Lists 15 Largest Steel Producing Countries in the World Published on September 14, 2020 at 3:16 pm by Ty Haqqi in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 16 of 16See All 1. ChinaProduction of steel in 2018 (in million metric tons): 928Production of steel in 2019 (in million metric tons): 1,000Pixabay/Public Domain Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 16 of 16See All SlideshowList XFinancesteel production in USbiggest steel companiessteel production in Iransteel production in Indiasteel production in Japansteel production in Italysteel production in Chinasteel production in Brazilsteel production in Mexicosteel production in Russiasteel production in Taiwansteel production in Turkeysteel production in Germanysteel production in Vietnamsteel production in Ukrainesteel production in South Koreawhich states produce the most steel15 Largest Steel Producing Countries in the world15 Largest Pig Iron Producing Countries in the worldShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey ArticlesTop 5 States For Human Trafficking In America10 Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies in the World in 202015 Countries with the Largest White Population outside of Europe15 Most Dangerous Countries For Gay Travelers10 Countries That Consume the Most Beer in 202015 Worst States For Human Trafficking In America