15 Countries that Have the Best Weather in Africa

In this article, we will take a look at the 15 countries that have the best weather in Africa.

When some people think about Africa, their thoughts often gravitate toward themes of conflict, crime, disease, corruption, poverty, and the label, dark continent. Yet, many people may overlook the fact that it is the presence of darkness that allows the brilliance of light to shine. Africa stands as the second-largest and second-most-populous continent globally, comprising 54 diverse nations, each possessing its unique splendor.

Africa offers a rich tapestry of natural wonders, from the captivating beauty of its savannahs and numerous national parks and reserves to its vast deserts like the Sahara and Namib. The continent boasts an array of majestic rivers, including the Zambezi, Rovuma, Okavango, Congo, Niger, Luangwa, Nile, and Tugela. Its stunning lakes, such as Malawi, Victoria, Turkana, and Tanganyika, grace its landscapes. Africa is also adorned with imposing mountains like the Drakensberg, Mount Kenya, and Kilimanjaro. To top it off, the continent is a culinary paradise with a diverse array of foods. Additionally, Africa is renowned as the home of the Animal Kingdom, where the abundance of food sources supports a rich variety of wildlife.

Africa’s climate encompasses a wide array of types, including the equatorial climate, tropical wet and dry climate, tropical monsoon climate, semi-desert climate, desert climate, and subtropical highland climate, among others. Temperate climates are a rarity on the continent, confined mainly to elevated areas and coastal regions. Remarkably, Africa’s climate is more influenced by variable rainfall patterns than by temperature fluctuations, which consistently remain high. The continent’s deserts, particularly, stand out as the sunniest and driest regions, owing to the persistent presence of the subtropical ridge, which ushers in hot, arid air masses. Africa boasts numerous heat-related records, holding distinctions for having the hottest extended region year-round, the areas with the hottest summer climates, and the highest duration of sunshine, among others.

In North Africa, an arid desert climate prevails, characterized by scorching temperatures and minimal rainfall, with occasional nighttime freezing temperatures in mountainous and Sahara regions. Equatorial West and Central Africa, on the other hand, experience a monsoon climate, marked by elevated temperatures, soaring humidity levels, and substantial seasonal downpours. In East Africa, distinct dry and rainy seasons are observed, while Southern Africa typically enjoys a more temperate climate.

Africa’s climatic diversity is a result of its expansive presence across equatorial and subtropical latitudes in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Situated primarily within the intertropical zone, bounded by the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, the continent maintains consistently high humidity levels, making it predominantly hot. Warm and hot climates are prevalent throughout Africa, with the northern region characterized by arid conditions and high temperatures. Mediterranean climates, akin to those found along the northernmost and southernmost fringes of the continent, are exceptions to this rule. The equator, along with the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, bisects Africa, earning it the distinction of being the world’s most tropical continent.

In many African countries, the progression of seasons diverges from the typical pattern observed in Europe and the United States. Rather than experiencing the familiar spring, summer, fall, and winter cycles, most countries situated south of the Sahara Desert are characterized by distinct dry and rainy seasons. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in equatorial countries, where temperatures remain consistently warm throughout the year, yet the volume of precipitation undergoes dramatic fluctuations. Northern regions of Africa which includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, undergo winter conditions from December to March, while the southern areas of South Africa encounter winter from June to September. But also, there are some African countries with good weather all year round.

The weather on the elevated plateaus of numerous East African countries is favored by both residents and tourists, often regarded as the finest. The majority of capital cities in these countries are situated at altitudes exceeding 1400 meters. Take, for instance, Kigali, Kampala, Nairobi, and Addis Ababa. Daytime temperatures seldom surpass 30 degrees Celsius, and nights offer cool, comfortable conditions for sleeping. Thanks to the elevation, the climate is also relatively low in humidity. Meanwhile, if you’re thinking about which country has the best climate in the world, you can take a look at our other article.

