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15 Highest Paying Countries for Photographers

In this article, we will look at the 15 highest paying countries for photographers. We have also discussed the challenges and growth of photography as a profession. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Highest Paying Countries for Photographers

The global Photography Services market is experiencing a huge growth, with projections indicating a rise to $68,890 million by 2028 which is a significant increase from $50,760 million in 2021, at a CAGR of 4.4% during 2022-2028. This growth is attributed to several factors like the increasing adoption of advanced photography equipment such as DSLR cameras, drone cameras, and specialized lenses. These technological developments continue to empower photographers to overcome challenges related to weather and lighting while enhancing the quality of their services. 

One of the examples that confirms the growth of photography services is that while China is facing rising youth unemployment, there has been an increase in summer tourism that has birthed novel job opportunities. Popular roles such as personal photographer-companions and travel photo quality assessors are being advertised extensively on platforms like Douyin. University and secondary school students dominate the workforce, charging hourly rates ranging from 1 yuan (14 US cents) to 100 yuan. Additional services like makeup and photo editing incur extra fees.

However, unfortunately, photographers around the globe often find themselves undervalued and underpaid for their work, and it’s a multifaceted issue. One major reason is the oversaturation of the market, with more individuals entering the field than ever before. This abundance of photographers leads to increased competition, driving prices down as clients have more options to choose from. Additionally, many people view photography as a simple service rather than a specialized skill, further diminishing its perceived value. The rise of digital technology exacerbates this problem, making it easier for amateurs to produce acceptable results at a fraction of the cost. Furthermore, some clients prioritize budget-friendly options over quality, contributing to the downward pressure on prices. These factors also explain why photography was named as one of the worst jobs in the US for job security and salaries in 2018.

Despite the factors, the demand for photography and videography jobs increased in 2023, with major growth in different related skills. According to, videography saw a remarkable increase of 53.7%, while photography jobs grew by 44.8%. Adobe Inc (NYSE:ADBE) Lightroom projects alone experienced 68.9% growth. Freelancers in the United States are capitalizing on this trend, charging up to $300/hour for photography, $200/hour for videography and video editing, and $160/hour for TikTok content creation. With brands increasingly incorporating video into their marketing strategies, the trend is expected to continue, reflecting a shift towards visually engaging content in the digital landscape. Freelance photography is the highest paying kind of photography

Getty Images Holdings Inc (NYSE:GETY), a global visual content creator, recently garnered immense recognition at the 2024 White House News Photographers Association Still Photography Awards. Chief News Photographer Win McNamee led the charge with 12 awards, clinching the top spot in the Political Photo of the Year category for his coverage of Capitol Hill’s new Speaker election. McNamee’s accolades included first place in Political Portfolio, third place in Picture Story/Politics, and an Award of Excellence in the Presidential category.

Moreover, Getty Images Holdings Inc (NYSE:GETY) Staff Photographers excelled across different categories. Patrick Smith secured first place in Sports Feature/Reaction and second place in Picture Story/Sports, among others. Chip Somodevilla’s achievements included second place in Picture Story/Politics and third place in Domestic News. Ken Mainardis, Getty Images Holdings Inc (NYSE:GETY) Global Head of Editorial, expressed immense pride in the team’s accomplishments, emphasizing their dedication and creative prowess, which reaffirms Getty Images Holdings Inc (NYSE:GETY)’s 30-year legacy of photographic excellence. The average Photographer base salary at Getty Images Holdings Inc (NYSE:GETY) is $63,000 per year.

On the other hand, Shutterstock Inc (NYSE:SSTK)’s latest update has introduced AI-powered tools like Magic Brush that will enable users or photography professionals to edit images by simply describing desired changes. The beta AI image editor also offers features like generating alternate versions of stock images and automatically resizing images to fit required dimensions. However, AI-generated or edited content will not be eligible for licensing to protect contributor IP. 

Shutterstock Inc (NYSE:SSTK)’s partnership with OpenAI has advanced further with an update to its AI image generator, integrating OpenAI’s DALL-E text-to-image generator. This expansion builds on Shutterstock Inc (NYSE:SSTK)’s commitment to compensating artists, with a contributor’s fund established last year. Competitors like Adobe Inc (NYSE:ADBE) and Canva are also exploring AI-powered image editing, indicating a broader trend towards capitalizing on AI for creative endeavors. Stock photography on Shutterstock Inc (NYSE:SSTK) is one of side hustles that can help you earn extra $500 a week.

A film director, clapperboard in hand, behind camera filming a movie set.

