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15 Hungriest States in the US

In this article, we list and discuss the 15 Hungriest States in the US. If you would like to skip our detailed discussion of the topic, you can go directly to the 5 Hungriest States in the US.

The World Health Organization reports that there were 735 million people who faced hunger in 2022, meaning that 122 million more people were experiencing hunger from 2019 to 2022. There are many different reasons behind these staggeringly high numbers, ranging from geopolitical tensions to economic deterioration to social disparities. Given the state of the world today, food insecurity and hunger are so widespread around the globe, that nearly 10% of the global population is going hungry on an almost daily basis. (See also: 30 Hungriest Countries in the World)

While food insecurity is prominent in low-income countries, the United States, despite being the third richest country in the world by per capita net worth, also struggles with the global hunger issue to a notable extent. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s most recent available data, 12.8% or 17 million households in the United States experienced food insecurity in 2022. Out of these, 6.8 million households had “very low food security,” meaning they were food insecure to the extent that their normal eating patterns were disrupted and their self-reported food intake was below adequate levels. 

While food insecurity is generally deeply linked with low wages and an increase in the price of goods, there’s more to that when it’s prevailing in an economy that is thriving and leading the world. Some other reasons that contribute to the growing food insecurity across the States include adverse social conditions, limited access to nutritious foods, housing segregation, and neighborhood disadvantages like high crime rates and poverty.

Today, in some parts of the country, poverty rates are alarmingly high — the US Census Bureau reports that there were 37.9 million Americans in poverty in 2022. Although food insecurity is majorly connected with unemployment, even people with a steady income can sometimes face a temporary setback, such as a medical emergency that dries up all their savings or losing a job with no backups like how it happened during the Covid-19, leading to food insecurity.  

Apart from temporary setbacks, some people also develop long-term chronic health conditions, which makes even the self-intake of food at adequate levels a struggle for them. As they are often medically challenged when they want to work more hours, they struggle to make enough money to afford the rent, food, and other utilities. On top of that, their chronic health condition comes with substantial medical bills, making their financial situation go from bad to worse.

In these challenging times, key players in the agriculture and food industry, such as Corteva Inc. (NYSE:CTVA), Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR), and Tyson Foods Inc. (NYSE:TSN), make efforts to help reduce food insecurity.

Corteva Inc. (NYSE:CTVA), one of the major American agricultural chemical and seed companies, is also known for its generous donations and giving back to community efforts. In 2021, Corteva Inc. (NYSE:CTVA) donated $125,000 to the Food Bank of Delaware Farm to help expand its food-growing capabilities in Newark city. The Food Bank Farm provides fresh vegetables and food to the local community through sales as well as donations as part of its hunger relief programs.

Likewise, Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR) also supports and funds initiatives focused on sustainable agriculture and increasing the availability of nutritional food for communities. In 2020, Nutrien Ltd. (NYSE:NTR) donated $10 million to Colorado State University to support and enable innovative research in sustainable agriculture and develop a diverse and highly skilled agricultural workforce.

On the other hand, Tyson Foods Inc. (NYSE:TSN), an American multinational corporation that operates in the food industry, has donated over 41 million pounds of protein valued at around $82 million to the Feeding America network since 2020. Last year, in 2023, Tyson Foods Inc. (NYSE:TSN) committed another $2.5 million of donations to Feeding America partner food banks to end hunger in the country.

Below, we list the hungriest states in the US

15 Hungriest States in the US

Our Methodology

For our list of the 15 Hungriest States in the US, we have consulted the food security data file by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Note that we used the latest data available in their dataset, which provided us with estimates of food insecurity prevalence by state as per their survey period of 2020 to 2022. After obtaining the data, we narrowed down our selection to rank the 15 states with the highest food insecurity rates, which are listed below in ascending order.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that uses a consensus approach to identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The website tracks the movement of corporate insiders and hedge funds. Our top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 stock index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). So, if you are looking for the best stock picks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

15 Hungriest States in the US

15. Ohio

Food insecurity prevalence: 11.5%

With a population of over 11.8 million people, Ohio is the 35th largest state by area in the US. It is also one of the hungriest states in the United States, with the median household income being only $65,720. According to Feeding America’s analysis, 1 in 7 children in Ohio struggle with food insecurity. Overall, the state faces an alarmingly high food insecurity rate, an unemployment rate of 39.4%, and a poverty rate of 13.4%.  

