15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings

Thirty-somethings rejoice – we’ve compiled a list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings for you.

Blogging is all the rage these days, and money is one of the most popular niches out there. Why? Because most people, especially 30 somethings, can use all the help they can get in this department. Most thirty-year-olds should have things figured out by now, right? But sadly some are in worse financial straits than ever. Those student loan payments can really get you, not to mention that mortgage and that growing family. How do you possibly juggle it all? Thirty-somethings are a unique breed. Personal finance blogs for 40 somethings and personal finance blogs for 50 somethings might include tips for living retired, paying for your children’s weddings or paying off your mortgage. But most 30 somethings are still dealing with college debt, actually purchasing a home and starting a family.

Thankfully, pages and pages of financial advice for 30-year-olds can be found on the web. Advice from people who have been there. Because, 99% of the time, personal finance bloggers are sharing their journeys from rags to riches. Many of them blog full time, and some have even retired at an unusually early age. Must be nice. But stories like this never fail to be inspiring. They remind us that it is possible to be financially well-off, even as a 30 something, by implementing practical tips in our everyday lives that can change things for the better.

To create our list, we referred to a few lists of personal finance blogs like Wallet Hub’s 2016 Best Personal Finance Blogs, AAA Credit Guide’s Top 50 Personal Finance Blogs of 2017 and Kiplinger’s 10 Personal Finance Blogs Worth Reading. We then plugged these blogs into a platform called Bloglovin’ which is a popular media form for blog readers. Most blogs have Bloglovin’ accounts, where each blog post is shared and followers can like and save their favorites. Under each blog on Bloglovin’ is a number of followers. We ranked only blogs that had over 100 followers, which ensures they are well liked among the public, and rated our blogs based on their number of followers, so the ones with the highest amount of followers can be found towards the end of this list.But before rating by followers, we also scoured each individual blog for things that would appeal to a 30 something. Whether the author mentioned they were a 30 something on their about page, or the content just seemed generally directed to young adults (with

But before rating by followers, we also scoured each individual blog for things that would appeal to a 30 something. Whether the author mentioned they were a 30 something on their about page, or the content just seemed generally directed to young adults (with a discussion about paying off student loans, retiring early and/or growing a career). We only included blogs whose authors had a fresh voice most young adults could learn from. But keep in mind that not every blog has a presence on Bloglovin’, though most popular ones do. Their number of followers could always change over time as well. And lastly, while most blog writers on this list had some sort of degree or financial background, many of them are just speaking from their own experience. But we can always learn from one another, no matter how many years we’ve attended school. For more personal financial advice (but for a younger audience,) see our list of best personal finance blogs for 20 somethings.

Otherwise, here goes! These are some of the best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings. Prepare to get your hands on some terrific sources (as well as some great financial blog name idea inspiration). And remember, as one of the key beliefs of Get Rich Slowly blog’s philosophy says – “Money is more ‘mind’ than math!”

15. Good Financial Cents


Some personal finance bloggers just can’t resist working this clever pun into their blog titles. But that’s okay.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings

Pushish Images/Shutterstock.com

14. Free Money Finance


Did someone say free money? This site’s all about growing your personal net worth, and hopefully, it’s also about getting some free money?

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings


13. Retire By 40


All we have to do is read the title of this blog to know it’s an absolute must read for 30 somethings.

Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings


12. Blogging Away Debt


Most of the contributors to this blog, that’s up next on our list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings are in their 30s, and they discuss practical budgeting tips and share their own weekly budgets with readers.

11. Punch Debt in the Face


The author of this personal finance blog calls himself a “ninja,” and later in our list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings we’ll talk about a “financial samurai.” Yes, this is what we need.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings


10. Early Retirement Extreme


Because most thirtysomethings are already trying to think about how they can retire as early as possible. His latest blog post is entitled “How do I get my spouse to go along with my frugal plans?” We like him already.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings


9. Financial Samurai


This online space covers investing, real estate, retirement plans, and career strategies, and the author quit his corporate finance job of 13 years to blog full time.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings


8. Afford Anything


This blog, the next one on the list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings is written by an accomplished young adult female who knows her stuff. After all, anyone who can “afford anything” is the person to listen to.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings

3d Pictures/Shutterstock.com

7. Frugal Woods


This young family lives on a 66-acre homestead in Vermont with their daughter and dog. “Extreme frugality made this dream a reality,” they explain in their about section.

6. Young Adult Money


Thirty totally counts as a young adult, and this useful resource discusses topics like “How to Have Fun While You’re Still in Debt” and “How to Have a Social Life When You’re On a Budget.”

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings


5. Budgets are Sexy


This popular blogger uses his budget skills to impress the ladies. Come to think of it, rich guys (who are good at managing their money) can be a total chick magnet.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings

CHAILUK CHALATHAI/Shutterstock.com

4. Mr. Money Mustache


This blog that ranks 4th on the list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings is written by a thirtysomething who’s already retired. Naturally, anything he says about money must be the bible.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

3. Making Sense of Cents


These college grads made a point to pay off their student debt as soon as they married. Now, they’re touring North America in an RV. Not a bad life. Now, let’s see the top two entries on our list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings.

2. Money Saving Mom


This mom of three went from a poor newlywed to being one of the biggest practical bloggers on the internet. And who needs to save money more than moms?

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

1. Frugal Beautiful


“Your guide to a beautiful life on any budget” is the motto of this blog, written by 30-year-old Ph.D. grad Shannyn. And that’s all for our list of best personal finance blogs for 30 somethings! Oh, and as a bonus pic, check out the blog Meet Edgar written by a 30 something female millionaire. You’re very welcome.

15 Best Personal Finance Blogs for 30 Somethings
