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15 Least Urbanized Countries in Europe

In this article, we will look at the 15 least urbanized countries in Europe. We have also discussed the challenges of urban development in Europe. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Least Urbanized Countries in Europe.

Urbanization in Europe has been a defining trend of the past century as a significant portion of the population now resides in cities. According to recent studies, approximately 75% of Europeans now live in urban areas. This concentration of people in cities has led to various challenges in Europe, such as the development of coastal cities, which are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels and other climate-related risks. Research from Kiel University suggests that Europe’s coasts which are already densely populated are facing major threats from sea level rise. In response, coastal protection measures and spatial land use planning strategies, such as setback zones, are being implemented to safeguard coastal communities as studies indicate that implementing effective setback zones could reduce the vulnerability of new urban developments by at least 50% in most EU countries by the year 2100.

It is worth highlighting that Monaco is the most urbanized country in Europe with 100% of its population living in urban areas. To read more about urbanized countries, see the most urbanized countries in Asia.

Apart from coastal threats, urban development in Europe in general is facing a series of critical challenges and opportunities. With more than 80% of the population projected to live in urban areas by 2030, the focus on sustainable urban planning has never been more urgent. Inadequate housing conditions alone contribute to over 100,000 deaths annually in the WHO European Region. Moreover, transportation, industrial activities, and domestic heating continue to contribute to pollution in European cities. Approximately 2.8 million land sites across the European Union are affected by pollution and thus, demand an environmental action.

As enviormnetal concern has become a key concern for urban development. AECOM (NYSE:ACM) is playing an active role in advancing the NeuConnect interconnector project. Capitalizing on expertise across the UK, Netherlands, and Germany, AECOM (NYSE:ACM) facilitated the preparation of permits and environmental impact assessments for the project’s entirety. This involved managing various stakeholders and coordinating permit applications for approximately 720 kilometers of submarine cables, with an additional 12 kilometers onshore.

In the Netherlands, where nitrogen emissions are of critical concern, AECOM (NYSE:ACM) developed proactive strategies to mitigate environmental impact during construction. Furthermore, AECOM (NYSE:ACM) conducted thorough Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for all subsea cable work in Dutch waters to compliance with environmental regulations. As a result, permits were successfully granted in 2022 that enabled the project to move forward.

With construction underway, NeuConnect will have the capacity to carry 1.4 gigawatts of electricity which will benefit over 1.5 million homes and potentially reduce carbon emissions by over 13 megatons of CO2 over 25 years. By facilitating cross-border energy exchange between the UK and Germany, AECOM (NYSE:ACM) is driving the region towards a more resilient, secure, and sustainable energy supply.

On the other hand, Jacobs Solutions Inc (NYSE:J), in collaboration with PA Consulting, is set to impact urbanization in Europe through its involvement in enhancing the Copenhagen Metro. The Copenhagen Metro serves as a key component of urban infrastructure that caters to over 300,000 passengers on weekdays alone. The partnership between  Jacobs Solutions Inc (NYSE:J) and PA Consulting has been selected to provide comprehensive research and advice on the operation and maintenance of this critical transport system.

The Copenhagen Metro has already made several contributions to urbanization since its inception in 2002. With over one billion passengers having utilized its services, it is one of Europe’s most advanced public transit systems. Importantly, expansions such as the M3 Cityringen and M4 Nordhavn, with further extensions planned, demonstrate the metro’s commitment to accommodating the growing population and urban travel demands of Copenhagen.

Through their expertise in transportation infrastructure, Jacobs Solutions Inc (NYSE:J) and PA Consulting are poised to facilitate the evolution of the Copenhagen Metro into a more sustainable, efficient, and connected system. Their contribution will focus on strategic planning, technical insights, and innovative solutions to enhance the metro’s operations and maintenance.


Our Methodology

To list the least urbanized countries in Europe, we relied on urban population data (as a percentage of the total population) by country gathered by the World Bank for the year 2022. The idea is that a lower urban population percentage indicates a lower shift towards urban lifestyles and economic activities in a country.

