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15 Countries with Most Breast Implants in the World

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 15 countries with the most breast implants in the world. If you do not want to learn about the global breast implants market, head straight to the 5 Countries with Most Breast Implants in the World.

In recent years, the prevalence of breast augmentation surgeries has surged globally, sparking curiosity about the countries leading this trend. From bustling metropolises to serene coastal towns, the quest for enhanced aesthetics has become increasingly prevalent. This exploration delves into the nations where breast implants are most popular, shedding light on cultural perceptions, medical advancements, and societal influences driving this phenomenon. 

Global Breast Implants Market: Growth, Trends, and Projections 

The global breast implant market is experiencing significant growth, projected to increase from USD 2.31 billion in 2022 to USD 5.34 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 7.3% to 7.7%. Key factors driving this growth include

  • the rising number of breast augmentation procedures,
  • increasing incidence of breast cancer and
  • technological advancements in the industry. 

Market segmentation reveals distinct product types, shapes, applications, and end-user trends. Silicone implants hold the largest market share due to their natural look and feel, while round and anatomical shapes cater to diverse aesthetic preferences. The market encompasses reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries, with hospitals dominating the end-user segment, particularly in North America. 

Several prominent companies, including Mentor Worldwide LLC, Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: ESTA), Sientra, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIEN), and GC Aesthetics, are critical players in this market, driving innovation and competition. 

Sientra, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIEN), known for its silicone gel breast implants, markets its products through board-certified plastic surgeons for quality assurance. Despite recent efforts to expand into the Japanese market with OPUS breast implants, the company filed for bankruptcy in February 2024 due to financial difficulties, despite strong demand during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sientra, Inc. (NASDAQ:SIEN) has made significant advancements in aesthetics and plastic surgery, introducing FDA-approved breast implants with low complication rates and a natural feel. These innovations highlight the company’s commitment to delivering technologically advanced products supported by robust clinical trials. 

Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: ESTA) is a global medical technology company specializing in women’s health and wellness, particularly breast aesthetics and reconstruction. Their Motiva devices have seen widespread adoption, with over three million units in the market since 2010. The company offers a portfolio of Femtech solutions, including the Motiva Flora tissue expander and Mia Femtech for minimally invasive breast procedures. In 2024 Q1, Establishment Labs Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ESTA) launched Motiva Implants in China, expanding its market reach. 

The US breast implant market is robust, with North America holding a dominant share of around 30% in 2022. The region’s market size was approximately USD 1.21 billion in 2022 and is expected to maintain steady growth due to rising demand for cosmetic procedures and the increasing prevalence of breast cancer. 

Global trends in breast augmentation reflect growing awareness, acceptance, and demand for cosmetic procedures worldwide, reducing social stigma and expanding the customer base. Technological advancements through continuous research and development investments further propel market growth, with North America leading due to high revenue share and advanced technologies.  

Breast implants are sought after by many women for cosmetic enhancement, with over 365,000 procedures performed for this purpose in 2021, indicating a significant increase from previous years. However, a small percentage of these women may experience complications such as breast implant illness (BII), which accounts for 4.2% of cosmetic breast implant revisions in a legacy cohort study. The FDA underscores the importance of recognizing both the benefits and risks associated with breast implants, whether chosen for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. 

Cultural influences significantly shape preferences in breast augmentation, extending to transgender individuals where surveys reveal considerable interest in or pursuit of breast augmentation, often preferring a 45:55 breast ratio. Regional disparities in preferred breast ratios based on cultural backgrounds have been noted, though studies are limited in scope. Medical tourism hotspots such as the United States, Thailand, Brazil, and South Korea attract international patients seeking cosmetic surgeries, including breast augmentation, due to well-established medical facilities and experienced surgeons.  

Demand for breast implants is notably high among women in countries like the United States and Brazil, with breast augmentation being a popular cosmetic surgical procedure. In the United States alone, over 300,000 breast augmentation procedures were performed in 2020, with costs ranging between USD 5,000 to USD 10,000 depending on various factors. Similarly, countries like Thailand, Brazil, and South Korea offer affordable and high-quality cosmetic surgeries, attracting many international patients. 

Piotr Marcinski/

Our Methodology 

The list of 15 Countries with the most breast implants in the world was curated based on data from Google Trends due to the unavailability of country-wise data on breast implant prevalence. Google Trends provided insights into the search interest for Countries with the most breast implants worldwide. The search popularity of these terms was assessed using Google Trends’ arbitrary rating system, with higher ratings indicating more significant interest in the respective disorder. Countries with higher scores were presumed to have higher rates of breast implants. This methodology aimed to gauge relative interest levels in breast implant-related topics as a proxy for prevalence rates across different states. 

Here is our list of the 15 Countries with the most breast implants in the world.  

