Lists 15 Best Upbeat Alto Audition Songs Published on March 22, 2018 at 10:12 am by Alexandria I. in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 6 of 15Next >>See All 9. I Want to Go to Hollywood from Grand Hotel4 pointsWhat more accurate words than these can you sing at an audition? Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 6 of 15Next >>See All Slideshowalto songsList XFinanceaddams family alto songssongs from avenue q altoalto audition songs from gleeeasy audition songs for altosgood audition songs for altosthe miller's son alto auditionlow alto musical theatre songsbest upbeat alto audition songsdisney audition songs for altoseasy audition songs for beginnerslook to the rainbow alto auditionalto audition songs from hairsprayhold on secret garden alto auditionalto audition songs from funny girlnothing a chorus line alto auditionsi get a kick out of you alto auditionall that jazz audition song popularitygood songs for altos to sing for solosthere's a fine fine line audition songi want to go to hollywood alto auditionit's an art working audition song for altohome beauty and the beast song for auditionsthe secret of happiness daddy long legs auditionbest upbeat pop audition songs for female singersShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles11 Most Profitable Etsy Shops in 201810 Cool Gifts For Teenage Girl To Buy on Amazon10 Best Things to Sell on Craigslist in 201810 Best Smartphones with the Largest Screens in 201810 Cheapest Places to Buy Cigarettes in the World15 Most Profitable Businesses with Low Startup Costs in 2018