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15 Countries With Highest Pharmaceutical Spend Per Capita

In this article, we will be taking a look at the 15 countries with highest pharmaceutical spend per capita. If you are not interested in learning about the global pharmaceutical market, head straight to the 5 Countries With Highest Pharmaceutical Spend Per Capita.

In the landscape of global healthcare expenditure, certain countries stand out for their significant investment in pharmaceuticals per capita. These nations allocate substantial resources to ensure access to essential medications and cutting-edge treatments for their populations. Analyzing the countries with the highest pharmaceutical spending per capita provides valuable insights into their healthcare priorities, economic strength, and commitment to advancing medical innovation. 

Overview of Global Pharmaceutical Market and Economic Impact

The global pharmaceutical market is poised for substantial growth, projected to expand by 6.19% from 2024 to 2028, reaching a volume of US$1470.00 billion. New drug launches, increased utilization of existing drugs, and the influence of lower-cost alternatives fuel this growth. Moreover, total spending and global demand for medicines will soar to $1.9 trillion by 2027. 

In the United States, which leads the global pharmaceutical market with a 48.9% share of total pharmaceutical revenue, the sector faces challenges such as underperformance in capital markets, rising business costs due to inflation and taxes, and an evolving threat landscape. Nevertheless, industry growth is anticipated, driven by initiatives like reduced taxes and decreased drug prices. 

The economic impact of pharmaceutical spending is profound, as evidenced by the remarkable growth of the pharmaceutical industry in countries like China and India, where GDP growth exceeds 6%. Such spending not only stimulates economic activity by creating employment opportunities and generating tax revenue but also contributes to enhanced population health and heightened productivity. However, the relationship between pharmaceutical Spending and GDP is intricate and influenced by diverse factors such as healthcare system structure, economic development level, and governmental policies. 

Research and development expenses, averaging $2.6 billion per drug, remain substantial. The dominance of the United States in the pharmaceutical realm, accounting for the maximum global pharmaceutical spending in 2021, is evident, with Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) emerging as key industry players. China emerges as a significant market player, capturing nearly 12% market share. 

Driving Forces and Trends in Pharmaceutical Innovation 

Worldwide innovation and research in the pharmaceutical sector play a pivotal role in advancing healthcare and addressing global health challenges. Investment in cutting-edge medical technologies and drug development remains a cornerstone of this endeavor, as reflected in recent financial statistics and reports. 

The pharmaceutical industry stands out as one of the most research-intensive sectors, with significant investments in research and development (R&D) to discover and develop new drugs. However, the financial landscape for pharmaceutical R&D has become increasingly challenging, with a decline in the projected return on investment (ROI) to 1.2% in 2022, the lowest in the 13-year history of the report. The average cost of developing a new drug has risen to $2.3 billion in 2022, while average forecast peak sales per asset have decreased to $389 million. 

Innovation in pharmaceuticals is more comprehensive than in developed countries, as highlighted by a study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. Rising pharmaceutical innovation in the Global South, including countries like Bangladesh and Colombia, underscores a shift towards a more globally distributed innovation landscape. Investment in R&D in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) has increased over the past decade, indicating potential for more significant innovation in these regions. 

Venture capital investment is crucial in fueling early-stage pharmaceutical innovation, with significant fluctuations observed worldwide. Notably, Asia-Pacific (APAC) pharmaceuticals have seen a notable increase in venture capital investments, with early-stage innovator drug venture funding for APAC biotech reaching $9.4 billion, a 78% increase. However, economic uncertainty in 2022 led to a decrease in total deal volume and value, reflecting challenges faced by the sector. 

Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is witnessing a growing demand for personalized medicine, driven by consumers seeking treatments tailored to their needs and genetic makeup. This trend is reshaping research and development strategies, with the global personalized medicine market valued at $2.12 trillion in 2021 and expected to reach $5.7 trillion by 2030. Additionally, the global precision medicine market size was estimated at $73.49 billion in 2022 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 11.5% from 2022 to 2030, reaching a value of $175.64 billion by the end of the forecast period.

Innovative Healthcare Leaders: Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, and Novo Nordisk 

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), a multinational healthcare corporation founded in 1886, has a rich history of innovation spanning over a century. The company has made significant contributions to pharmaceuticals and medical technology, focusing on treatments for blood cancers and efforts toward finding a cure for multiple myeloma. Furthermore, Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) is actively involved in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, crucial for managing cognitive decline. 

Johnson & Johnson was recognized as one of the Fortune World’s Most Admired Companies in 2024. Its latest innovations include treatments for incurable cancers, catheters for diagnosing and treating atrial fibrillation, and improved surgical staplers, all aimed at enhancing patient care globally. 

Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY), another leading healthcare organization, is dedicated to developing high-quality medicines. With a focus on innovation, Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY) aims to launch 20 new drugs over a decade, addressing various medical needs such as diabetes, obesity, immunology, oncology, and neuroscience. 

Novo Nordisk A/S (NYSE:NVO), a global healthcare company, specializes in treatments for diabetes, obesity, hemophilia, growth disorders, and hormone replacement therapy. With a robust R&D pipeline, Novo Nordisk A/S (NYSE:NVO) focuses on developing novel treatments for chronic conditions. Notably, Novo Nordisk A/S (NYSE:NVO)’s semaglutide drugs have shown promise in treating both type 2 diabetes and obesity, leading to increased production capacity to meet growing demand. 

