15 Largest Industrial Companies In The US

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9. Whirlpool (NYSE:WHR)

Total revenue of the company in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 20,419

Total profit of the company in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 1,184

Total assets of the company in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 18,881

Market value as of March 31, 2020 (in millions of dollars): 5,378

Total employees of the company in 2019: 77,000

Whirlpool, like most companies in this list of the biggest industrial companies in the US, was founded over a century ago, having been established in 1911. It is headquartered in Michigan and has at least 70 research and technology centers across the globe. It is truly a global company considering that just 10% of its employees are based in the US.

Whirlpool Corporation (NYSE:WHR)

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