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15 Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World

In this piece, we are going to look at 15 Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World. If you want to skip our analysis on the global violence situation, you can go directly to 5 Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World.

In the face of a concerning reality characterized by a high global homicide rate, UNODC Chief has emphasized the significant failure of the international community to address all forms of violence by 2030, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The varied factors contributing to the widespread loss of life worldwide, ranging from gender-based violence to organized crime, poverty, and inequality, highlight the absence of a universal solution. A recently published UNODC report covering the years 2019 to 2021 revealed an alarming average of approximately 440,000 homicides annually, surpassing the combined toll of conflict-related and terrorist fatalities.

The year 2021 was notably deadly, with a total of 458,000 homicides recorded. This increase was partially attributed to the reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic challenges, and a rise in criminal activities, gang violence, and socio-political unrest in various countries. Despite a substantial rise in conflict-related deaths between 2021 and 2022, data shows that the global burden of homicides in 2022 was twice that of conflict-related fatalities. Organized crime played a significant role, accounting for 22% of global homicides and a striking 50% in the Americas, where intense competition among criminal entities led to sudden spikes in intentional killings.

The America has also reported the highest regional homicide rate per capita, with 15 per 100,000 population in 2021, resulting in 154,000 lives lost. Africa recorded the highest absolute number of homicides at 176,000, with a rate of 12.7 per 100,000 population, indicating a concerning lack of decline despite reductions in other regions.

In the midst of global turmoil, let’s shift our focus to companies that, while not directly causing chaos, supply ammunition and weapons that are often misused around the world. Namely, we are going to discuss Olin Corporation (NYSE:OLN), Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE:RGR) and Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ:SWBI).

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE:RGR)

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE:RGR), also known as Ruger, is an American firearms manufacturer headquartered in Southport, Connecticut, with production facilities in Newport, New Hampshire; Mayodan, North Carolina; and Prescott, Arizona.

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) announced today that in 2023, it reported net sales of $543.8 million and diluted earnings of $2.71 per share, compared to net sales of $595.8 million and diluted earnings of $4.96 per share in 2022. In the fourth quarter of 2023 ending 31 December 2023, net sales were $130.6 million, and diluted earnings were 58 cents per share, while in the same period in 2022, net sales were $149.2 million, and diluted earnings were $1.06 per share.

Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ:SWBI)

Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., an American firearm manufacturer headquartered in Maryville, Tennessee, United States, reported net sales of $124.9 million for the quarter ending on October 31, 2023, surpassing last year’s figure of $121.0 million. However, the company experienced a decline in gross profit, dropping to $31.8 million from $39.3 million, resulting in a gross margin of 25.4%, down from 32.4% compared to the previous year. This decrease can be attributed to factors such as fixed-cost absorption, inflationary pressures, and adjustments in inventory reserves. Operating income also decreased to $3.8 million from $12.5 million in the prior year.

Olin Corporation (NYSE:OLN)

Olin Corporation (NYSE:OLN), a diversified company with interests in chemicals, mining, and ammunition, operates the renowned Winchester brand in the firearms industry. The company released its financial results for the fourth quarter ending December 31, 2023. Net income for the fourth quarter of 2023 amounted to $52.9 million, or $0.43 per diluted share, in contrast to the reported net income of $196.6 million, or $1.43 per diluted share, in the fourth quarter of 2022.


Our ranking of the 15 Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World was compiled by referencing data from the World Population Review. This data includes the list of countries and their firearm-related death rates (per 100,000 persons). By utilizing this death rate as a proxy metric, which indicates that countries with the lowest number of gun deaths often have stricter gun laws, we have developed our ranking system. In cases where countries were tied in death rates, we prioritized population size as the determining factor. Countries with larger populations were placed higher in the ranking, acknowledging that effective gun control in these countries demands increased effort due to their larger populations. Now let us move on to our list of 15 Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World.

15. Maldives

Firearm related death rate: 0.39

15th on our list of Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World is Maldives, where firearm ownership is allowed for self-defense, sports shooting, hunting, professional use, and collecting valuable historical firearms. The law permits individuals to possess handguns for personal protection and firearms designed for sports shooting. Law enforcement officers, security personnel, and firearm collectors are also authorized to own specific types of firearms for their respective purposes.

