Interested in auditioning for a show or part? Then you might also be interested in our list of 15 best upbeat alto audition songs below.
Especially if your voice isn’t particularly high. After all, some people just aren’t belters, and that doesn’t mean that they can’t sing. It does, however, mean that good audition songs are more difficult for them to find. So many songs are typically sung by ridiculously high soprano voices that just aren’t very realistic for some poor alto singers. You probably know this from when you were a child attempting to sing along with all the Disney princess songs. Thanks, Disney.
And when searching for a song, you may have become hopeful when you heard a song begin in a doable key. Then came the high note, capable of breaking glass. Back to the drawing board. Many common audition songs have these high notes because, if the singer can hit them, they show off talent very well and really impress those judges. But when alto voices attempt to screech up to those high A’s, they don’t impress anyone. They may even cause their audience to grimace and cover their ears.
Don’t worry; there are plenty of singers and actors with low voices who have made it to the top. A high soprano voice isn’t the key to success. Look at singers like Adele and Sarah McLachlan. Everyone loves them, and it might even be because of their low voices.

So be encouraged about your audition, and search no more, because we’ve comprised 15 great audition songs for the distraught alto. These good songs for altos to sing for solos will still showcase your vocal talent, and they’re free of surprisingly high reaches. To find them, we researched the topic online and found a few reputable lists on the subject including Actor Hub’s Alto Songs for Musical Theatre Auditions, Take Lesson’s Audition Songs for Altos, Theatre Nerd’s Audition Songs for Altos, NYLN’s Good Audition Songs for Altos, Take Lesson’s Good Audition Songs for Musicals, and Quora’s “What are some good alto songs from musicals.“
Using those finds, we then gave each song one point each time it was mentioned in the lists above. Then, we took that list of songs that reappeared in the above lists at least once, to YouTube. We awarded 3 additional points to songs that had over 1 million views, 2 additional points to the songs that had over 100,000 views, and 1 additional point to the songs that had over 10,000 views. Any alto songs with less than 10,000 views received no additional points.
That’s how we formed our points system, and we also made sure that all the songs we listed were relatively upbeat. Because slow, sad songs have their place, but the upbeat ones are sure to keep your audience awake and alert.
And if you’re interested in more lists like this, check out ours about 16 best upbeat pop audition songs for female singers.
Here’s our list of 15 easy audition songs for altos. We are starting off with the last out of seven songs on our list which share the 9th place. Hope it helps!
9. The Secret of Happiness from Daddy Long Legs
4 points
It’s always great to discover an oldie that will never fail to be timeless, and suit an alto voice perfectly.