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15 European Cities with the Best Public Transportation

In this piece, we are going to look at 15 European Cities with the Best Public Transportation. If you want to skip our detailed analysis of the transportation industry, you can go directly to 5 European Cities with the Best Public Transportation.

In the wonderful world of transportation, the global public transit market was valued at a whopping USD 214.54 billion in 2022. It’s poised to keep on trucking with a predicted annual growth rate of 7.6% from 2023 to 2030. This growth spurt is fueled by governments worldwide getting all jazzed up about reducing traffic jams and promoting public transport. With snazzy tech, fancy financing, and a sprinkle of user-friendly enhancements, they’re pulling out all the stops to make riding the bus cool again. The Asia Pacific region is currently leading the charge with a 40% market share, while Europe is revving up for some positive growth in the years to come. It’s like a transport revolution, with a side of flair!

In the realm of cutting-edge transport, the global smart transportation sector hit a hefty USD 110.53 billion mark in 2022. Buckle up, because it’s set to keep on cruising with a projected 13.0% annual growth from 2023 to 2030. This turbocharged growth is fueled by cities getting all fancy with urban projects, governments going green to cut emissions, and tech-savvy folks wanting traffic systems to be as smart as their phones. From lackluster public transit to parking pandemonium, cities are facing some serious transportation woes. But fear not, the dashing solution of smart transportation is revving up to save the day. With city slickers embracing IoT and 5G tech, the future of transport is looking sleek and stylish, with the industry giants staying afloat and keeping the market momentum going.

Moreover, Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:UBER), known for ride-hailing, courier services, food delivery, and freight transport, reported its first annual operating profit. Based in San Francisco, it operates in 70 countries and 10,500 cities. In 2023, Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:UBER) made $1.1bn, a turnaround from a previous $1.8bn loss. Speculation surrounds potential shareholder payouts as the company’s stock rises and its value nears $150bn. CEO Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah plans to share capital allocation details with investors soon. Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:UBER) share price increased by 1% despite an initial dip, with a 20% rise in 2024 and a doubling over the past year.

On the other hand, Lyft (NASDAQ:LYFT), an American company known for mobility services, ride-hailing, scooters, bike-sharing, rentals, and food delivery, operates in the U.S. and select Canadian cities. In its 2023 full-year results, Lyft (NASDAQ:LYFT) reported a revenue of $4.40 billion, an increase of 7.5% from the previous year. Lyft (NASDAQ:LYFT) reported net loss for the period was $340.3 million, showing a significant 79% reduction compared to the previous year, with a loss per share of $0.88, improved from $4.47 in the previous fiscal year.

Lastly, Swvl Holdings Corp. (NASDAQCM:SWVL), a Dubai-based provider of tech-driven mass transit solutions, expanded its services to 135 cities in 20 countries across various continents. To achieve profitability, Swvl Holdings Corp. (NASDAQCM:SWVL) refocused on key markets like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE by selling off subsidiaries and transitioning to a B2B model. Despite a 49% drop in revenue year-on-year, Swvl Holdings Corp. (NASDAQCM:SWVL) reported a net profit of $2.1 million in the first half of 2023, compared to a loss of $161.6 million in the same period of 2022. The company also showed an operating profit of $13.4 million, a significant turnaround from an operating loss of $56.0 million in the first half of 2022.


In selecting our list of the 15 European Cities with the Best Public Transportation, we followed a methodology based on a study conducted by Easy Park. This study focused on four key areas to assess the intelligence and sustainability of each city.

We evaluated the Digital Life aspect, which examines technology adoption in education and healthcare, Mobility Innovation including parking and traffic management, Business Tech Infrastructure, and Environmental Sustainability such as climate response and waste management. The rationale behind incorporating each of the factors lies in the fact that each contribute significantly to overall transportation system in a region.

Hence, our methodology weighted Digital Life, Business Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability at 20% each, and Mobility Innovation at 40%, as it is our primary focus. The final scores reflect the level of advancement and innovation in the transportation systems of these cities. Higher scores indicate a better overall transportation system in each city. With this, let’s now jump to our list of 15 European Cities with the Best Public Transportation.

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15. Cologne, Germany

Insider Monkey Score: 77.17

15th on our list of is European Cities with the Best Public Transportation Cologne. The transportation system in Cologne is known for its efficiency and convenience, with more than 1,300 passenger trains connecting the city to major German and European cities daily. This extensive train network allows for relaxed and environmentally friendly travel without the hassle of traffic congestion. Within Cologne, the well-developed public transport network, operated by the Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe (KVB), serves over 850,000 passengers daily on buses and trains. The KVB staff provide friendly and knowledgeable assistance at Customer Centres & Sales Offices, ensuring a smooth travel experience. Stations are often linked to tram stops, and real-time information boards display departure times to facilitate seamless journeys throughout the city.

