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15 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens

In this article, we will take a look at 15 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens. You can skip our detailed analysis of methods of obtaining second passport as well as a look at the US MNCs in the European market and go directly to the 5 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens.

In this ever-expanding world of opportunities, the idea of second passports has been hailed as a harbinger of many benefits, both economic and social. Whether it is a desire to live and experience the gems and natural wonders of this world, incentives for a higher quality of life, or even financial diversification, there is something for everyone here. About half a century ago, the concept of a second passport or dual citizenship was unfathomable and highly disliked by almost all countries. However, with time and advancement, the significance of a free flow of residents between countries has been acknowledged, and a more tolerant view has emerged as a consequence. Thus, we can now find various easy countries for a second passport for U.S. citizens.

As is the case with almost everything, there are both advantages and disadvantages to acquiring and maintaining a second passport. However, with the increasing trend towards dual citizenship, it appears that the benefits far outweigh the negative aspects. The perks include, but are not limited to, access to global travel, better social and economic benefits, more business and job opportunities, and certain tax reliefs. For a detailed analysis of dual citizenship advantages and disadvantages, check out our article on Dual Citizenship: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Requirements. Thus, the appeal of obtaining a second passport can be understood, and the search for the easiest countries to achieve this, is justified.

Where are the Americans Moving?

The growing demand for a second passport has prompted many people, especially the rich, to relocate to various countries around the globe. According to a recent estimate from the State Department, approximately 9 million Americans are living abroad. It is observed that 40% of US residents abroad choose to move to the Western Hemisphere, which includes Canada, Central, and South America. Additionally, 26% move to Europe, 14% to East Asia and the Pacific, and another 14% to the Middle East. Many prominent US entrepreneurs have made headlines with news of their foreign citizenship. Sam Altman, co-founder and CEO of OpenAI, has acquired Indonesia’s Golden Visa. Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google’s parent company Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG), chose Cyprus’s Golden Visa, and billionaire Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: PYPL) and an early investor in Facebook– Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: META), obtained New Zealand’s citizenship in 2011. Therefore, it is evident that there are countries where US residents can gain a second passport with ease.

How to Get a Second Passport

To acquire a second passport, there are primarily four paths to follow: citizenship through birth/descent, citizenship through marriage, citizenship through investment, and citizenship through a residency-by-investment program or naturalization.

Citizenship through birth/descent is attained by being born to parents with citizenship, automatically granting the same for the child. Proof of an ancestral connection with a citizen can also lead to citizenship.

Citizenship through investment is mainly acquired by making an economic investment in the country. Naturalization is a process through which citizenship can be achieved by gaining residency in a country, often through investment, and building a relationship with the country by spending a specified time there.

Alternatively, citizenship can be granted by marrying a citizen of a country. Thus, depending on the method employed, there are many countries where US residents can access a second passport.

Is it Just US Residents or Are Multinationals (MNCs) Expanding to Europe too?

European markets stand among the largest global economies. With an increasing influx of emigrants to these states, it’s no surprise that more companies are expanding their operations there. Thirty percent of US companies move to Europe to achieve their profit goals, and thirty-two percent even introduce new products to tap into this burgeoning market.

Ireland’s economy, in particular, has experienced a staggering positive impact from multinationals in 2022. These companies contributed 56% to the total value added, including giants like Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), Facebook– Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: META), Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE), and Google– Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG). Notably, sectors such as information and communication, dominated by MNCs like Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), Facebook (NASDAQ: META), and Google– Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG), witnessed the most significant expansion.

Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) is actively expanding its operations in the European market, as indicated by recent developments. In October 2023, the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE), secured unconditional EU anti-trust approval for its $43 billion acquisition of cancer drug maker Seagen (SGEN.O).

Similarly, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) is making strategic moves to maintain a strong presence in the European market. On December 13, 2023, the company announced the expansion of its Self Service Repair program, now covering the iPhone 15 lineup and Mac models powered by M2 chips. This extension includes the 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pro, the 15-inch MacBook Air, Mac mini, Mac Pro, and Mac Studio. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) also confirmed the availability of this Self Service Repair program in 24 additional European countries, such as Croatia, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Switzerland.

15 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens


To create our list of the easiest countries for a second passport for US citizens, we conducted extensive research on the best and most straightforward options available. We also referred to our article from the previous year, highlighting the 15 Easiest Countries to Get Citizenship as an American. Additionally, we cross-referenced our findings with’s list of countries that permit dual citizenship for US citizens.

Our comprehensive approach considered various methods for obtaining dual citizenship, encompassing citizenship by descent, residency, naturalization through investment programs, and citizenship by investment programs. We made sure to include countries from diverse regions, spanning Latin America, Asia and the South Pacific, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that uses a consensus approach to identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The website tracks the movement of corporate insiders and hedge funds. Our top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 stock index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). So, if you are looking for the best stock picks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

Now that we have thoroughly combed our sources and selected the easiest countries for second passport for US citizens, we present it to you in an ascending list:

15. New Zealand

In the Asia and South Pacific region, numerous countries offer citizenship through various means. Considering the countries that permit dual citizenship for US residents and the fact that New Zealand falls under the category of the easiest countries to obtain citizenship through descent, we have placed this country at number 15 on our list.

