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15 Best Retirement Cities for Dog Lovers

This article takes a look at the 15 best retirement cities for dog lovers. If you wish to skip our detailed analysis on the pet boom, you may go to the 5 Best Retirement Cities for Dog Lovers.

The Pet Boom: A Growing Trend in America’s Aging Population

In the wake of the pandemic, pet ownership in the United States surged to unprecedented levels. To quote an example, a Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) report from 2022 reveals that there are now 5 million more pets in American households than before the onset of the global health crisis. American Pet Products Association reveals that while pet ownership in the United States grew by 4.7% from 2009-2019, the rate more than doubled to 9.77% from 2020-2022, aka the pandemic years. Millennials have been the most responsible for this surge. However, a report by the National Poll on Healthy Aging reveals that seniors were also in on this trend. Their poll reveals that between March 2020 and January 2021, 10% of all people between the ages of 50 and 80 got a new pet as well.

Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS)’s report also predicts an impressive 8% compound annual growth rate for the pet industry by 2030, representing a sizeable rate of return within the retail segment. Per pet spending is set to increase by $1,320 by 2025 too, reaching $1,897 by 2030.

“Americans are increasingly attached to their pets, which is clearly shown in survey results, and thus pet spending is a priority. Consumers are less willing to cut pet spending even when real personal disposable income declines.”

-Simeon Gutman, an equity analyst covering hardline, broadline, and food retail at Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS).

As the Peak 65 period commences this year, it is strongly implied that an increasing number of seniors will actively seek furry companions for themselves. A Pew Research Center study notes that an estimated 27% of American seniors live alone, a figure that is 10% higher than the national average. For many of these seniors, having a pet can help “offset” the impacts of loneliness. These furry babies are the perfect little companions that can help retirees, especially those who live alone, by providing them with the emotional support that they need.

Pets, especially dogs, are also a fun way of keeping seniors engaged and active. These companions ensure the well-being of seniors by engaging them in various physical activities, from taking strolls to interactive play sessions and overall attentive care. Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for seniors as it enhances their ability to provide optimal care, allowing them to meet the needs of those they look after more effectively. Looking after these fur babies has been becoming easier as well. There are dedicated platforms such as Rover Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:ROVR) that connect pet owners and caregivers. Rover Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:ROVR) is an American company operating an online marketplace for people to buy and sell pet care services. These services include pet sitting, dog boarding, and dog walking. With the help of platforms such as Rover Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:ROVR), looking after a pet has become even easier especially for seniors.

However, owning a pet, especially as a retiree, means you must choose an ideal location for both you and your pet. Chances are, you may already be searching for one of the best places to retire in the US, or even the most affordable cities, for that matter. Factoring in considerations such as the number of pet-friendly activities available, restaurants where you can take your pets, and even beaches and off-leash dog parks for your canine friend will make all the difference for both you and your pet.

For these reasons, we have curated a list of the best retirement cities for dog lovers so that you can choose the most ideal location for you and your furry friend.

A pet parent walking with their dog in a park, a reminder of the company’s care services.


To compile the list of 15 best retirement cities for dog lovers, we referred to our previous list of the most dog-friendly cities in the US. The list compiled and ranked US cities based on indexes from Swift Test 150 Most Dog-Friendly U.S. Cities Index, the Market Watch America’s Dog-Friendliest Cities Index, and the WalletHub 2023’s Most Pet-Friendly Cities Index. After compiling this list, we further ranked it based on the cost of living to assess the affordability and economic viability of retirement destinations. Next, we generated a combined score based on dog-friendliness and cost of living. Scores were summed and places were then ranked in an ascending order from the lowest to the highest scores.

Note: Our list comprises a mix of cheap and relatively expensive cities, since the primary factor is a city’s dog-friendliness. However, we have still considered cost of living as a factor for our list and eliminated several cities out of the equation that were far more expensive even if dog-friendly. On top of that, some parts of expensive cities in our list are rather relatively affordable.

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that tracks the movements of corporate insiders and hedge funds. By using a similar consensus approach, we identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 Index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). Whether you are a beginner investor or a professional one looking for the best stocks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

Here are the best retirement cities for dog lovers:

15. Colorado Springs, Colorado

Insider Monkey Score: 13

Dog Friendliness Index: 70

Off-leash Dog Parks: 8

Cost of Living Index: 110.3

Ranking 15th on our list of best retirement cities for dog lovers is Colorado Springs, Colorado. Though the cost of living is a bit higher than the national average, retirees can ensure their canine friends have all the amenities and recreational opportunities they need to live happily. The city boasts a thriving pet-friendly culture, complete with veterinary services and pet care facilities There are lots of dog-friendly parks, picturesque trails, and welcoming outdoor spaces for your fur babies as well.

14. Austin, Texas

Insider Monkey Score: 16    

Dog Friendliness Index: 86.5

Off-leash Dog Parks: 15

Cost of Living Index: 129.1

Austin stands out to be one of the best retirement cities for dog lovers due to a plethora of dog-friendly parks, restaurants, trails, and other outdoor spaces available. The warm climate that Austin boasts is a plus for both seniors and their pups, where they can spend quality time watching a movie in the park, enjoy strolls, or simply savor the pet-friendly culture in the city. Seniors can treat their canine to an exclusive sausage at the Banger’s Sausage House and Beer Garden, enjoy some canine companionship time at Austin Doga, or stop by the Barton Creek Greenbelt to relish its many dog-friendly trails. Austin’s robust veterinary services and pet care facilities further boost its position as a dog-friendly city for retirees.

