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15 Highest Quality Multivitamin Brands of 2024

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 15 highest quality multivitamin brands of 2024. If you are not interested in reading about the innovative multivitamin solutions and personalization in the US supplement market, head straight to the 5 Highest Quality Multivitamin Brands of 2024.

In 2024, the pursuit of optimal health and wellness remains a paramount focus for many individuals, and selecting the right multivitamin plays a crucial role in achieving this goal. As the market continues to evolve, the demand for the highest-quality multivitamins like rituals and garden of life, among others has intensified. People seek comprehensive nutritional supplements that address their specific health needs and adhere to stringent quality standards.

Introduction to Multivitamins and Research Findings 

Multivitamins are a widely used dietary supplement, but their importance is debated. While they are designed to fill nutritional dietary gaps, several studies have questioned their overall benefits. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, research has shown that multivitamins do not reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, or early death. Similarly, Harvard Health states that most studies find no apparent benefit from multivitamins in protecting the brain or heart. 

However, multivitamins can benefit individuals with nutrient deficiencies or who may not get enough nutrients from food alone, such as older adults, vegetarians, and vegans. Additionally, WebMD highlights that multivitamins can help individuals maintain organ and vision health and support a baby’s healthy development during pregnancy. 

It’s important to note that while multivitamins can be helpful for specific populations, they are not a substitute for a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Ultimately, taking a multivitamin should be based on individual nutritional needs and in consultation with a healthcare professional. 

Resilience and Personalization in the US Supplement Market: Insights from the CRN Survey 

The CRN survey on the US supplement market highlights resilience and personalization. Despite the post-pandemic stabilization, 75% of Americans stay loyal to supplements, with 49% adjusting routines for individual health goals. Specialty supplements, embraced by 52%, include omega-3s, probiotics, melatonin, and fiber. Multivitamins remain popular, chosen by 70% of users, while sports nutrition sees a 5% increase to 39%, emphasizing a focus on athletic performance.

Notably, 77% trust the industry, which catalyzes growth and innovation in the dynamic US supplement market. Simultaneously, the multivitamin and supplements market is experiencing remarkable growth, driven by cutting-edge formulations and advancements in multivitamin science.

The US Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements Market Report 2022 highlights substantial growth, with the gummy vitamins segment alone projected to reach $10.6 billion by 2025. The industry has maintained consistent annual growth of 1.6 percent since 2017, earning a global market size of $152 billion in 2021.  

Innovative Multivitamin Solutions: Leaders in Tailored Nutrition and Scientific Advancements 

Several studies highlight the importance of multivitamins in addressing vitamin and mineral deficiencies and promoting health and wellness. The rational use of these supplements, in combination with a healthy diet, is emphasized as contributing to health promotion and disease prevention. Top players such as Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) and Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM) offer some of the most prominent high-quality multivitamins.  

These multivitamins are favored for their convenient packaging, affordability, and defined dosage. Innovative companies like Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE:NGVC), Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM), Sun Genomics, and NeoVitin are leading this growth, each contributing to the evolution of multivitamin products.

Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE:ADM)’s notable contributions to the vitamins and supplements market include a July 2023 investment in a sustainable algae-based omega-3 startup, demonstrating a commitment to eco-friendly nutrition, while Sun Genomics offers the world’s first fully customizable multivitamin, Floré Multi-V, personalized through their clinical program, Floré Clinical.

Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NGVC) has made significant contributions to the multivitamin market with a wide selection of high-quality supplements, emphasizing non-GMO, organic, local, and sustainably produced options. The Nutrition Education team, collaborating with purchasing and analytics, identified 2024 trends, including B vitamins, biotin, MSM, and multivitamins. In recent news, a partnership with Solaray for a June 2022 sweepstakes reflects Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE:NGVC)’s dedication to providing high-quality supplements, offering customers a chance to win a custom Bean Trailer valued at $22,300.

A shopper selecting specialty supplements in a omnichannel specialty retailer.

Our methodology 

Our methodology for identifying the highest quality multivitamin brands of 2024 involved conducting thorough research using sources like HealthlineCnet, Breaking Muscle, Very Well Fit, and the New York Times. We selected the top-quality multivitamin brands of 2024 on a structured scoring system. Each multivitamin brand received points based on the number of times it appeared in the research sources. By employing this approach, we created a definitive compilation of the highest-quality multivitamin brands of 2024 and ranked them in ascending order of high scores.    

Here is our list of the 15 highest quality multivitamin brands of 2024.

15. HUM Nutrition  

Insider Monkey Score: 1 

HUM Nutrition, established in 2012, is a reputable high-quality multivitamins brand supported by science and third-party testing. They offer personalized supplement routines, focusing on individual needs and health goals. While priced higher than average, the products reflect quality without being excessively expensive. HUM’s supplements target specific concerns, including hair, skin, mood, digestion, and immune function. The products undergo triple testing for purity and are non-GMO, gluten-free, and free of artificial colors or sweeteners. Notably, their Fan Club supplement is recognized for menopause. 

14. NOW 

Insider Monkey Score: 1 

NOW Foods, founded in 1968, is a reputable family-owned company offering high-quality supplements, including multivitamins. Known for strict standards and rigorous testing in US and Canadian facilities, NOW is an industry leader committed to quality, sustainability, and transparency. Famous multivitamins like NOW ADAM and NOW Eve cater to men’s and women’s health. NOW Daily Vits is a comprehensive multivitamin. NOW products are UL Solutions-certified and Non-GMO Project Verified, with some being organic, gluten-free, or Informed-Sport certified. The diverse product range includes multivitamins, minerals, herbs, probiotics, omega-3s, prenatal vitamins, and more. 

