If you are having troubles with your online dating, here are 15 funny tinder bios for girls to help you out. These are guaranteed to attract those right sweeps we all crave so much.
Writing that perfect Tinder bio can be a daunting task. As they say, a first impression is something you can’t redo, so it is vital to get it right on the first try. And your Tinder bio is just that, an opportunity to dazzle strangers in a glance. There are plenty of advice out there how to write that perfect Tinder bio, and these are some we found to be very helpful.

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This one is very educational. It is written by a man, Taylor Wagner from Elite Daily, so it will give the girls an inside look into how male brain works when browsing Tinder bios. It lists 13 Things Women Need to Stop Writing in Their Tinder Bios Right Now. Pay attention ladies, each one of those will earn you a left swipe. There are several pretty straightforward ones, like writing, “I’m not good at bios,” in your bio”, or “I can’t believe I’m on Tinder,” in your bio and my personal favorite: “Just message me and ask,” in your bio. Really? That’s all I have to do? Others are equally important, like avoid using group pictures AKA “Cheerleader Effect.” Another thing to avoid is having weird requirements, like specific height limits or asking people to swipe left if they can’t handle your specific (usually imaginary) type, like independent or strong or powerful. That’s just boasting.
Elle Canada offers some good advice as well and explains why should you follow them. For instance, how selfies can be detrimental on any girl’s Tinder bio. Also, a good advice is to try and write a witty bio, the one that sends a message about who you are and what you are looking for, not just a collection of facts.
Of course, if that’s too much hustle for you, just skip to our list of 15 funny tinder bios for girls, or take a look at what Most Successful Tinder Bio Examples for Guys recommend. We searched the Internet for you and have created the compilation of Tinder bios that are guaranteed to work. We used AskMen, BuzzFeed, Scoop Whoop, and CraveOnline. Choose a bio that suits you the best.