Airport security and border control are strict everywhere in the world but this list of 15 countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world singles out THE strictest ones.
If you plan to travel to any of these countries, make sure to double-check your baggage and that airport’s specific security rules. Carrying firearms and dangerous items is pretty much the same on airports in every country, regardless of their gun laws. Our list of countries with strictest gun laws in the world can provide you with information which countries are very strict when it comes to gun laws. Especially nowadays when terrorism is peaking and immigrants are flooding developed countries, even those with toughest immigration laws. We’ve also compiled a list of countries with least strict immigration laws, just in case if you are planning to move and start a new life somewhere else.

A lot of countries invest in securing their borders because trespassers are more likely to try to enter the country by other means of transportation (rather than planes) or by foot. When it comes to the most militarized border in the world, this title apparently goes to the border between North and South Korea, which makes sense if you think about it. USA-Mexico border is another border which has the best border security force in the world and with President Trump’s newest actions, it seems that this security can only get stronger. In addition, American airports, in general, might be the among the worst immigration airports in the world, especially nowadays.
Speaking of most hated airports and worst customs in the world, we have to mention Australia. Many have wondered why are Australian customs so strict and we found interesting answers on Reddit. According to users’ answers, one of the reasons is Australia’s geographic position and very specific flora and fauna. Since it is an island, Australia is pretty isolated (it doesn’t have the disease and parasites which are present in a majority of other countries) and the introduction of some other biological material could destroy its ecosystem. When you think about it, it really makes sense since introducing foreign pathogens often caused problems with wildlife. For the same reason, similar strict rules refer to Hawaii as well. On the other hand, these strict customs rules make Australian airports rank pretty high on the list of top 10 most secure airports in the world.
In order to compile this list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world, I’ve decided to focus on articles about worst airports in the world. So, I consulted Huffington Post’s article about world’s strictest airport security, IB Times, CNN’s article about world’s most hated airports, The Guardian’s article on most intimidating border controls and Time Magazine’s article on toughest airline security. To get even more information, I checked out a couple of forums as well as Airliners and Quora. The final list was compiled by using suggestions from above-mentioned websites and forums. Countries are ranked according to how frequently they were mentioned in our sources. So, those which were most frequently mentioned as countries with strictest customs, airport security and border control are ranked higher on our list. Now, let’s see if our choice will surprise you or not.
15. Switzerland
Switzerland is only one of the European countries that decided to tighten up its security measures, especially border control and airport security. Border posts, train station as well as airports in Switzerland have additional protection because of terrorist attacks which happened al around Europe. Another reason for tightened security is refugee crisis and surge of refugees from war-torn countries who try to find their safe haven in Europe. Swiss airports also require separate screening of electronic devices, while recharging electrical devices is not allowed on board. Although Switzerland and other European countries constantly enhance their border control, airport security and customs, still it takes the bottom of our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world.

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14. Sweden
Scandinavian countries were recommended a couple of times as countries with strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world. Having traveled to Denmark and Sweden by plane, we have to say that the airport staff in both countries is very polite but you do have to take out all electronics (including camera lenses) and place them in separate containers to get them checked. Luggage is x-rayed in order to minimize chances of bringing anything illegal on board. Security rules are strict on all Swedish airports, regardless of size. The effectiveness of this move is visible on the example of an airport in Vasteras (which has only three international departures) when airport security caught a man trying to board the plane with a handgun.

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13. Japan
When it comes to border control, Japan, the number 13 on our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world has the strictest conviction-related bars to entry. This refers to individuals who were “sentenced to imprisonment with or without labor for one year or more or to equivalent penalty” as well as those who were convicted for use of narcotics, opium or stimulants. Japan also improved airport security by adding additional screening of electronic devices. Even connecting passengers have to undergo security screening before they enter departure area.

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12. The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom, number 12 on our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world has, according to many passengers, very strict airport security and customs. Recently, these rules have been tightened even more and the UK also decided to follow new rules about carrying electronics. If any of your electronics (refers to those bigger than the standard smartphone) cannot be turned at the moment of inspection it may be banned from the flight. One of the most popular goods to be confiscated in this country is Marmite (the byproduct of beer brewing) because it breaks the liquid rule if it is over 100 g. Heathrow airport in London is often mentioned as the one with strictest rules in the UK.

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11. India
I came across a testimony about traveler’s experience on the airport in Kashmir, who claimed that it definitely belongs on the list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world. After this, I remembered my own experience with New Delhi airport (Indira Gandhi International Airport) and I realized that it was the only time that I had trouble with border control. If you are traveling from Indira Gandhi airport, make sure to come much earlier since the airport security might ask you for detailed inspection of your clothes. But at least you get to keep your underwear on.

