media and internet censorshipCuba media and internet censorshipinternet censorship in North KoreaSudan media and internet censorshipSyria internet and media censorshipYemen media and internet censorshipChina media and internet censorshipinternet censorship in Turkmenistanwhy do countries censor the internetcountries with most internet freedommost censored countries in the worldmedia censorship in Equatorial Guinealeast censored countries in the worldEritrea media and internet censorshipcountries with state controlled mediaVietnam media and internet censorshipSomalia media and internet censorshipDjibouti media and internet censorship15 most censored countries in the worldinternet censorship in Equatorial GuineaUzbekistan media and internet censorshipNorth Korea media and internet censorshipTurkmenistan internet and media censorshipwhat countries have no internet censorship15 countries with the freest press in the worldEquatorial Guinea media and internet censorship11 Countries Without Freedom of Speech or Press15 most censored countries with the highest internet and media censorship in the worldShow more...Show less