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15 Highest Paying Countries for English Teachers

In this article, we will look at the 15 highest paying countries for English teachers. We have also discussed the global importance of the English language. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Highest Paying Countries for English Teachers.

English, as the global lingua franca, is the foremost communication tool worldwide, holding its ground against many other languages. Recent research by the British Council indicates that English is projected to maintain its dominance for the foreseeable future. The language’s ubiquity extends beyond mere communication; it serves as a gateway to educational, professional, and social opportunities on a global scale.

Despite advancements in technology and the rise of automation, the role of English teachers remains pivotal in facilitating language learning. Moreover, statistics from Pearson’s English Skills Report indicate a direct correlation between English proficiency and earning potential, with 93% of respondents acknowledging its impact on salaries. Those with advanced English skills earn substantially higher salaries than their less proficient counterparts. All of these factors combined solidify the importance and demand of learning English. The demand has become so high that one can even teach the language without necessarily having a degree. To read more about that, see the Best Countries to Teach English Without a Degree.

In addition, beyond English speaking countries, English proficiency has aso become of key importance in countries like Saudi Arabia particularly as the country strives to achieve its Vision 2030 objectives. With a major portion of the workforce operating in English-speaking environments, the language has become indispensable for job opportunities and career advancement. However, Saudi Arabia currently ranks low on the EF Proficiency Index which indicates an urgent need for improvement in English language education. Despite widespread recognition of the importance of English, many employees feel inadequately prepared for the workplace due to limited language skills acquired during formal education. Moreover, there is a huge gap between the demand for language training and its availability in the corporate sector, with only 44% of companies offering such programs. To read more countries where English language teaching has been highly demanded, see countries with high demand for English teachers.

The importance of the English language has been realized globally and therefore, its demand continues to grow, translating into different initiatives and projects. For example, to promote English language proficiency in Mongolia, the UK has pledged significant support. With a £10 million ($12.51 million) allocation over three years, the UK aims to enhance the implementation of English language programs across Mongolian schools. This initiative goes hand in hand with the establishment of English as the primary foreign language in secondary schools under the Education Law of 2023.

Moreover, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is making consistent efforts towards English language learning through its innovative features, particularly the introduction of an AI-powered tool called “speaking practice” on its Search platform. This tool is currently in the testing phase but it aims to enhance users’ English speaking skills by providing interactive experiences focused on everyday scenarios. This initiative targets users in several countries such as India, as part of Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s Search Labs program, demonstrating its global outreach and impact.

Accessible through Google Search Labs, the “speaking practice” feature enables users to engage in simulated conversations and thus, helps them practice using new words in context and improve their conversational English. While not a comprehensive language learning course, this tool promotes a dynamic learning experience, akin to real-life interactions. By listening to users’ speech, understanding their intent, and generating natural-sounding responses, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s AI is facilitating effective language practice.

It is also true that Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s commitment to language learning is not new, with previous launches such as the pronunciation tool introduced in 2019. By offering engaging language learning tools, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) aims to compete with established language learning platforms while providing accessible and effective resources for English learners worldwide.

On the other hand, Rosetta Stone Inc (NYSE:RST) has an unparalleled contribution to English learning, particularly for English language learners (ELLs), through its comprehensive curriculum and immersive activities. Lynn Public Schools, recognizing the importance of language skills for its diverse student body, has recently partnered with Rosetta Stone Inc (NYSE:RST) to enhance language proficiency and bridge equity gaps.

One key contribution of Rosetta Stone Inc (NYSE:RST) is its ability to break down language barriers effectively. With scaffolded lessons and interactive activities, ELLs can overcome obstacles in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The platform’s structured immersion method mirrors natural language acquisition and hence, promotes intuitive learning through real-world contexts.

Moreover, Rosetta Stone Inc (NYSE:RST) offers options catering to diverse learning needs and preferences. With access to 25 languages, learners can personalize their language learning journey. Additionally, the platform prioritizes the development of strong verbal skills which empowers students to communicate fluently through targeted speaking practice and immediate feedback.