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10. Pakistan
Due to the pretty strained relationship between India and Pakistan, border security and customs are very strict. Similarly to Kashmir which was mentioned before, Karachi is also located close to Indo-Pakistani border and the situation is so bad that flights between India and Pakistan were canceled. Karachi airport was also attacked by militants which additionally increased customs controls and airport security in general. In 2016, The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) ordered increased number of border security officials in order to minimize chances of smuggling.

9. Russia
When entering Russia, it is important to declare all your valuables in order to avoid dealing with unnecessary paperwork when you leave the country because you need to be careful what you bring out of the country. Their customs are pretty strict as well and might want to closely examine rules and regulations to be prepared. Border control is stricter if you decide to enter Russia by car. Halfway through our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world you might think that rules of these countries are strict but still they are pretty expected. The second half of the list will give you insight into the strictest airport security, border control and customs in the world. Honestly, I expected these countries to rank high on our list. What about you?

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8. Mexico
Airport security in Mexico that ranks 8th on our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world is pretty tight. I came across a testimony of a passenger whose contact lens solution was confiscated at Mexican airport (he always carried the solution and never had problems with customs and airport security). Even if you buy a bottle of water after the security check you are not allowed to bring it on board. Passengers are sometimes checked again at the gate. Also, Mexican border has one of the strictest border controls in the world because it was/is the site of many illegal crossings. Besides the physical wall which marks the U.S.-Mexican border, this crossing is also guarded by border patrol. Everyone crossing this border will have their documents closely examined, including the U.S. passport holders.

7. UAE
If you are traveling to the United Arab Emirates it is forbidden to bring any printed material that contradicts teachings of Islam or that implies immorality. You cannot bring any plants or home-cooked meals.

6. Canada
We are continuing our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world with Canada that is another country which tightened its airport security measures including the new rule that all electronics must be charged for possible inspection. However, a lot of rules vary according to the country where you travel and U.S. bound flights have the strictest customs and security checks.

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5. Saudi Arabia
We are continuing our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world with Saudi Arabia that is an Islamic country, strict in pretty much everything and it is no wonder that this applies to border control, customs and airport security as well. Airport security in Saudi Arabia is one of the strictest in the world and this country strictly controls who is allowed to enter the country. Foreigners must have a visa before they can enter. Anything with pornographic content, alcoholic beverages and pork are strictly forbidden while in Saudi Arabia and customs officers will probably search for items like this. If you were planning to bring some alcoholic treat from Duty-Free shops, forget about it since you’re traveling to Saudi Arabia. Also, women traveling to and from Saudi Arabia airports must be properly dressed. If you plan to bring Bible on board, it is ok as long as you can prove that it is your personal copy.

Ronnie Chua /
4. North Korea
It is a well-known fact that North Korea and South Korea are not on a friendly basis which explains military fortification along the 150 miles-long border between these two countries. No need to say that border control is more than strict in one of the most authoritarian countries in the world. The process of entering the country is pretty much the same except the customs which are very strict especially in terms of electronics you want to bring in. It is not uncommon that customs officers ask to inspect your phone, laptop content and photos on your camera. Photos are checked especially once you decide to leave the country and you might be even asked to delete some questionable photos. When entering the country you are not allowed to own any anti-North Korea materials.

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3. USA
While filling out a survey about countries with most intimidating border officials, 22% of respondents labeled US airport officials as most intimidating. America ranked as number one, followed by UAE, Mexico and Canada. Although it pretty much depends on where you enter the country, border control, customs and airport security in the USA is among the strictest in the world.

2. Australia
One of the reasons Australia is on our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world is its geographic position and very specific flora and fauna. Since it is an island, the introduction of some unknown biological material could destroy its ecosystem and it wouldn’t be the first time foreign pathogens caused problems with wildlife, as we already mentioned earlier. These strict customs rules make Australian airports rank very high on our list.

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1. Israel
Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, Israel is often labeled as the safest airport in the world. Each passenger and member of the flight crew is checked long before entering Israeli airspace. Moreover, any car entering Ben Gurion must pass through security check where guards search the vehicle and briefly speak with the driver. Armed personnel is guarding the terminal building and if they notice anyone suspicious, they’re called for a conversation. Departing passengers are questioned by well-trained security agents before they reach check-in area. In addition to all of this, Israeli airports have a very sophisticated surveillance system and x-rays which make sure that nothing goes unnoticed. Detailed and rigorous security checks pushed Israel to number spot on our list of countries with the strictest customs, border control and airport security in the world.
