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15 Countries with Most Faithful Wives in the World

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In this article, we will take a look at the 15 Countries with Most Faithful Wives in the World.

“In sickness and in health, until death do us part”. These familiar words are part of the most famous line that we often hear at every church wedding from two distinct people who decided to finally tie the knot. Being a married person is not as easy as you might think it is. A husband and a wife, after getting married must start to consider their partner before jumping to a certain decision in many of the things that they often do or decide alone. From living alone to moving in with your better half, and from dating different people to staying faithful and committed, truly makes marriage one of the most crucial parts of our lives. A happy and successful marriage isn’t simply a result of love and commitment alone, but it also requires active effort and mutual respect from both parties involved.

Chivalry is not dead. While it is true that every wife craves a nobleman, a wife who deserves a “knight in shining armor” is rare to find. Many women still exhibit unwavering loyalty to their partners but this does not apply to all. Today’s women are highly educated and seek partners who match their educational level, leading to higher expectations in their search for a life partner. In every country in the world, women have made significant advancements in education and achieved financial independence, resulting in a more professional mindset.

U.S. News conducted a research composed of 17,000 people from different countries and revealed that Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Switzerland are the top 5 best countries for women, with regards to how they value human rights, gender equality, and income equality among others. These countries can also be labeled as the most faithful countries in Europe based on another study.

Photo by Karlo Tottoc on Unsplash

Our Methodology

In order to come up with our list of the 15 countries with the most faithful wives in the world, we conducted extensive research and referred to seven independent sources. Initially, we identified over 40 countries mentioned across these sources. Each time a country appeared on a source’s list, it was assigned a single point. Based on these points, we ranked the countries and identified the top 15 countries known for having the most faithful wives. Please check out our related articles on 15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World and 10 Countries With Most Faithful Husbands.

15 Countries with Most Faithful Wives in the World

15. Russia

Russia ranks 15th in our list of countries with the most faithful wives in the world. Russian women captivate men from different cultures with their apparent lack of interest in the prevailing feminist movements found in many countries around the world. Russian women generally believe that patriarchal dynamics contribute to a more harmonious family life.

14. Indonesia

Many Indonesian women know how to look stylish and youthful. A lot of them possess slim figures and slender waists. Indonesian mothers are more than just a mom. Even after bearing multiple children, they tend to maintain physically fit bodies and retain glowing skin.

13. Saudi Arabia

The most faithful wives can often be found in countries with conservative cultures, where adultery is strictly forbidden either by law or due to religious limitations that discourage such behavior as a sin. Saudi Arabia is a country with very strict laws for women. That is why it is extremely difficult for Arabian wives to engage in infidelity.

12. Italy

Italian beauty radiates with the timeless Italian style. While not every woman in Italy possesses the passionate temperament often associated with Italians, there are many Italian wives who are both beautiful and deeply committed to their households, husbands, and families.

11. Ukraine

Ukrainian culture leans towards conservatism in a lot of aspects, with a strong emphasis on the sanctity of marriage. Ukrainian women give so much value to building a family that when one enters into matrimony, it is expected that a considerable amount of effort will be invested in family life. Typically, Ukrainian women devote themselves wholeheartedly to their relationships.

10. Pakistan

Pakistani women display remarkable dedication to their husbands and families, placing a high value on the virtue of chastity. The majority of Pakistani women are known for their sincere commitment as wives. A significant number of women genuinely hold deep respect for their husbands.

9. South Africa

South Africa ranks 10th in our list of countries with the most faithful wives in the world. South Africa boasts a diverse array of attractive women, encompassing not only those with dark complexions but also those with fair skin. Within South African culture, the role of the wife holds great significance and commands deep respect, as it is believed that South African wives serve as the crucial link in connecting ancestors to future generations.

8. Somalia

In Somalia, any inappropriate gaze towards a married woman is met with severe consequences, including immediate punishment such as amputation or death by stoning. Wives in Somalia bear the responsibility of providing for their children and surviving independently. It is worth noting that nearly half of Somali women are married before they reach the age of 18. In light of these circumstances, Somali girls find happiness in meeting someone who can offer them love and protection, and in return, they often prove to be incredibly loyal wives.

7. Columbia

Colombia is home to a multitude of stunningly beautiful, sexy, and smart women who can easily captivate any individual with their allure. Colombian wives are known for their unwavering loyalty and steadfast support. Through good times and bad times, Columbian wives always stand by the side of their husbands, never leaving them alone.

6. Japan

Japan is home to some of the most devoted and respectful women in the world. Japanese women willingly fulfill their husband’s requests, as they believe that a husband’s happiness in marriage is one of their top priorities. When a Japanese woman finds a good man, she exhibits unwavering loyalty and devotion, making them among the most faithful wives in the world.

5. Brazil

Aside from their passion for football, another aspect that Brazilians are passionate about is sex. But they don’t just give it to anyone, they keep it only for their mutual intimate partner. When it comes to marriage, a Brazilian woman is prepared to set aside her wild party status and her wearing of sexy skirts or shorts and devote all her love, care, and affection to her husband. Brazilian women take pleasure in spending their days at home, cooking and caring for their children.


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