15 Countries that Have the Best Weather in Africa

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Our Methodology

In this article, we will be answering the question, “Which country has the best weather in Africa?” To compile our list of the 15 countries that have the best weather in Africa, we performed comprehensive research and collated data from various distinct sources. Each time a country was referenced in these sources along with its average surface air temperature and feedback from locals and tourists, we assigned a specific point. By calculating the average scores derived from these criteria, we crafted our selection of the 15 countries that have the best weather in Africa.

15 Countries that Have the Best Weather in Africa

15. Botswana

Ranking 15th in our list of the countries that have the best weather in Africa is Botswana. Botswana’s climate is classified as semi-arid. While a significant portion of the year is characterized by hot and arid conditions, there is a distinct rainy season that spans the summer months. During this season, rain tends to manifest episodically, without a clear pattern, and varies greatly from one region to another.

14. Mozambique

Mozambique experiences a tropical to sub-tropical climate. The dry season spans from April to December, featuring temperatures ranging from 25°C to 33°C. In contrast, the wet season extends from January to March, with temperatures slightly elevated, ranging from 30°C to 33°C. Rainfall in Mozambique exhibits a north-to-south gradient, with higher precipitation levels along the coastal regions, where the annual average typically ranges from 800 to 1200 mm.

13. Rwanda

Rwanda ranks 13th in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa. Rwanda is situated only two degrees south of the equator; however, its considerable elevation results in a delightful tropical highland climate. Rwanda’s mean annual temperature stands at 19.1℃, with monthly averages fluctuating between 19.5°C in September and 18.5℃ in July. The yearly rainfall amounts to 1,170.2 mm. In contrast to many African countries located farther from the equator, Rwanda enjoys a climate that is neither excessively hot nor overly cold.

12. Cape Verde

The best period to explore Cape Verde falls between November and June, allowing you to fully enjoy the renowned white-sand beaches that grace the islands. During this time, temperatures typically range from the mid-to-high twenties, and precipitation is minimal. Cape Verde exhibits a relatively narrow annual temperature range, with coastal areas maintaining an average temperature of approximately 25ºC, while regions above 1,000 meters reach around 19ºC. The lowest temperature values, ranging from 20ºC to 21ºC, are observed from January to April, whereas the highest values of 26ºC to 28ºC occur in August and September.

11. Algeria

Ranking 11th in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa is Algeria. Algeria experiences two contrasting climatic regions. First is the Mediterranean climate in the northern part of the country and then a desert climate that predominates across the majority of its territory. The coastal and Tell Atlas Mountains regions experience a sub-humid Mediterranean climate, marked by relatively wet and mild winters, as well as hot and dry summers. In the remainder of the country, the vast Sahara Desert takes over, with seasonal average winter temperatures ranging from 15°C to 28°C and soaring to 40°C to 45°C during the summer. In the northern areas, humid winds from the sea usher in precipitation from autumn through spring.

10. Madagascar

Madagascar is often included in the top 10 best African countries to live in. Madagascar experiences two distinct seasons which are a warm, rainy season stretching from November to April and a cooler, drier season that spans from May to October. Along the eastern coast, the climate is sub-equatorial, influenced by easterly trade winds, and it receives the highest and most consistent rainfall, averaging up to 3,700 mm annually. Generally, the period from April to October is considered the best time to visit Madagascar. This is the dry and cool season, often referred to as the austral winter by naturalists. During this period, travel conditions are quite favorable, with bright and typically warm to very warm days and mild nights.

9. Namibia

Namibia ranks 9th in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa. The ideal period for a Namibia visit falls between July and October when temperatures hover slightly above 21°C, and the likelihood of rainfall is minimal. This span coincides with prime wildlife viewing, marking the peak of the travel season. During this time, the skies remain clear, the risk of malaria is at its lowest, and as the dry season progresses, animals become more concentrated around water sources.