Eiko Tsuchiya/

Our Methodology

To list the highest paying countries for English teachers, we identified the countries with the highest demand for English teachers and then made a list for 25 countries with the average salaries for English teachers. Of those 25, the 15 with the highest average salaries were selected and have been ranked. We acquired the data for average salaries of English teachers for each country from ERI Economic Research Institute. The list is presented in ascending order.

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15. Sweden

Average Salary: $43,782

Sweden is among Scandinavian countries known for its strong English proficiency. With 89% of its population, roughly 9,236,000 people, fluent in English as a second language, Sweden ranks seventh in the EU and twenty-seventh globally for non-native English speakers. Given the importance Swedes associate with the language, it is one of the highest paying countries for English teachers in Europe.

14. Qatar

Average Salary: $43,806

Qatar is one of the countries with high demand for English teachers. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) in Qatar, in collaboration with the US Embassy in Doha, recently concluded the “Comprehensive Education Strategies for English Language Teaching” training program, aimed at enhancing English language skills for teachers and supervisors in schools catering to deaf and hard-of-hearing students across all academic levels.

13. Finland

Average Salary: $49,264

Teaching English in Finland typically requires a Bachelor’s degree alongside a TEFL certificate, though advanced qualifications are valued. Finland prizes its teachers, prioritizing those with specialized and higher degrees. With an average salary of $49,265, Finland is the 13th highest paying country for English teachers in the world.

12. Australia

Average Salary: $49,539

The demand for English teachers in the country is high as Australia’s multicultural society hosts a large number of immigrants and international students that are looking to improve their English proficiency for better integration and academic success.

With high salaries, excellent living standards and work-life balance, Australia is one of the best countries for teachers’ salary.

11. Luxembourg

Average Salary: $50,353

To teach English in Luxembourg, a recognized teaching qualification like TEFL or CELTA is required. Due to its exceptionally high salaries, Luxembourg is a country home to some of the highest paid teachers in the world.

10. Norway

Average Salary: $51,146

With positions available in international schools and language institutions across vibrant cities like Oslo and Bergen, teachers can immerse themselves in a rich cultural experience by teaching English in Norway. Competitive salaries, coupled with benefits like relocation allowances and generous vacation time, sweeten the deal. While requiring a Bachelor’s degree and a recognized TEFL certification, Norway welcomes skilled teachers from around the globe.

9. Netherlands

Average Salary: $54,024

To teach English in the Netherlands, you’ll need a Bachelor’s degree, a TEFL certification of at least 120 hours, and relevant teaching experience. EU citizenship or a work visa is ideally required, with easier job placement for EU citizens due to less stringent visa procedures. Netherlands is also one of the 18 Highest Paying Countries for ESL Teachers.

8. New Zealand

Average Salary: $54,635

New Zealand holds tremendous potential for English teaching, particularly to speakers of other languages (ESOL). With its multicultural society and diverse immigrant population, there’s a constant demand for proficient English language education.

With an average salary of $54,635, New Zealand is one of the top 10 highest paying countries for English teachers.

7. Denmark

Average Salary: $60,102

Teaching English in Denmark comes with its fair share of challenges due to high competition and language requirements. Fluency in Danish is mandatory, and TEFL certification is standard. Opportunities do exist in language schools and international institutions, mainly in larger cities like Copenhagen but private tutoring can also be another avenue that can cater to English improvers.

Nonetheless, with an average salary of $60,102, Denmark is  one of the countries that pay teachers the highest salaries.

6. United Arab Emirates

Average Salary: $60,304

The UAE is one of the highest paying countries for English teachers in Asia as the demand for English teachers in the UAE remains consistently high, driven by the country’s emphasis on English language proficiency as a crucial skill for global communication and economic growth. With a booming expatriate population and a growing number of international schools and language institutes, there’s a continuous need for qualified teachers who can teach English effectively.

Click here to see the 5 Highest Paying Countries for English Teachers.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Highest Paying Countries for English Teachers is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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