Let’s assume you didn’t take Death of a Salesman to heart and you are under the impression that working hard will earn you riches. In college, that might mean doing it while while studying. You should also make sure to read our list of 15 best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017.
High paying part time jobs for students are something that you can easily find today, if you are good at searching the Internet and if you have enough patience to single out one excellent job out of hundreds of them. List of jobs for college students is huge, and among them, there are also some part time jobs that pay $20 an hour, so it doesn’t have to be that you can’t earn a lot of money while being a student. Those jobs may include tutoring jobs, babysitting, landscaping or caregiving, and can definitely be considered as best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017 since they are well paid, not very demanding, and you don’t work every day and you don’t work long hours. On the other side, they don’t have to be specifically aimed at college students, but they can also be considered as high paying part time jobs for highschool students since they can be very convenient for people in that age as well.
Some flexible jobs for college students can also be found on our list of highest paying part time jobs for college students, and you should definitely check it out. However, I would also like to stress why it is really important to work while studying. Not every student is in the same position. While some of them don’t need to worry about their costs, coming from rich families, some other need to think about every dollar and to come up with ideas on how to earn it. Nevertheless, working is important in both situations. Not important, but crucial, since if you don’t develop your working habits while being a student and if you don’t get some experience before you graduate, that will not help you in job seeking afterward.
In order to make the list of the best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017, I had to make some things clear. First, I needed to define flexible and to make it easier for readers to understand. In short, flexible jobs are jobs without a fixed schedule and jobs that don’t have a strict working pattern. This is mostly related to working hours since flexible jobs are those where you don’t have the typical obligation of coming at 9 AM and finishing at 5 PM, but involve changes and variations. In this manner, it means that these jobs can be adjusted to the needs of college students and can be great for them in terms of not interfering with their college obligations and exam periods. I took most of the ideas from Localwise, the Balance and Trade Schools, but our Insider Monkey archive was also very much useful, regarding the fact that we dealt with this issue many times before. However, since it is very hard to measure the flexibility of one job, I decided to make the ranking according to the salaries. The data for the hourly rate is obtained from the PayScale.
So, we are starting the countdown with the least paid job among the 15 best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017.
15. Waiter
Median Hourly Rate: $5.20
Being a waiter is exciting, but again, you need to be an extrovert person who does not mind communicating with people a lot. Almost all of the restaurants are in need of part time waiters, especially during their peak hours, so send CV or go directly to ask for the job. An additional benefit is definitely the fact that, besides the salary, you will always have tips.
14. Bartender
Median Hourly Rate: $7.84
Being a bartender is one of the best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017 that can offer you flexibility in terms of part time working possibility, so it is definitely the job that you should take into consideration. For this job, you need to be a cheerful person who does not mind being surrounded with people, and the art of serving drinks and cocktails is definitely a plus!
13. Grocery Store Worker
Median Hourly Rate: $10.14
Every neighborhood has a local grocery store, and you should not go far away from the one near you in terms of employment if you are a college student seeking for a flexible and well-paid job. The good thing is that grocery stores always need workers, and they are open for part time positions, so you don’t need to worry about it. You can work as a cashier, in packing service or you can store the groceries.
12. Babysitter
Median Hourly Rate: $10.19
Let me get this straight first; don’t apply for this job if you don’t like kids and if you are not a person full of love and compassion. If you are, this can be one of the best jobs, both for its flexibility and the fact that it is very well paid. Sometimes it can happen that you work several hours a day, sometimes none, but in general, you can find a babysitting job without a fixed schedule, and that is the most important.
11. Caregiver
Median Hourly Rate: $10.46
Elderly people are constantly in need for someone to take care of them, especially when they don’t live near their children or family. Working as a caregiver may include many things, such as cooking, preparing medicines, cleaning, or helping with things in general, but it is a great and flexible job, so think about it.
10. Landscaping Jobs
Median Hourly Rate: $12.01
Landscaping can be a little bit demanding, depending on the season, depending on how big is the yard, and what must be done in certain period. On the other side, it is very well paid and flexible. The best thing is that you can find a job in your own neighborhood and among people you know, so don’t wait anymore and apply for this part time job right away!
9. Pet Sitting
Median Hourly Rate: $14.61
Animal lovers can earn money by simply hanging out with animals, and that is amazing. Pet sitting may be a great flexible job for college students, since you don’t have working hours and you can adjust everything according to your schedule. Eventually, after a long day of lectures or studying, walking a dog can be a relaxing therapy, which you will be paid for.
8. Swimming Coach
Median Hourly Rate: $14.68
If you know how to swim, or better, if you have a certification that you have finished some swimming training, that can bring you an excellent flexible and well-paid job. You can always apply to train children to swim, and you know that it will not interfere with your college obligations since the training is usually in the afternoon. This can also be a very relaxing job, so take it into consideration. That is just another reason why it’s one of the best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017.
7. Photographer
Median Hourly Rate: $16.41
Having a very good digital camera, an excellent sense for photography and the knowledge of various additional programs can help you, not find, but create one of the most flexible jobs ever. You can work as a photographer of weddings, birthdays, or any other important events. The job is exciting and the money is good!
6. Social Media Strategist
Median Hourly Rate: $17.23
If you work as a social media strategist, it also means that there is a possibility of working from home, which can’t be more flexible than it is. Nowadays, we usually spend a lot of time on social media, so why not earn some money out of it. You just need to create a quality content on social media for your client and make sure to meet the given requirements.
5. Tutor
Median Hourly Rate: $18.13
When you are a college student, it already means that you are very good at something, depending on what you study. However, you may also have some additional skills that you may teach, such as playing a musical instrument or the knowledge of a foreign language.
4. Fitness Instructor
Median Hourly Rate: $19.19
Those college students who have trained sports for many years or attended fitness instructions are having a lot of opportunities when it comes to employment. Regular exercising can bring a lot of benefits to your health, and working as a fitness instructor is one of the best options in this regard. You make the schedule of training sessions, therefore, nothing will ruin your college life.
3. Online English Teacher
Median Hourly Rate: $21.99
This job is pretty high on the list of the best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017. Why, you ask? Well, being a native English speaker or knowing English perfectly is an excellent thing, that can bring you money in various ways. In order to become an online English teacher, you don’t need to graduate from the English department, just to have a great command of the language and to be able to transmit the knowledge and teach people in the best possible way. Good air language offers some great ideas regarding online teaching schools, so check them out!
2. IT Jobs
Median Hourly Rate: $22.16
If you study something related to IT or if you have a great knowledge on various things related to computers, don’t hesitate to find a job, no matter what you study. You can do things such as systems installation, various other programs installations, computers maintenance and many things which definitely fit into the category of flexible and highest paying jobs. Don’t expect to learn a lot in the beginning, but as the time goes by, you will see how much you can earn from this job!
1. Freelance Writer
Median Hourly Rate: $24.37
If you have a good writing style, know grammar very well, and if you are willing to write on various topics, you can always earn some money. Being a freelance writer is a very flexible job since you can create your own blog or work for someone else. When you work in this field, you can always earn a lot, and you can organize your time the way you want, being the reason why this job is on the first among 15 best flexible highest paying part time jobs for college students in 2017.