14. Helsinki, Finland

Insider Monkey Score: 77.25

Helsinki boasts a robust and diverse transportation system that offers its citizens alternatives to cars, including a reliable rail network, low-emission zones, and extensive cycling paths. The city’s ambitious sustainable transportation objectives aim for 30% of all vehicles to be electric by 2030. To support this transition, Helsinki is actively expanding its electric vehicle infrastructure, with hundreds of additional charging points being installed through funding of $14 million from Finland’s central government. With a focus on sustainability, the capital of Finland is steadily working towards its goal of having all vehicles in the city be electric by 2030. Helsinki is 14th on our list of European Cities with the Best Public Transportation.

13. Madrid, Spain

Insider Monkey Score: 77.26

Madrid’s public transport system is highly praised for being fast, safe, clean, and dependable. Compared to other European cities, Madrid’s public transport is known for its affordability and efficiency, making navigation within the city effortless. The comprehensive network includes the Madrid Metro, day and night buses, the ‘Metro Ligero’ light rail, and the ‘Cercanías’ regional train system connecting the city with the wider Madrid region. With these various options, Madrid’s public transport ensures easy and reliable access to all parts of the city and beyond.

12. Gothenburg, Sweden 

Insider Monkey Score: 77.28

Gothenburg boasts a modern and efficient public transport system featuring an extensive tramway network, complemented by buses and commuter trains. With over 200 trams traversing 12 routes throughout the city, quick and affordable transport options are readily available. Buses cover areas beyond tram reach, making them ideal for longer distances. Various ticketing options, including City Cards and day travel cards, cater to both tourists and residents. The convenient and user-friendly system ensures easy access to all parts of the city, with minimal wait times during the day.

11. Paris, France

Insider Monkey Score: 78.91

Paris is 11th on our list of European Cities with the Best Public Transportation. Paris offers an extensive and efficient public transport system, with the Paris Metro serving as the fastest mode of transportation around the city. The Metro consists of 14 interconnected lines (with 4 more under construction) that also integrate with the RER regional train system. The Paris RER connects the city center with its surrounding suburbs. In addition to the Metro and RER, the extensive bus network in Paris provides convenient transportation options with 60 day routes and 40 night routes.

10. Oslo, Norway

Insider Monkey Score: 79.00

Oslo boasts a comprehensive and integrated public transport system that encompasses city and regional buses, trams, subways, local trains, and ferries (excluding those to Bygdøy) under one convenient ticketing system. To simplify ticketing and fare management, commuters can utilize the Ruter mobile app or purchase physical tickets at various locations, including the Oslo Visitor Centre, Ruter customer service centers, and select convenience stores like Narvesen and 7-Eleven.

9. Manchester, UK

Insider Monkey Score: 79.04

Manchester features an efficient and expansive transport system that includes buses, trams, and trains operating from early morning until late in the evening, and is placed 9th on our list of European Cities with the Best Public Transportation. The city’s emphasis on sustainability is evident through initiatives like the Bee Network, which integrates bus and tram tickets, resulting in a 20% cost reduction for travelers. This network not only includes buses and trams but also promotes cycling and walking routes, enhancing the overall efficiency and accessibility of transportation in Manchester.

8. Barcelona, Spain

Insider Monkey Score: 79.11

Barcelona’s public transportation system offers a wide range of options, including subways, trains, buses, trams, and additional services like local trains, sightseeing trains, night buses, cable cars, and funicular railways. The Hola BCN Pass facilitates easy access for newcomers by providing unlimited travel on various modes of transport. Taxis are convenient for quick trips, with relatively affordable fares in Barcelona. Radio Taxi operates 24/7, and Taxi Amic offers specialized services for wheelchair users. The metro system connects major attractions efficiently, with minimal wait times and frequent service. Suburban trains operated by FGC and Renfe serve destinations along the coast and to nearby areas like Tarragona.

7. Zurich, Switzerland

Insider Monkey Score: 80.40

Zurich boasts a highly efficient and reliable public transportation network, with streetcars and buses being the preferred modes of travel for its residents. The dense network and frequent services ensure connectivity to every part of the city, allowing passengers to explore the surroundings during their journey. The Zurich Transport Association (ZVV) unites all transportation companies, enabling the use of a single ticket across various modes of transport within the city network, including boats, funicular railways, and cable cars.

6. Rotterdam, Netherlands

Insider Monkey Score: 81.77

6th on our list of European Cities with the Best Public Transportation is Rotterdam. Rotterdam’s public transport system, managed by the RET, offers extensive coverage via bus, tram, and metro services throughout the city. To utilize public transport, a valid card is required. The metro network, comprising five lines marked with distinct letters and colors, facilitates quick travel within Rotterdam and its surroundings. Beurs station serves as a major metro hub connecting all lines, with Line E (RandstadRail) linking Rotterdam to The Hague. Tram lines centrally converge at Central Station, while various bus routes by RET connect the city center to districts and neighborhoods within the greater metropolitan area. For detailed route and stop information, consult the RET website.

Click to continue reading and find out about 5 European Cities with the Best Public Transportation.

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Disclosure: None. 15 European Cities with the Best Public Transportation is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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