The American people have a proud tradition of honoring their army veterans, but what are the companies that hire veterans the most?
“What our servicemen and women want, more than anything else, is the assurance of satisfactory employment upon their return to civil life.”
-Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The USA holds its veterans in very high regard. The tradition of paying tribute to the troops is a longstanding convention in the United States. Many companies affirm their support for the troops in emotionally-charged rhetoric. But do these companies that spend so much in embellishing their public image by boasting of their veteran-friendly policies, actually follow through on their promise to offer jobs to our veterans?

Jordan Tan /
Unfortunately, the ground realities reflect a much more bleak state of affairs. Despite the much touted PR campaigns, there are still many veterans who suffer from joblessness in the USA. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces since 2001 was at 5.1% in 2016, while the unemployment rate for veterans across the board was 4.3%.
After one has done their duty to the country, the least the nation can offer back to an army veteran is a job. Today we look at the companies that go beyond mere lip service and PR campaigns in honoring our brave men and women by truly becoming a veteran-friendly company. These companies talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to offering employment to the country’s heroes. These companies have a proven track record of offering employment to veterans. Many of them offer jobs that take advantage of quantitative analytical skills. If you think mathematics is not your strong suit, check out this list on Best Careers if You are Bad at Math.
In a study conducted by Military Times, companies from across the USA were asked to take part in a thorough survey with over 90 questions. We have sorted the ranking by giving greatest weight to two crucial factors: 1) Percentage of veterans in the company and 2) Percentage of new hires in 2016 who are veterans. We then ranked companies according to the sum of the above two variables. We also filtered out the companies that hired less than 500 military personnel in 2016 to ensure a fair comparison. Now, let’s see our list of companies that hire veterans.