15. Belgium  

Google Search Interest: 36 

Belgium, one of the countries with most breast implants in the world,  plays a significant role in the European breast implant market, favoring smaller, textured implants compared to the US. Surgeons prefer medium-sized implants (300–550 cm³). The European market was valued at $470 million in 2021, with a projected 9% CAGR until 2028. Leading manufacturers like Polytech Health & Aesthetics, GC Aesthetics, and Allergan operate in Belgium, driving innovation. COVID-19 impacted screenings, but there’s potential for increased demand post-restrictions, especially for breast reconstruction. 

14. Tunisia 

Google Search Interest: 38 

Tunisia is renowned for its high quality breast implant surgeries, offering affordable options ranging from 2000 to 3781 Tunisian dinars (approximately 6768 to 12795 USD). Procedures commonly use silicone gel or saline-filled implants with various shapes, sizes, and incision options. High-quality implants meeting CE standards are used, ensuring safety and efficacy. Packages often include anesthesia, surgical facilities, tests, post-operative care, and surgeon’s fees. Due to its affordability and quality services, Tunisia is a popular destination for breast augmentation abroad. 

13. Sweden  

Google Search Interest: 41 

Mentor dominates the breast implant market in Sweden, with approximately 50% market share. Breast implants are primarily used for benign conditions, with 88.6% of cases falling into this category. The European breast implant market is projected to reach USD 0.72 billion by 2028. While specific gender preferences and expenses in Sweden are not detailed, Mentor actively promotes its implants in the country, suggesting varying costs depending on brand and type. 

12. Singapore 

Google Search Interest: 44 

Singapore’s breast implant market is growing, making Singapore stand among the countries with most breast implants in the world. Factors driving demand include rising disposable incomes, lifestyle changes, and increased awareness of cosmetic procedures. Breast implants are popular among middle and upper-income women for aesthetic reasons and breast cancer reconstruction. Singapore’s breast implant market was valued at USD 495.73 million in 2021.

11. Romania 

Google Search Interest: 45 

In Romania, breast augmentation procedures are popular, driving a significant market for breast implants making Romania stand thirteenth among the countries with the highest plastic surgery rates per capita. Delayed two-stage breast reconstruction procedures are studied for outcomes and costs, with the Romanian National Health System using Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) for economic evaluations. Costs for breast reconstruction vary. Alloplastic reconstruction averages 178.42 euros, while autologous reconstruction averages 297.54 euros. 

10. France 

Google Search Interest: 45 

France is a significant player in the breast implant market, with growing demand for procedures like breast augmentation and reconstruction, making France stand among the countries with most breast implants in the world . Both women and men opt for aesthetic procedures, with safety being a primary concern for women. France witnessed 72,641 aesthetic implant procedures, including breast implants, in 2022. 

9. South Korea 

Google Search Interest: 49 

South Korea, the boob job capital of the world, largely focuses on augmentation mammaplasty for cosmetic reasons. In 2022, the country performed 84,957 aesthetic implant procedures, with augmentation mammaplasty and direct-to-implant breast reconstruction being the most common. South Korea has become a hub for medical tourism, offering high-quality breast surgeries with innovative techniques and affordable costs ranging from $5,000 to $8,400. Seoul Guide Medical, a leading medical tourism provider, offers personalized care and state-of-the-art facilities for breast augmentation surgeries. 

8. Israel  

Google Search Interest: 51 

In Israel, there’s a shift towards smooth breast implants due to concerns over Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BI-ALCL). Approximately 60% of plastic surgeons reported a decrease in augmentation surgeries, with some switching from textured to smooth implants. Mentor Worldwide led the aesthetic implants market in Israel, valued at over $9 million in 2022. Despite some surgeons’ continued preference for textured implants, concerns over BI-ALCL have led to a shift towards smooth implants, especially among experienced surgeons. Recent data shows an increase in implant removal surgeries alongside a decrease in implantations, possibly due to concerns over Breast Implant Illness (BII) and increased awareness of systemic effects.  

7. New Zealand 

Google Search Interest: 54 

In New Zealand, the breast implant market is notable, with growing demand for breast augmentation procedures. Surgeons commonly use medium-sized implants, with costs ranging from $10,000 to $15,000, depending on various factors. Women from middle and upper-income households are primary candidates for breast implant surgery. Market growth is driven by rising demand for cosmetic procedures and increasing breast cancer incidence, although risks and high costs can limit expansion. 

6. Ireland 

Google Search Interest: 73 

In Ireland, breast augmentation is primarily sought for cosmetic reasons rather than reconstructive purposes. Although precise procedure numbers are challenging to obtain due to the lack of a nationwide registry, Ireland ranks sixth among the countries with most breast implants in the world.  

Click to see and continue reading the 5 Countries with Most Breast Implants in the World.

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Disclosure. None: The 15 Countries with Most Breast Implants in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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