14. Tajikistan

Firearm related death rate: 0.38

The Tajik government enforces strict laws and penalties to regulate firearms possession and use in the country. Violation of these laws can lead to imprisonment for up to 25 years for using a firearm to commit a crime, and up to 10 years for illegal trafficking of firearms. Public opinion on gun control in Tajikistan varies, with some supporting strict measures for crime prevention, while others advocate for the right to bear arms. Law enforcement agencies conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance with gun regulations, a move that has garnered both praise and criticism from the public.

13. North Korea

Firearm related death rate: 0.35

In Korea, firearms are strictly regulated and permitted only for official duties such as security and training purposes. Possession, transaction, lending, smuggling, destruction, and self-production of firearms are strictly prohibited for institutions, businesses, groups, and the general public. Violations of these regulations carry severe administrative and criminal consequences.

12. Mauritius

Firearm related death rate: 0.31

10th on our list of Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World is Mauritius, which has maintained a peaceful history without violence, armed conflict, or widespread weapons proliferation. Since gaining independence in 1968, the country has transitioned into an industrialized nation from its agricultural roots. Mauritius does not engage in the manufacturing, trading, or export of weapons and ammunition internationally and has low rates of gun ownership and crime. In 2012, an arms-trafficking network was discovered operating through Mauritius, leading to stricter firearm regulations. Currently, arms flow through the country is deemed minimal.

11. Poland

Firearm related death rate: 0.28

Upon acquisition of the license, you are granted a specific number of permits to purchase a firearm. It is possible to expand this allocation, but that isn’t under the radar of discussion topic here. Notably, registering your pistols under a sporting license allows you to carry them concealed and loaded for daily use, providing a more convenient option than obtaining a permit for self-defense purposes. According to Polish law, individuals have the right to defend themselves using any means necessary to safeguard their life and well-being, with the condition that the defense is proportional to the threat.

10. Qatar

Firearm related death rate: 0.26

In Qatar, stringent laws regulate the ownership and firing of unregistered firearms. Carrying a weapon without a justifiable reason can result in imprisonment of up to six months or a fine of up to QR 5,000, or both. Similarly, firing guns or setting off fireworks in unauthorized areas can lead to the same penalties. While firing a licensed firearm in isolated regions is permissible, it is discouraged due to safety concerns. To possess a firearm in Qatar, individuals must obtain a license from the Ministry of Interior (MOI).

9. United Kingdom

Firearm related death rate: 0.24

9th country on our list of Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World is UK.

The Firearms Act of 1968 consolidated all existing firearms laws into one comprehensive statute in the UK. It required applicants for Firearms Certificates to prove good character, demonstrate a valid reason for firearm possession, and ensure secure storage for weapons. The introduction of the Shotgun Certificate offered a less stringent licensing option for shotguns, without the necessity of a specific reason or storage regulations. This legislation governed gun control in the UK until the Hungerford massacre in 1987. Subsequent Acts, including the Firearms (Amendment) Act of 1988 and the Firearms (Amendment) Acts of 1997, imposed further restrictions on firearms following incidents such as the Dunblane tragedy and effectively banned civilian handgun ownership in the wake of these events.

8. Brunei

Firearm related death rate: 0.22

In Brunei, owning a gun is permitted, but acquiring a firearm license involves rigorous procedures. The government enforces stringent regulations on gun ownership, possession, and usage. Private individuals are authorized to have firearms solely for sporting and hunting activities, with self-defense not considered a valid reason for firearm possession.

7. Fiji

Firearm related death rate: 0.21

Owning a gun in Fiji is legal but requires a firearms license from the Fiji Police Force. To obtain this license, you must be at least 21 years old, pass a background check, and provide a valid reason for gun ownership, such as sport shooting or self-defense. Semi-automatic and automatic firearms are prohibited for civilian ownership. Carrying a concealed weapon without a permit is illegal, storage regulations mandate secure locking when not in use, and violating gun laws can lead to severe consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and license revocation.

6. Taiwan

Firearm related death rate: 0.21

Last year, Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan approved amendments to the Controlling Guns, Ammunition, and Knives Act, imposing severe penalties for using various firearms, including replicas, in public places. The new law mandates a minimum seven-year jail term and fines up to NT$15 million for discharging a standard firearm in public or accessible areas. These amendments, proposed by the Ministry of the Interior (MOI), were enacted following seizures of modified guns linked to incidents causing harm.

Click to continue reading and find out about the 5 Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Countries With Most Effective Gun Control In The World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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