The list is presented in descending order.

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15. Portugal

Urban Population (% of Population): 67%

Urbanization in Portugal has been less pronounced compared to other European countries primarily because rapid urbanization process in the country began around the 1960s and intensified after joining the European Economic Community in 1986. However, despite a major increase in the number of housing constructions, Portugal still lags behind in urbanization rates compared to its European counterparts. For instance, between 1981 and 2011, while almost all urban territories in Portugal registered positive population variations, there were still important areas with low population density, particularly in the interior regions.

14. Ireland

Urban Population (% of Population): 64%

Owing to the lack of urbanization and opportunities, rural communities in Ireland are struggling with a major exodus of young people, as revealed by recent statistics. 70% of Irish individuals aged 18-24 are considering emigration as nearly 20,000 youths aged 15-24 have already left by April 2023.

13. Albania

Urban Population (% of Population): 64%

Despite being a small Balkan country, Albania maintains a low level of urbanization. The rugged terrain of its mountainous landscape has historically posed challenges for extensive urban development. Moreover, decades of isolationism in the country under Enver Hoxha’s Stalinist regime, has left its mark on urban planning and infrastructure. As a result, Albania’s urban areas remain relatively sparse compared to other European countries, with much of the population residing in rural communities.

12. Georgia

Urban Population (% of Population): 60%

Georgia is one of the least urban countries in Europe. Despite Georgia’s economic transformation since gaining independence in 1991, the country struggles with low urbanization rates. With only 60% of the population residing in urban areas and the remainder in rural regions, the country ranks 12th on our list.

11. Poland

Urban Population (% of Population): 60%

Urbanization in Poland is relatively low compared to many other European countries as 60% of the population resides in urban areas or major cities and 40% in rural zones. In 2020, just over half of Poles lived in standalone homes, while around 44% resided in apartments. Poland was also one of the least urbanized countries in Europe in 2020.

10. Austria

Urban Population (% of Population): 59%

Despite having a lower urbanization, Austria is widely known for its high standard of living, an excellent GDP per capita of $52,084 as of 2022, and an active tourism destination. With 59% of its population living in urbanized areas, Austria was one of the least urbanized countries in Europe in 2022.

9. North Macedonia

Urban Population (% of Population): 59%

North Macedonia has been active in its urbanization efforts, particularly evident in its recent engagement in the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health. With a population of 2.1 million, the country is trying to focus on equitable access to water and sanitation while addressing disparities between rural and urban areas.

Speaking of population, Vatican City is the smallest country in Europe with the lowest population of 764 people.

8. Croatia

Urban Population (% of Population): 58%

Croatia struggles with a low urbanization rate of 58% and hence, is trying to engage with the World Bank to revitalize its rural areas. Through initiatives like the Strategic Transformation in Agriculture and Rural Space (STARS), Croatia aims to unlock its agricultural and aquaculture potential by promoting economic growth in rural communities. With 58% population living in urban areas, Croatia is one of the 10 least urbanized countries in Europe.

7. Serbia

Urban Population (% of Population): 57%

In 2022, the urban population share in Serbia remained relatively stable around 56.87% and showed no significant deviation from the preceding year, 2021. Serbia was also one of the least urbanized countries in Europe in 2021.

6. Slovenia

Urban Population (% of Population): 56%

Urbanization in Slovenia is rapidly evolving as over 90% of the workforce of Slovenia is concentrated in urban areas. From 2014–2020, Slovenia earmarked EUR 117 million ($126 million) to revitalize urban municipalities. With an urban population of 56%, Slovenia is one of the most rural countries in Europe. It is also one of the European countries with the lowest population.

Slovenia is known to be one of the Countries with Best Work-Life Balance in the World.

Click here to see the 5 Least Urbanized Countries in Europe.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Least Urbanized Countries in Europe is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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