Find out which nations are the brainiest of all with our list of the countries with highest average IQ! A country’s workforce is one of its biggest assets, and intelligent citizens can be a boon to its development. Intelligence Quotient is the score based on various test directed at assessing human intelligence and therefore proves to be quite a legit degree of determining how a country fares on the intelligence front. And, the conclusions we arrive at from looking at the list, shows that the Asian countries clearly beat others in this particular race!
Parallels have often been drawn between IQ and workforce abilities, and in turn the wealth of nations and social well being. It’s arguable though, how accurate it is to only consider average IQ to determine how smart or not a country is. There are various other factors that might need some consideration. And then, determining average IQ of an entire nation isn’t exactly the easiest task either. In collection of data of such huge magnitude, it is always possible that some countries get left out, which keeps it from being exactly reliable. Due to these reasons, the study of relationships between nations and intelligence has always invited some amount of controversy whether it’s the methods of collection of data sets or the concept itself which to some extent connects IQ with genetics.

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That being said, the current list does give us an idea of quality of human capital in different countries and definitely qualifies for an interesting read. Also, do check out our other list of the 34 Smartest Countries in the World. For now, check if your country features on our list of countries with the highest IQ, here!