13. Pure Encapsulations 

Insider Monkey Score: 1 

Pure Encapsulation is one of the highest quality multivitamin brands of 2024. It is widely known for its third-party-tested products with over 400 formulations. The O.N.E.™ Multivitamin is a standout product, praised for its bioavailable essential nutrients. They offer a wide selection of allergen-free supplements and adhere to strict safety procedures. Products address various health needs, including digestive health, immune support, and brain function. Formulations aim for optimal absorption and effectiveness, with targeted solutions like the Men’s Nutrients multivitamin addressing specific concerns like prostate function, macular integrity, endurance, and heart health for men over 40. 

12. Nordic Naturals  

Insider Monkey Score: 1 

Nordic Naturals is one of the best brands of multivitamins which also provides high-quality supplements. Notable products include Women’s Multivitamin One Daily, Nordic Berries multivitamin gummies, and Men’s Multivitamin Gummies. The brand covers various health needs, including hair, skin, joint health, and overall well-being. The company offers products tailored for children, infants, athletes, and pregnant individuals. Nordic Naturals is known for its dedication to quality and transparency, with all products tested by an independent lab and accompanied by a certificate of analysis (COA). Their fish oil supplements are available in triglyceride form for effective absorption. 

11. Care/of 

Insider Monkey Score: 2 

Care/of is a well-known high quality multivitamin brand offering personalized daily vitamin packs tailored through an online assessment. Care/of supports various aspects of health, including immune function and energy levels. The multivitamins fill nutritional gaps, providing essential vitamins and minerals, particularly beneficial for those with dietary restrictions or seeking to support their wellness routines. Notable multivitamins include a comprehensive blend for overall health, Vitamin C for immune boosting, and Vitamin D for bone health. Care/of provides detailed information about nutrient forms, such as using folate to absorb B complex daily vitamin packs effectively. 

10. Fullwell 

Insider Monkey Score: 2 

FullWell is a reputable brand specializing in high-quality multivitamins focusing on prenatal and fertility support. Formulated by a registered dietitian, their products use bioavailable nutrient forms for optimal absorption. Their Women’s Prenatal Multivitamin is praised for comprehensive support during pregnancy, including chelated magnesium and calcium for increased absorption. While not including omega-3 fatty acids, FullWell offers a separate fish oil supplement. The company’s iron and fertility supplements complement its product range. FullWell products are manufactured in a UL Solutions-certified facility, ensuring purity and potency, with a certificate of analysis available upon request.  

9. Klean Athlete 

Insider Monkey Score: 2 

Klean Athlete specializes in high-quality multivitamins formulated for athletes, such as the renowned “Klean Multivitamin,” praised for supporting endurance training and overall health. The brand, launched in 2012 by Douglas Laboratories, prioritizes third-party testing and NSF certification, ensuring product quality. While priced at $44.00 for a 60-tablet bottle, Klean Athlete’s relatively expensive products are recognized for their effectiveness. The brand focuses on highly absorbable ingredients, such as creatine monohydrate in Klean Creatine and whey protein in Klean Isolate, known for better absorption than plant-based protein sources. 

8. Vital Proteins 

Insider Monkey Score: 2 

Vital Protein is a well-known high-quality multivitamin brand of 2024 which also also provides Women’s Multi Gummies. Designed for energy, metabolism, and immune support, these gummies contain a unique blend of B vitamins, antioxidant vitamins, and essential minerals like zinc and selenium. Vital Proteins operates in an NSF-certified facility, with third-party products tested for heavy metals and microbiological components. Beyond multivitamins, Vital Proteins excels in collagen supplements, chosen as the best collagen supplement brand for its high-quality and diverse products, including Beauty Collagen powder with collagen, probiotics, and hyaluronic acid. The brand’s collagen supplements are hydrolyzed for better absorption and are available in various forms, such as capsules and gummies. 

7. Llama Naturals 

Insider Monkey Score: 2 

Llama Naturals stands among the best high-quality multivitamins brands made from organic fruit with no added sugar. Their multivitamins, including Adults and Kids Multivitamins in strawberry flavor, provide essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, E, B-complex, zinc, and folic acid. Llama Naturals offers a money-back guarantee and free shipping for orders over $40 and has received recognition as the Best Kids Vitamin Brand. The Plant-Based Multivitamin gummies, for instance, contain a blend of 13 vitamins and phytonutrients, all made with fruit. 

6. Onnit  

Insider Monkey Score: 2 

Onnit’s Total Human is a comprehensive multivitamin product providing daytime and nighttime supplement packs for various nutritional needs. It includes ten of Onnit’s best-selling supplements, separated into two daily packs. The daytime pack focuses on energy, focus, and nutrition, while the nighttime pack addresses stress relief, recovery, and improved sleep. Famous multivitamins by Onnit in Total Human include Alpha BRAIN, Shroom Tech SPORT, Stron BONE, Total Human B Complex, New MOOD, and VIRUTech. Onnit offers a 30-day supply of Total Human, with a 90-day supply subscription saving customers approximately $65.00. 

Click to see and continue reading the 5 Highest Quality Multivitamin Brands of 2024.

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Disclosure. None: The 15 Highest Quality Multivitamin Brands of 2024 is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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Artificial intelligence is the greatest investment opportunity of our lifetime. The time to invest in groundbreaking AI is now, and this stock is a steal!

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