When June approaches, that means you need to start thinking about your holiday destinations which is exactly why we compiled a list of 15 best places to travel in June in Europe, Asia and tropical destinations.
While May means winter is finally over, June tells us that summer is approaching and we can finally start planning our summer vacation. Many people even plan two summer holidays, one at the beginning of summer in June and another one later, before fall. Let’s focus on the first one today, which is why we wanted to find out what the best places to travel in June are.

It’s much easier to decide on your holiday destination in June because there are so many choices. Sure it’s warm in the tropical places but, June means you can also explore many cities that are currently covered with snow and very cold. Of course, if you prefer traveling in May when it’s not so crowded yet, then I suggest reading 15 Best Places to Travel in May in Europe, Asia, and Tropical Destinations.
If you’ve wondering where is hot in Europe in June, the answer is: everywhere! While you do have to wear a sweater or a jacket just in case for the possibly chilly evenings, days are pretty warm and pleasant in June as temperatures can reach almost 86°F in some parts of Europe. This means you can finally do all the sightseeing you have been planning to during the long winter.
Of course, best places to go on holiday in June are not only limited to Europe. Caribbean islands and Asia offer plenty of choices as well, so make sure to consider them. These are the ideal choice if you are not into having an adventure, and you just want to chill in the sun all day at a beautiful beach. However, if you prefer to stay within the US, then check out this article featuring best places to visit in USA in June. Whatever it is that you like, don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. We have included some of the best places to visit in June around the world so that you can find something to your liking.
After searching for suggestions all over the Internet including Travel and Leisure and Price of Travel, and doing a little research on prices, we compiled a list of awesome places to visit in June. We used Trip Advisor to find the lowest prices for all of these destinations and we ranked them accordingly. Enjoy our 15 best places to travel in June in Europe, Asia and tropical destinations.