Our Methodology

To list the highest paying countries for photographers, we identified the countries with the highest demand for photographers and then made a list for 25 countries with the average salaries for photographers. Of those 25, the 15 with the highest average salaries were selected and have been ranked. We acquired the data for average salaries of photographers for each country from ERI Economic Research Institute. The list is presented in ascending order.

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Here is a list of the highest paying countries for photographers:

15. France

Average Salary: $50,156

France is renowned for its exclusive arts and culture, making it a high paying market for photographers. The country’s rich history, picturesque landscapes, and fashion industry create abundant opportunities for photographers to showcase their talents. Additionally, high demand for professional photography services, coupled with a strong economy, contributes to competitive pay rates, attracting photographers from around the world.

Paris is one of the 15 Best Cities for Modeling in the World.

14. New Zealand

Average Salary: $50,519

New Zealand’s stunning natural landscapes, diverse environments, and unique cultural heritage make it a hotspot for photography jobs. The country offers opportunities for capturing breathtaking scenery, wildlife, and adventure sports. Additionally, its thriving tourism industry drives demand for professional photographers to showcase the country’s beauty. It is one of the best countries for photographers

13. Norway

Average Salary: $54,879

Norway offers stunning natural landscapes including fjords, mountains, and the Northern Lights, providing abundant opportunities for captivating photography. Its unique light conditions, changing seasons, and unspoiled wilderness inspire creativity. Norway is also one of the highest paying countries for graphic designers

12. Canada

Average Salary: $55,813

In Canada, the demand for photographers varies across provinces and territories. Projections indicate a very good outlook in Quebec, with moderate opportunities in New Brunswick and Ontario. Manitoba sees good prospects, while Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan have limited demand. The situation is undetermined in Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. Over the next decade, approximately 6,800 new job openings are expected, with 5,700 new job seekers available to fill them. 

It is one of the countries where photographers make the most money.

11. Ireland

Average Salary: $56,263

Apart from being a high-paying career in the country, photography has played a pertinent role in revealing Ireland’s 1898 food shortage, bridging the gap between the well-fed and the hungry. As famine loomed, newspapers like the Manchester Guardian and nationalist outlets documented the crisis, while the Irish Field contributed impactful images. Photographs depicted dire living conditions, reliance on maize, and families surviving on minimal sustenance. Charitable efforts in Dublin and Manchester, aided by powerful lantern slide projections, raised awareness and funds. Through emotive imagery, photography transformed a regional concern into a national imperative.

10. Finland

Average Salary: $56,531

Finland has a stable economy and strong support for arts that create a conducive environment for professional photographers. With a culture that values design and innovation, there’s a growing demand for photography in different industries, from tourism to advertising, making it an attractive place to pursue photography as a profession. It is one of the highest paying countries for photographers in Europe.

9. Iceland

Average Salary: $57,930

High demand for photographers in Iceland stems from its breathtaking landscapes, including glaciers, waterfalls, and the Northern Lights, attracting tourists and couples for weddings or engagements. Additionally, influencers and brands seek unique backdrops for content creation.

8. Netherlands

Average Salary: $57,938

The Netherlands has a vibrant cultural scene and picturesque landscapes, making it a high-paying market for photographers. With its bustling cities, historic architecture, and scenic countryside, there’s a constant demand for photography services ranging from weddings and events to commercial projects and tourism promotion, offering ample opportunities to make money. It is one of the countries that pay the highest salary for photography jobs. 

7. Australia

Average Salary: $58,251

Australia’s strong economy and thriving creative industry contribute to high-paying opportunities for photographers. Companies like Getty Images Holdings Inc (NYSE:GETY), News Corp Australia, and Fairfax Media offer competitive salaries for skilled professionals. Targeting industries such as advertising, fashion, tourism, and e-commerce can further lead to lucrative prospects, as demand for high-quality visual content remains consistently high. Additionally, sectors like real estate, events, and corporate photography also present high earning potential due to ongoing demand for visual storytelling and marketing materials. It is also one of the countries that produce the best fashion designers

6. Austria

Average Salary: $60,974

Austria offers a rich tapestry of landscapes, from the Alps to charming cities like Vienna and Salzburg, providing diverse backdrops for photography. Its cultural heritage, architectural wonders, and vibrant arts scene offer endless inspiration. Moreover, with a high work-life balance, it is one of the best countries for photographers to work in

Click here to see the 5 Highest Paying Countries for Photographers.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Highest Paying Countries for Photographers is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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