13. Portland, Oregon

Insider Monkey Score: 16    

Dog Friendliness Index: 85.7

Off-leash Dog Parks: 37       

Cost of Living Index: 127.7

In Portland, the deep affection for four-legged friends is a well-known aspect of the city’s culture. This enthusiasm among locals has apparently reached new heights, and you won’t find that just anywhere in the US. This is why it’s one of the most dog-friendly cities in the world. Seniors in the area can spoil their pets with locally crafted artisanal dog treats made from craft-brew ingredients. They can also enjoy outings to a cat lounge or an indoor park for weather-proof adventures with their furry companions. With its lush greenery, vibrant arts scene, and dog-friendly culture, living in Portland can be an amazing experience for both seniors and their pups.

12. New Orleans, Louisiana

Insider Monkey Score: 21    

Dog Friendliness Index: 76.9           

Off-leash Dog Parks: 5

Cost of Living Index: 101.6

Brimming with pet-friendly parks and activities for your furry friends, New Orleans can be an excellent place to retire to for dog owners. The cost of living here is close to the national average, which means that retirees can seamlessly integrate the companionship of their four-legged friends into their retired lifestyle without compromising financial well-being. Seniors can also relish canine-friendly experiences such as strolling through the vibrant open-air markets, dining at dog-friendly eateries, and don’t forget the highlight—the whimsical dog parade: The Krewe of Barkus which adds a festive touch to Mardi Gras celebrations and features dogs adorned in theme-based costumes.

11. Raleigh, North Carolina

Insider Monkey Score: 25    

Dog Friendliness Index: 85

Off-leash Dog Parks: 9         

Cost of Living Index: 105.8

Next up on our list of best retirement cities for dog lovers is Raleigh, North Carolina. MarketWatch highlights that dogs seem to have an affinity for the Southern living lifestyle, identifying Raleigh and Austin as two of the best cities to embrace this pet-friendly way of life. From off-leash dog areas and specific parks to canine-friendly businesses and a diverse range of pet services available, living in Raleigh can be a dog lover’s dream.

10. Cincinnati, Ohio

Insider Monkey Score: 25

Dog Friendliness Index: 76.9

Off-leash Dog Parks: 8

Cost of Living Index: 88.3

If you enjoy dining out a lot as a senior but don’t have the heart to leave your canine companion behind, Cincinnati boasts more than 100 dog-friendly eateries to take your bub alongside with you. The city boasts beautiful parks, such as the off-leash dog field at Kellogg Park, the largest private dog park called WagsPark, and even members-only parks such as the Red Dog Park. Cherry on top, the city has a cost of living lower than the national average. This means seniors can stretch their dollar income further and spend more on their canine friends.

9. Scottsdale, Arizona

Insider Monkey Score: 25    

Dog Friendliness Index: 88.6

Off-leash Dog Parks: 5

Cost of Living Index: 113

Scottsdale is already a retirement-friendly place boasting one of the highest elderly populations in the city, and the fact that it is one of the most dog-friendly cities in the US makes it all the more appealing to pet owners. According to Bring Fido, there are 17 dog-friendly shopping areas in the city, 5 off-leash dog parks, and about 10 dog-friendly hiking trails. However, while there are a lot of retirement pros in the city, there are some cons as well. The Northern part of the city and pinnacle peak are much more expensive than the Southern part of the city. So we advise retirees to factor these things in.

8. Minneapolis, Minnesota

Insider Monkey Score: 26

Dog Friendliness Index: 87.2

Off-leash Dog Parks: 11

Cost of Living Index: 107.2

One Minnesota pick that has made it to our list is the city of Minneapolis. Dog owners will especially enjoy eateries such as The Howe Daily Kitchen & Bar, offering canines a dedicated doggy menu and even a dog-friendly patio. Other popular dog-friendly areas to explore are Stanley’s Northeast Bar Room, Centro, and Pat’s Tap, each of which is pet-friendly.

7. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Insider Monkey Score: 26

Dog Friendliness Index: 77.3

Off-leash Dog Parks: 6

Cost of Living Index: 91.8

Making it to our list of most affordable places to retire in 2024, Pittsburgh is indeed one of the best cities to retire because of its affordable living expenses and its love for man’s best friends. There are an estimated 6 off-leash dog parks in the city, many dog-friendly dining establishments, and even scenic outdoor spaces.

6. Atlanta, Georgia

Insider Monkey Score: 27    

Dog Friendliness Index: 91.9

Off-leash Dog Parks: 11

Cost of Living Index: 113.3

Another best place to live for animal lovers is Atlanta, Georgia. While a little heavy on the budget, living here can prove to be best for dog owners due to its many pet-friendly accommodations, activities, and eateries. Many eateries such as Café Intermezzo, Bucket Shop Café, and Brewhouse Café have patios for your bubs so you can grab a bite or socialize, all while keeping your precious furry friend alongside.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Best Retirement Cities for Dog Lovers.

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Disclosure. None. 15 Best Retirement Cities for Dog Lovers originally published on Insider Monkey.

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