If you think that studying in the reportedly world’s most powerful country will cost you an arm and a leg, let us reassure you with this list of cheapest universities in USA for international students.
The number of international students in the USA reached incredible 1.18 million in May 2017. Statistics show that more than three-quarters of the students came from Asia. Almost a third – 362,368 – came from China, while 206,698 came from India. South Korea and Saudi Arabia students followed, but not in such high numbers. However, USA Today College reports American universities are facing a decline in the number of international students in the fall of 2017, which is mostly due to 2016 “Trump effect” on colleges, i.e., the changes in American openness to foreigners. If this information has made you indecisive, maybe you could check which are the easiest German universities to get into or check some other cheap universities for international students in Europe. If you go to study in Norway, you’ll love the fact that studying is free. However, there is an issue with the language, and the problem with many European universities is the fact that they treat students from the EU and other countries differently. If you really wish to learn your subjects in English and stay close to the US, there’s always the option of visiting their friendly neighbor. Some of the cheapest Canadian universities for international students can be found at World Scholarship Forum. New Brunswick Community College is the most affordable college in Canada for international students. The annual international tuition fee is only $6,300 (American dollars, no mistake about it).

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Those are all options you can have in the world, but the US is still one of the best possible choices. Why is the USA so appealing to the future freshmen? There is not an easy answer. Is it because the US is known for shaping future world’s leaders, or some of the most powerful people in the world? Perhaps it’s because the land of the free and home of the brave offers spectacular job opportunities (just remember all those stories about self-made millionaires)? Or maybe it’s all due to the popular blockbusters about college life in the US? Whatever your reason is, we are going to help you by listing cheap universities in the USA for international students in 2017.
Believe it or not, but some of the cheapest universities for international students in the world are situated in the US. The ones that we are going to present in our article cost under $10,000 per year. Of course, international students face many challenges when coming to a foreign country, and one of them is money management. Firstly, indifference to the locals, international first-year students have to pay for a long and expensive trip, and the living standard is usually higher in the US than in their home countries. In a nutshell, the cost of living is more expensive. For that reason, new students (and their parents) need all the help they can get. Some universities are offering full scholarships for international students. For instance, Berea College is the only college in the US offering 100% funding to 100% of enrolled international students for the first year of enrollment. In addition, universities help students by offering and providing scholarships and loans. If you are already worried how you are going to return that student loan, fear no more. In our article on easiest college majors that will earn your money back, you will find the solutions to your financial challenges.
Now let us see how we compiled our list of cheapest universities in USA for international students. US News and College Calc gave us valuable suggestions on the cheapest universities for both out-of-state and international students. We compared the lists and constructed a new one comprising the most affordable options. In cases when two colleges had the same fee, we included the one whose percentage of students receiving grants was higher (it is actually 100%). Our list includes annual tuition, as well as the location of the university so you could construct your own shortlist more easily. Bear in mind this list is a starting point since there are lots of other compulsory fees which could affect the overall education cost. As usual, we offer you the latest data for the school year 2017, which means that schools which are being closed down at the moment, are not a part of the list (e.g., Western International University). They are mostly state colleges and some of them are cheapest community colleges in USA for international students.
Without further ado, here are 15 cheapest universities in USA for international students.