However, concerns about the inappropriate use and potential side effects of semaglutides have prompted warnings from regulatory authorities, emphasizing the importance of proper medical supervision when using these medications. 

A closeup of pills in a pharmacy, representing the high quality medications of the company.

Our Methodology 

For our methodology, we have ranked the countries with the highest pharmaceutical spend per capita based on their 2022 pharmaceutical spending. For the accuracy of data, we relied on the OECD. 

Here is our list of the 15 countries with the highest pharmaceutical spend per capita.  

15. Slovak Republic  

Pharmaceutical spending per capita: $531 

Slovakia exhibits notable pharmaceutical expenditure, with spending per capita reaching $1,394 in 2020, equivalent to 7.23% of GDP, underscoring a significant investment in healthcare. In 2013, per capita spending on medical goods exceeded OECD and EU averages, reflecting a strong commitment to healthcare.  

14. Spain  

Pharmaceutical Spendings Per Capita: $595 

Spain, demonstrates significant pharmaceutical expenditure, with a per capita spending of $595 in 2022. Prescription medicines dominate the market, comprising 79% of pharmaceutical spending in 2019, while imports are crucial in meeting demand, reaching USD 6.3 billion in 2021.  

13. Ireland  

Pharmaceutical Spendings Per Capita: $625 

Ireland stands among the countries with highest pharmaceutical spend per capita, reflecting its healthcare investment and medication accessibility. Ireland’s spending is comparable to other high-spending nations like Greece and Belgium. Government and compulsory insurance schemes cover over 80% of total pharmaceutical costs in countries such as France, Ireland, and Germany, emphasizing substantial public investment. Over the past decade, Ireland has witnessed significant growth in pharmaceutical spending, alongside Greece, averaging over 11% annually.  

12. Iceland  

Pharmaceutical Spending Per Capita: $632 

Iceland ranks among the top countries for pharmaceutical spending per capita. The healthcare spending per capita in the country is $6,636 as of 2022, accounting for 9.65% of its GDP. This spending encompasses prescription medicines and over-the-counter products, reflecting the nation’s robust healthcare investment. Projections indicate continued financial commitment, with health expenditures expected to reach 11.25% of GDP by 2029.

11. Belgium  

Pharmaceutical Spending Per Capita: $649 

Belgium is recognized for its high pharmaceutical Spending per capita, with significant investment in healthcare. In 2021, public per capita healthcare expenditure reached approximately 3,717 euros, while the country spends $6600 per capita on health, equivalent to 10.9% of its GDP, surpassing the OECD average. Pharmaceutical spending encompasses both prescription medicines and over-the-counter products. According to the World Bank, Belgium’s current health expenditure represents approximately 10.5% of its GDP, reflecting the nation’s substantial commitment to healthcare accessibility and investment in pharmaceuticals. 

10. Luxembourg  

Pharmaceutical Spending Per Capita: $706 

Luxembourg’s pharmaceutical Spending per capita reached $706 in 2022, reflecting a significant allocation towards healthcare. Luxembourg surpasses the OECD average with a per capita health expenditure of $6,436, equivalent to 5.5% of its GDP. This elevated spending is attributed to the country’s high GDP. Regarding the type of treatments primarily done, Luxembourg’s healthcare system focuses on acute and primary care. The government has a relatively low prevalence of diabetes and obesity and performs better than the OECD average on 95% of health indicators. However, it prescribes more antibiotics than the OECD average, significantly focusing on preventive care. 

9. Greece 

Pharmaceutical Spending Per Capita: $740 

Greece ranks among the top countries for pharmaceutical spending per capita, reaching $740 in 2022, covering both prescription medicines and over-the-counter products. High pharmaceutical spending in Greece aligns with healthcare needs, such as higher smoking prevalence and antibiotic usage, reflecting demand for treatments related to respiratory diseases and cancer. Notably, most pharmaceutical Spending in Greece is funded through public sources, ensuring access to necessary medications without burdening individual patients. 

8. Italy  

Pharmaceutical Spending Per Capita: $748 

In 2022, Italy’s pharmaceutical spending per capita was USD 748, with total expenditure reaching EUR 30.8 billion. Over two-thirds of the population received prescriptions annually. The Italian National Health Service reimbursed 76.4% of total expenditure, while out-of-pocket spending primarily covered Class C medications. Community pharmacy margins are regulated, with wholesalers and pharmacists receiving 3.00% and 30.35% respectively. Agreements between the pharmaceutical industry and the NHS aim to control spending by imposing refunds for excess expenditure. 

7. Austria 

Pharmaceutical Spending Per Capita: $765 

In 2022, pharmaceutical sales in Austria reached approximately $8.6 billion, with exports amounting to $13.2 billion. Major import partners include Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, the U.S., and Hungary. Expenditure on retail pharmaceuticals in 2019 totaled $645 per capita, with a low generics share of 32.5% in the ambulatory sector. 

6. France 

Pharmaceutical Spending Per Capita: $766 

France ranks sixth among the countries with high pharmaceutical spending per capita, covering prescription medicines and over-the-counter products. In 2021, its spending per capita was lower than the United States’, influenced by varying approaches to drug pricing, prescribing volume, and global health budgets. The country’s healthcare system offers diverse medical treatments, focusing on regulating drug prices based on value.  

Click to see and continue reading the 5 Countries With The Highest Pharmaceutical Spend Per Capita.

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Disclosure. None: The 15 Countries With The Highest Pharmaceutical Spend Per Capita is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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