15 Countries with the Worst Food, Unhealthiest Cuisines in the World

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6. Tonga

Obesity: 41.1%

Diabetes: 13.7%

Rank: 27.4

By now, I’m probably starting to sound like a broken record when I keep saying that although these are different countries, they use a lot of the same foods to make up very similar dishes. They’ve got their tapioca (or cassava), taro and yams. Yams (or “ufi” as Tongans refer to it) seem to be a favorite ingredient in Tonga, the number 6 on our list of countries with the worst food, unhealthiest cuisines in the world, as there are 8 different kinds. Coconut is another big one that is used many ways. Lo’i Feke, for example, is a simple dish of octopus and coconut cream, but the Tongans have more obvious uses, like Faikakai Tapai; which is also a very basic dish of dumplings in a coconut syrup. And you know the saying “so hungry I could eat a horse”? While suckling pig might be more common, Tongans have some recipes that feature horse meat in the dish. Like, Lo’i Hoosi; which has horse meat seasoned with salt, along with some peppers and onions and, of course, coconut cream.

15 Countries with the Worst Food, Unhealthiest Cuisines in the World

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