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15 Countries with the Highest Salaries for Teachers

In this article, we will look at the 15 countries with the highest salaries for teachers. We have also discussed the rising concerns of teacher shortages globally. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Countries with the Highest Salaries for Teachers

UNESCO estimated in 2016 that the world needs nearly 69 million more teachers by 2030 to achieve universal basic education (SDG 4). However, current trends indicate that this deficit is on the rise. Amid the pandemic, teachers were at the forefront of embracing remote teaching to bridge the digital divide to ensure all students, regardless of their circumstances, remained connected to education. Despite their critical role, teachers are overworked, undervalued, and underpaid, contributing to a trend where fewer young people aspire to join the teaching profession. Working conditions have worsened, pay hasn’t kept pace with inflation, and bureaucratic demands have eroded professional autonomy, leading to a challenging environment for teachers globally. To read more about underpaid jobs, see the most underpaid jobs in America

It is interesting to note that in 2021, the global increase in online learning saw an influx of over 20 million new learners Coursera Inc (NYSE:COUR) alone had registration of more than 20 million individuals for different courses. The data also reveals that the United States and India were the countries with the highest number of remote learners on the Coursera Inc (NYSE:COUR). However, today, in 2023, remote learning has become a new normal and has extended far beyond just online platforms as several universities from around the world have been collaborating with edtech companies to offer digital and online degrees. Let’s explore the companies at the forefront of these collaborations. 

E-Learning: The New Normal

2U, Inc (Nasdaq:TWOU) has signed contracts with six universities to launch 50 new degree programs under its ‘flex’ degree partnership model, with the majority set to launch in 2024. This step is in response to the unprecedented demand for 2U, Inc (NASDAQ: TWOU)’s flex degree model. The new online degrees will be provided by four new 2U partners — Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Hawai’i Pacific University, King’s College London, and Maryville University — and two existing partners, Emerson College and University of Cape Town.

This announcement follows seven previously announced degree contracts set to launch in 2024, building towards 2U, Inc (NASDAQ:TWOU) plan to launch at least 80 new degree programs in 2024. Among the offerings are 47 online education programs by Maryville University and a Master of Marketing degree by Emerson College. The initiatives aim to meet the growing demand for flexible, high-quality online education options.

Moreover, 2U, Inc (NASDAQ:TWOU) has recently joined forces with over a dozen leading organizations for its online learning platform, edX. This brings the total number of partners to 250+, with an effort to provide affordable and top-notch education globally. The new partners like the EIT Food and Fortinet, will offer open courses in high-demand fields like AI, cybersecurity, healthcare, business, and sustainability. 

On the other hand, Utah Tech University, in collaboration with Pluralsight Inc (NASDAQ:PS), is addressing the increasing demand for technology skills in Utah through the Learn & Work in Utah program. Over 18 months ago, Utah Tech and Pluralsight Inc (NASDAQ:PS) joined forces to grant Utah students access to 7,000 online courses. Now, participants in the Learn & Work program at Utah Tech can access this platform free of charge. The program is designed for residents of Utah seeking to upskill, requiring only a high school diploma or equivalent. As of spring 2023, nearly 300 students were actively enrolled, with a focus on high-demand fields such as big data and cloud computing.

The flexibility of Pluralsight Inc (NASDAQ:PS) online platform allows students to tailor their study schedules, with a recommended commitment of 5 to 10 hours per week. Successful completion of an industry-recognized certification exam can lead to reimbursement by Utah Tech University and tangible benefits to participants. 

Can AI Really Replace Teachers?

While we know that several industries have been largely revolutionized by AI, virtual teaching has become an equally threatening phenomenon as there is an ongoing debate about the potential threats and outcomes of a complete shift like this in education. 

In a blog post by Tanner Phillips, a senior data scientist at Pluralsight Inc (NASDAQ:PS), Phillips reflected on his research, where applying deep-learning techniques to predict students’ exam performance yielded minimal impact. The average effect size of educational interventions to improve teaching or learning is around 0.1, translating to a modest 1% increase in students’ grades. Phillips contended that to achieve greater and more productive output, the education system will have to adapt to the creative applications of AI, considering the proven efficacy of one-on-one tutoring with an effect size of 0.5, resulting in a 5% grade improvement. To read more about jobs that can’t be disrupted by AI, see jobs artificial intelligence can never replace.

