15 Highest Paid Comedians in the World

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2. Jerry Seinfeld – $69 million

There are very few people in world who have never heard of Jerry Seinfeld, the next comedian on our list of highest paid comedians in the world. For one, he’s been on TV longer than I’ve been alive. In case you’re wondering how long that is, his first national exposure was in The Tonight Show, in 1981.

Seinfeld’s specialty relies in his ingenious, cynical remarks on the mundanities of everyday life. As he accurately describes in a brief –and seriously bizarre- interlude during the 1987 stand-up you will find here: “the fact is, almost everything is funny, you just have to have a way of looking at it.”

He’s also (and mostly) renowned for his eponymous sitcom “Seinfeld”, which began in 1989, and lasted nine years. Like I said before, comedian’s TV shows are usually annoying, and this was no different, but it had a confusingly loveable quality about it that people just couldn’t shake.

Even though last year he was second on Forbes list for the first time in ages, he’s bounced back to n°1. But this isn’t Forbes’ list, this is MY list, and I’m not that forgiving. I will add, however, I hold Jerry, one of the highest paid comedians in the world, dear in my heart and will always prefer him over the next clown. Also, he used to be yummy.

Here’s a video of what he’s been up to recently. He’s still got it.

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