15 Countries That Have Won Eurovision The Most

3. Luxembourg

Victories – 5

Despite being one of the smallest sovereign states in Europe and worldwide, it’s not small at all if greatness would be measured by success in Eurovision since it has 5 Eurosong victories. Anyhow, the interesting fact is that none of those 5 winners came from Luxembourg. Among the winners are France Gall and her song titled ‘Poupee de cire, poupee de son’, that made her worldwide recognized in the 60’s, three French artists and a Greek singer Vicky Leandros that won Eurosong in 1972.

United Kingdom

Victories – 5

Being the part of the Big Five, the UK, that’s up next in our list of countries that have won Eurovision the most, is with other four largest financial contributors to the European Broadcasting Union automatically qualified for the Grand Final. However, considering the UK’s poor placement between 1999 and 2016, it seems that previous fact is not going to its favor. But, if we dig a little deeper in the past, the situation is as follows – starting with Sandie Shaw’s success in 1967, the UK has been racking up victories, 4 more, to be correct, with the last one in 1997 sang by Katrina & The Waves. At the same time span, the UK finished second 15 times. So, maybe last 16 years are just a calm before the storm? Time will tell.


Victories –  5

Five victories are more than enough for the place on our list of the 15 countries that have won Eurovision the most, so, France beyond doubt deserves it. Yet, it is hard not to notice that all 5 triumphs happened really long time ago, with the most recent one in 1977. Did French lose the sense of rhythm and melody, or is it something else? Nevertheless, after Anre Claveau’s win at the third Eurovision contest, French artists Jacqueline Boyer, Isabelle Aubret and Frida Boccara gained three more victories during the 60’s. The last and the most surprising one was the victory of Marie Myriam, the outsider that became famous overnight by singing the song titled0 ‘L’oiseau et l’enfant’.