14. Tennessee 

Food insecurity prevalence: 11.5%

Tennessee is well-known for its diverse culture and beautiful scenery. However, it is also one of the top 15 US states with the highest poverty rates. With a population of nearly 7 million people and a poverty rate of 13.3%, Tennessee has the fourteenth highest hunger rate in all of America. The average household income is about $65,254 per annum, and around 59.9% of the population is employed. However, many still struggle to afford enough food to fulfill their nutritional needs, and it’s mainly due to the high inflation rates in the state. 

13. Nevada

Food insecurity prevalence: 11.7%

Nevada, famous for its lively cities and extensive deserts, is also one of the hungriest states in America, with 11.7% of its population facing food insecurity. Despite a median household income of around $72,000 annually and many residents holding well-paying jobs, the state still contends with a relatively high poverty rate due to limited employment opportunities and stagnant unemployment rates.

12. Michigan

Food insecurity prevalence: 11.9%

Michigan, known for its vast lakes and bustling cities, is a state where approximately 1.2 million people, or 1 in 9 people, face food insecurity. In Michigan, 4.5% of the total population lives without healthcare coverage, and only about 32.1% of the population has attained a Bachelor’s degree or further higher education. The median household income in the state is $66,986, according to the Census Bureau, but at the same time, 13.4% of the population lives in poverty and 41.3% of the population is unemployed. For reference, according to the Census data, Michigan’s population is a little over 10 million. 

11. Nebraska

Food insecurity prevalence: 12.1%

Eleventh on the list, Nebraska is also one of the hungriest states in America, with about 237,342 of its residents facing food insecurity. With a little over 1.9 million people living here, the typical household earns around $70,000. The state’s unemployment rate of 33.8%, the poverty rate of 11.2%, and educational attainment of only 34.7% contribute towards its alarmingly high hunger rates. 

10. Missouri

Food insecurity prevalence: 12.2%

Entering the top 10 hungriest states in the US, the tenth state we have is Missouri, where about 750,900 people are dealing with nutrition deficiency via food insecurity. The state hosts over 6 million residents, and the typical household in Missouri earns about $56,000 a year, but many people still struggle to eat proper meals on a daily basis. Missouri has an unemployment rate of 39.9%, and only about 32.2% of the population has attained a Bachelor’s degree or further higher education.

9. Alabama

Food insecurity prevalence: 12.4%

Alabama, the 28th largest state by Area in the United States, is home to over 5 million people. Out of these, around 623,011 are food insecure. With an unemployment rate of 44.3% and a poverty rate of 16.2%, Alabama is also among the top 10 states with the highest poverty rates. struggling with a nutrition deficiency rate of 12.4%. Overall, despite a significant portion of the population contributing to the service sector, Alabama falls behind in national nutrition statistics, highlighting the economic challenges faced by many families.  

8. Kentucky

Food insecurity prevalence: 13.1%

Ranked 8th, Kentucky has a population of over 4.5 million, and a food insecurity prevalence rate of 13.1%, which means that around 590,265 people residing in Kentucky are currently food insecure. Despite its scenic beauty, welcoming people, and median household income of about $59,341 per year, the state is struggling with an unemployment rate of 43.2% and a poverty rate of 16.5%.

7. West Virginia

Food insecurity prevalence: 14.2%

West Virginia, with a population of around 1.8 million, is an eastern U.S. state in the tree-covered Appalachian Mountains. The state has an unemployment rate of 49.8% and a poverty rate of 17.9%. Compared to the overall poverty rate in the US, this is a huge difference of 5.3%. Despite its stunning mountains and close communities, around 254,708 people in the state still struggle to make ends meet. Moreover, about 5.9% of the state’s population lives without healthcare coverage, and only about 24.8% of its population has attained a Bachelor’s degree or other further education. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, inflation is also an issue in West Virginia.

6. Oklahoma

Food insecurity prevalence: 14.3%

Oklahoma, the fifth poorest state in the US and the 10th unhappiest one, also ranks high among the hungriest states in America. Compared to the US average food insecurity prevalence rate, Oklahoma has a 3.1% higher food insecurity. According to the most recent Census data, Oklahoma has an unemployment rate of 42.2% and a poverty rate of 15.7%. Out of its population of nearly 4 million people, only 28.5% have attained higher education. 

Click to continue reading and see the top 5 Hungriest States in the US

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Disclosure: None. 15 Hungriest States in the US is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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