Lists 15 Best Flea Markets in New York City and New Jersey Published on January 13, 2017 at 10:31 am by Amber Hewitt in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 16Next >>See All 15. Avenel Flea MarketYelp rating: 2Location: Avenel, New JerseyThis flea market is year-round with free admission and parking. It’s a great place fro new, used, and antique items at relatively cheap prices. Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 16Next >>See All SlideshowPacific FleaList XFinanceRidgewood MarketGrand Bazaar NYCAvenel Flea MarketHester Street Fair6th Borough MarketLIC Flea & FoodThe Grand Market PlaceManahawkin Flea Marketwhere to shop antiques?Astoria Flea & FoodBrooklyn Fort Greene FleaHell’s Kitchen Flea MarketBiggest Flea Markets in the U.S.Berlin Farmers & Flea MarketAsbury Park Punk Rock Flea MarketBiggest flea markets in new JerseyGreatest flea markets in New JerseyBiggest flea markets in New York citySt. Nicholas of Tolentine Flea Marketgreatest flea markets in New York City15 best flea markets in New York City and New JerseyShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey ArticlesHow to Completely Delete Your Dating Profiles on Tinder, Match, Hinge, OKCupid...10 Largest Ethnic Groups and Nationalities in America6 Best American Vice Presidents of All TimeHow Many Earths Can Fit In Jupiter and Jupiter's Red Spot?6 Easiest Contests and Sweepstakes to Win12 Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana According To Publicly Traded Weed Companies...