There’s a lot of great reading material buried within our list of best personal finance blogs for 40 somethings. Especially if you’ve reached your forties.
Money is important in all phases of life, but especially in this one. People in this age group are often working on paying off mortgages and heading towards retirement. Some are raising families and maybe beginning to think about paying for graduation parties and weddings. Moreover, did you ever find yourself asking: “How much retirement savings should I have at 40?”. The answer to that question as well as advice on how to triple your salary you can find on CNBC. Apparently, financial planning in your 40s is crucial. Thankfully, the internet is chock full of personal finance advice catered specifically to 40 somethings. As overwhelming and scary as managing your money can seem, always know that you’re not alone. Hundreds have faced similar financial situations, and have come up with solutions along the way that they’ve shared on their blogs. Even if you got a late start and you are wondering how to start saving for retirement at 40, there is always a solution. Thank goodness for personal finance blogs in 2017. How on earth did anyone survive before blogging became so big? We’ll never know.

While some of the financial bloggers on our list have professional degrees or experience, most of them are just describing their personal journeys. Journeys that started with mountains of debt and ended with none. Journeys that began with a goal for early retirement and ended with that retirement. Journeys that started with eating ramen noodles nightly and ended with eating sirloin steak nightly, or something along those lines. Do these goals sound like something you’d like to accomplish? Then read on.”Yeah, but that’s just because they made big money from their blogs,” you say. Even if you’re not one of those lucky souls who gets paid to write in their pajamas all day, you can still excel financially by seeking out the right information.
To find our best personal finance blogs 2017, we started with two lists from personal finance blogs (one of which is mentioned in this list): Wise Bread’s Top 100 Most Popular Finance Blogs and Rockstar Finance’s Best Early Retirement Blogs. We then looked for blogs that would be relatable to 40 somethings out of those lists. Whether that meant the blog authors were in their forties or their content was aimed towards the financial issues 40 somethings face, described above (paying off a mortgage, raising a family, saving for retirement, etc.). We plugged those blogs into another site called Bloglovin. This blog platform is a way for readers to stay updated on the latest posts from their favorite blogs. They can save and like posts, and most every blog has a presence on the site. Below each blog’s account on Bloglovin’ is a number of followers. This is how we ranked each personal finance blog on our list of best personal finance blogs for 40 somethings. This means those with the highest number of followers can be found at the bottom of this list. But keep in mind that not every blog has a presence on Bloglovin. But the most popular personal finance blogs do, which is what we’re covering here.
And if you want to stock up on rich (no pun intended) financial wisdom, see also our list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings and our list of best personal finance blogs for 20 somethings. We made a point not to duplicate between lists. Also, check back later for our upcoming list of best personal finance blogs for 50 somethings. They are definitely going to be useful for financial planning in your 50s.
We won’t hold you up any longer. Here’s our list of best personal finance blogs for 40 somethings. Read it, and your wallet will no doubt thank you.