8. Zambia

Zambia secured the 8th spot in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa. For Zambia, the best time for a visit falls within the dry season, spanning from June to November. During this time, expect vivid blue skies, warm days, and cooler nights, with temperatures ranging from 23°C to 36°C throughout the country. This season also offers abundant opportunities for wildlife observation. Zambia experiences a predominantly warm climate, with an annual average temperature of 29°C. However, there are only a few months with a genuinely tropical and humid feel.

7. Morocco

The most favorable times to explore Morocco are during the autumn and spring seasons. Nevertheless, Morocco’s diverse geography offers unique charms in each season. Overall, the country boasts a tropical climate, with temperatures ranging from a high of 35°C to a low of 5°C in the Sahara region. Along the coast, you’ll encounter a warm, Mediterranean climate, softened on the eastern coast by southwest trade winds, while the inland areas feature a hotter, drier, continental climate.

6. Tanzania

Tanzania bagged the 6th spot in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa. Tanzania boasts a consistently pleasant climate throughout the year, although notable regional differences exist. The tropical climate in Tanzania varies according to the region and elevation. Coastal areas tend to be hot and humid, while the low-lying parks offer drier and cooler conditions. The best time for a Tanzania visit is during the dry season, spanning from July to October, aligning with the Great Wildebeest Migration.

5. Zimbabwe

The best time for a trip to Zimbabwe falls within the window from July to October when wildlife observation is at its zenith. During this period, the natural waterholes in the parks dry up, drawing substantial herds to the lakes, man-made waterholes, and rivers. Zimbabwe experiences a subtropical climate with extended, hot summers featuring average temperatures around 30°C, and comparatively cooler winters, often marked by notably cooler nighttime temperatures.

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4. Ethiopia

Ranking 4th in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa is Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s climate displays a tropical character in the lowland areas of the southeastern and northeastern regions, whereas it becomes notably cooler in the expansive central highland areas. The average annual temperatures tend to range from 15-20˚C in the higher-altitude regions and 25-30˚C in the lowlands. The most favorable period to visit is from October to June when the dry season prevails. Rains typically cease early in October, resulting in lush and green highlands, providing an ideal setting for trekking amid the vibrant wildflowers that have bloomed.

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3. Uganda

Uganda primarily experiences a tropical climate marked by two distinct rainy seasons annually, which occur from March to May and from September to December. The northern region, constituting a quarter of the country, lies outside the tropical belt and consequently encounters just one rainy season, spanning from March to October. The most suitable times to explore Uganda are during its two dry seasons which are from December to February and from June to August. These periods are especially conducive for trekking to observe mountain gorillas and chimpanzees. The dry seasons also provide excellent opportunities for game viewing in national parks, including the window between February and March.

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2. Kenya

Kenya ranks 2nd in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa. Kenya, positioned along the equator, enjoys a delightful tropical climate, yet substantial regional climatic disparities exist, notably influenced by factors like altitude. Daytime temperatures in Kenya typically range from 20°C to 28°C, with the coast experiencing warmer conditions. The prime period for a Kenyan visit falls between June and October, characterized by minimal rainfall and daytime temperatures that avoid excessive heat. Nevertheless, thanks to its diverse geography and moderate climate, Kenya is widely regarded as an excellent year-round choice for safari adventures and beach vacations.

1. South Africa

Taking the top spot in our list of countries that have the best weather in Africa is South Africa. South Africa experiences a diverse range of climate conditions, which are shaped by the influence of the ocean along its east and west coasts and the interior plateaus. These influences create a spectrum of climates, from a cool, wet climate in the Drakensberg region to warm, sub-tropical conditions in the northeast, a Mediterranean climate in the southwest, and a warm, arid desert environment in the central west and northwest. The best time to explore South Africa is from May to September, particularly in the cooler winter months of the northern regions. According to many people, South Africa is one of the best countries in Africa to live in.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Countries that Have the Best Weather in Africa is originally published on Insider Monkey.