A teacher giving a lecture in a classroom illuminated by a bright light of knowledge.


For countries with the highest salaries for teachers, we made a list of 30 countries with average high school teacher salaries. Of those 30, the 15 with the highest average salaries were selected and have been ranked. We acquired the data for each country’s average salaries of high school teachers from the ERI Economic Research Institute. The list is presented in ascending order.

Here is a list of countries with the highest salaries for teachers. 

15. Canada

Average Salary: $51,386

Canada has an excellent education system renowned for its quality, infrastructure, and teachers. Canada offers attractive opportunities for internationally-qualified teachers. Teaching positions, particularly in provinces like British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, face shortages and hence, need newcomers. Immigration programs such as the Federal Skilled Worker program and Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) facilitate permanent residency for teachers. 

14. Ireland

Average Salary: $52,424

Ireland is facing a severe shortage of teachers at the beginning of the school year, with warnings from teachers’ unions about the crisis reaching “emergency levels.” The shortage can be attributed to the housing shortages in Dublin, post-COVID-related early retirements, and subject-specific gaps, such as in Home Economics. There are also challenges with attracting and retaining teachers in Special Education positions. Owing to the shortages, Ireland is one of the countries with the highest demand for teachers

13. France

Average Salary: $53,105

In France, 69% of teachers chose teaching as their first career, with 83% motivated by influencing children’s development. Approximately 27% of teachers are aged 50 or above, which calls for workforce renewal. Positive student-teacher relations exist for 94% of teachers. Despite this, only 7% of French teachers feel their profession is valued. France is still one of the countries with the highest teacher salaries in Europe

12. Austria

Average Salary: $53,494

Austria’s teachers’ union warns of imminent staff shortages which indicate that schools may struggle to cover all lessons in the upcoming academic year. Despite ongoing discussions about addressing the shortage, teacher unions express concerns about the ability to fill vacant positions after the summer break. The anticipated shortfall, preceding the expected peak in 2027 when 20,000 teachers are set to retire, is already impacting teachers’ mental well-being. 

11. United Arab Emirates

Average Salary: $53,977

Recently, on the World Teachers’ Day, UAE leaders including President Sheikh Mohamed and Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, expressed gratitude for the dedication and noble mission of teachers. United Arab Emirates is one of the countries with the highest salaries for teachers in Asia.

10. Norway

Average Salary: $54,308

In Norway, 61% of teachers chose teaching as their first career preference.  About 30% of Norwegian teachers are aged 50 and above. While student-teacher relations are generally positive, 15% of principals report regular acts of intimidation or bullying, similar to the OECD average of 14%

9. Netherlands

Average Salary: $55,576

Teaching in the Netherlands is particularly attractive for English-speaking teachers with salaries usually ranging from $36,000 to $79,000, depending on one’s qualifications and experience. However, living costs, such as high taxes and increasing housing prices tend to push many foreigners away from pursuing a career in teaching in the Netherlands. Nevertheless, the Netherlands is still one of the countries with the highest-paid teachers in the world in 2023.

8. Australia

Average Salary: $56,450

Australia is facing a teacher shortage crisis, with an estimated shortfall of 4,000 high school teachers by 2025. According to a study by UNSW Sydney, collaboration among teachers is linked to greater job satisfaction, especially in rural areas. The research suggests that encouraging collaboration and providing relevant professional development could help retain teachers in their jobs. Australia is also one of the highest-paying countries for ESL teachers.

7. Germany

Average Salary: $56,782

One of the best things about education in Germany is its innovation. One example is that schools in Braunschweig have recently introduced a weekly happiness course to address rising youth mental health issues. Teacher trainees from Technical University Braunschweig teach the curriculum, which involves activities like creating a “garden of emotions.” 

6. United Kingdom

Average Salary: $56,789

The UK Department for Education has announced to allocate £196 million ($240.8 million) to improve teacher recruitment, providing scholarships and bursaries for trainee teachers in key subjects. The scholarships for math, physics, chemistry, and computing will increase to £30,000 ( $36,862) tax-free whereas teachers in their first five years in priority subjects will get £6,000 ($7372) each year. UK is also one of the countries with the best education

Click here to see the 5 Countries with the Highest Salaries for Teachers.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Countries with the Highest Salaries for Teachers is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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