15 Highest Paid Comedians in the World

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9. Jim Gaffigan – $12.5 million

Oh! It’s that guy!

I’d seen Jim a thousand times on screen, but I had no idea he was such an awesome stand-up comedian. I knew he was funny though.

Slow but steady, his career grew larger (as did he), and he was eventually propelled into fame when he appeared on Broadway in 2011. Ever since his stand-ups have become a huge success. His humor relies in being “admittedly average,” misanthropy, self-hatred, and the factor that englobes all of these – food.

Seriously, the way he talks about food, he’s probably what Louis CK would look and sound like if you soaked him in bleach and starved hi for 40 days. In any case, this 9 minute rant on McDonalds is absolutely worth it.

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