4. Louis C.K. – $52 million
Oh, boy, where should I begin?
As a young comedian he was rejected from Saturday Night Live (can you say “bad call,” SNL?) and struggled to make a living. He worked as a stand-up comedian, and was writer in several shows, but his fame came with his own show, “Louie” which –no matter how much I love the red fatty – I cannot stand. His less popular “Horace and Pete” show, featuring Steve Buscemi, Jessica Lange, Edie Falco, and Alan Alda, however, is the darkest, most twisted thing I have ever seen. Watch it.
Even though he’s not n°1 in earnings, Louis CK is holding the stand-up steering wheel at the time. Yes, Jewish comedians make Jew jokes, black comedians make black jokes, but this loveable, fat, middle-aged red-head will piss on EVERYTHING. He’ll go after Blacks, whites, Jews, Asians, Latinos, soldiers, the church, his daughters, himself, men, women, and anything in between. He’ll jump from abortion to child rape in a heartbeat; he messes with every value possible and people LOVE IT, which is crazy because what he loves the most is shitting on white American people.
In a way, his cynicism makes everything he says less grave, but how he makes himself adorable at the same time, I have no Idea. In case you doubt me, you should watch ALL his stand-ups, just to be sure. Here’s a little piece called “Of course! But maybe…”