If there ever was a generation in desperate need for best personal finance blogs for 20 somethings when they were at that age, millennials are it.
As far as generations go, Gen Y or Millennials are probably the generation that has been messed up the most. They are the first generation in a long time that is economically worse off than their parents. Not only their parents but apparently, they are poorer than their retired grandparents as well, according to the Guardian. This isn’t exclusively American story, the Millennials all over the world are feeling the pain, as 20 somethings in UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain see both their paychecks and employment numbers go down, and all the through no fault of their own. Not only that, but they are constantly being accused of being entitled and lazy by the older generations and media. Somehow, they manage to turn the fact of people living with their parents because of lack of good-paying jobs into a willing choice, and not something they are forced into.
With all financial limitations forced upon them, it is easy to see why millennials desperately need an edge when it comes to personal finance. But are there blogs that cater to them specifically? The short answer? Yes. The long answer? Oh my God, there’s so many of them, which one to choose? Don’t worry, we got you covered.

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Personal finance blogs for 20 somethings will be very different from personal finance blogs for 30 somethings, which in turn will be different from personal finance blogs for 40 somethings. Each generation has different problems, mostly because of their financial needs are different. For example, people in their 40s rarely have to worry about their student debt, while the vast majority of millennials don’t really need any mortgage tips.
Most of you have heard about Broke Girl Rich or Get Rich Slowly blog, but there are plenty of others out there who can offer not just budget tips for 20 somethings and help you with that crippling student debt, but also help you create an investment strategy that will allow you to plan your retirement without worrying about the money.
In order to find out exactly which sites can do that, we looked at some of the most popular personal finance blogs on the Internet, geared specifically to 20 something crowd. Our sources are Young and Finance and XYPlanning Network, two sites dedicated to that demographic. Many of those blogs are among the best personal finance blogs of 2016 and 2017, and some are also included on our list of 100 Best Personal Finance, Investing, and Investment Advice Blogs for Beginners. As a ranking method, we used blogs’ Alexa ranking and picked 15 blogs with the highest traffic. This way we avoided bias and let the democratic procedure determine which is the best personal finance blogs for 20 somethings. Before you start with the list, a bit of a disclaimer. It would rarely be in your best interest to choose just one of these blogs to follow. Just like with any other advice, it is usually the best to read several sources of information and then decide which ones suit your needs the best.