Considered one of the most affordable and expedient methods to acquire a second passport, gaining citizenship in New Zealand is remarkably straightforward. If one of the parents is a citizen of New Zealand, the child can easily obtain citizenship by submitting an application, with the process typically taking about 30 working days. For those seeking an even faster turnaround, a reduced processing time of 10 days is available for an additional fee. New Zealand, being a developed country, ensures a high quality of life for its residents. Acquiring dual citizenship from this nation can prove to be a beneficial option for many Americans.

14. Italy

Italy, being one of the European countries, stands out as one of the easiest nations to obtain citizenship for US residents through descent. All that is required is proof of Italian descent, with a birth certificate of oneself and one’s parents, grandparents, or any direct ancestor typically considered sufficient. Other acceptable documents may include death certificates, divorce or marriage certificates. However, two conditions must be met: the ancestor acquired citizenship before June 14, 1912, and this citizenship had not been renounced or replaced by a second citizenship before the birth of their child.

13. St. Kitts and Nevis

Situated in the Caribbean, this picturesque island is a favored destination for US residents. It not only provides the chance to enjoy natural marvels but also offers opportunities for financial gains through multiple tax advantages. The St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship-by-investment program stands out as one of the easiest and quickest ways for US citizens to obtain a second passport. The program doesn’t require any mandatory stay period in the country, and the immigration process is completed in just four months. The primary requirement is a $250,000 payment to the Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC).

12. St. Lucia

Similar to St. Kitts and Nevis, another Caribbean island stands out as one of the easiest options for obtaining a second passport for US citizens. The St. Lucia investment program is particularly cost-effective, requiring a contribution of $100,000 to St. Lucia’s Government Development Fund as the minimum investment. While this figure applies for a single person, a slightly higher amount for a spouse or children allows the qualified US resident to secure dual citizenship for themselves and their family in just three months.

11. Vanuatu

In the Pacific region, Vanuatu takes the lead by offering the only citizenship-by-investment program. Individuals, including US residents, can acquire citizenship by investing $130,000. Beyond the relatively low investment requirement, the most significant advantage lies in the expeditious process, which can be completed in approximately 2 months. Vanuatu not only offers various tax benefits, including no income tax, inheritance tax, or capital gains tax but also provides a straightforward and easy pathway for gaining a second passport for US residents.

10. Ireland

Ireland is a popular destination for immigration, particularly through the Descent Program. The Irish government has made this process highly accessible, allowing individuals to qualify for citizenship rights by establishing an ancestral connection up to the great-grandfather. Additionally, other familial ties, such as marriage to an Irish citizen, provide an opportunity for citizenship, with the requirement of spending at least three years with the said spouse or partner. Although this period may seem relatively long, it is shorter compared to Portugal or Switzerland. Therefore, Ireland stands out as one of the easiest countries for obtaining a second passport for US citizens.

9. Canada

Close to the US, Canada is considered one of the easiest countries for US residents to apply for obtaining dual citizenship. Known for its welcoming environment, Canada boasts a straightforward immigration process. While US citizens don’t require a visa for stays less than 180 days, a visa or residency permit is needed for longer stays.

While the Quebec Investor Program is an option, the easiest route is through the Express Entry System. Under this program, individuals skilled in three major economic fields in Canada are evaluated using a point system. The higher the points, the greater the likelihood of obtaining a visa. Subsequently, a stay of at least three years or 1095 days out of 5 years would lead to citizenship. Other conditions include passing tests related to Canadian history and language (English or French) as well as fulfilling any necessary tax obligations.

8. Cyprus

This European country is renowned as one of the easiest nations providing citizenship through a residency-by-investment program. The Golden Visa allows an individual to acquire residency rights within three months, with an investment of at least €300,000. This residency can eventually lead to citizenship in approximately seven years, provided essential government requirements are met. These include maintaining the investment and residency for seven years, adhering to the required time period for staying in the country, and visiting Cyprus at least once every two years.

7. Antigua and Barbuda

The Caribbean Islands continue to offer some of the easiest paths for obtaining a second passport for US residents, with Antigua and Barbuda emerging as a prominent option. Notably, this stunning island stands out due to its low investment amount ($100,000) and a quick and hassle-free process. In contrast to many countries that increase the initial investment amount with the introduction of more family members, Antigua and Barbuda includes a spouse and two children in the same figure, with additional cost only on the form of fees. There are three ways to make the investment, and citizenship can be obtained in about three to four months. However, the country requires a presence of five days a year for passport renewal.

6. Grenada

Grenada secures the 6th position on our list of the easiest countries for a second passport for US citizens, primarily due to the speed with which citizenship can be achieved. The country’s citizenship-by-investment program stands out as one of the best in the Caribbean Islands. With a minimum investment through a donation of $150,000 for a single person (which increases to $200,000 and additional fees for a family of four), a qualifying investor can attain citizenship within three to six months.

Click to continue reading and see our 5 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Easiest Countries for Second Passport for US Citizens is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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