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15 Best Eventbrite Alternatives for Registration & Ticketing

In this article, we will take a look at the 15 best Eventbrite alternatives for registration and ticketing. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, you can go directly to 5 Best Eventbrite Alternatives for Registration & Ticketing.

Eventbrite: A Performance Analysis

Eventbrite, Inc. (NYSE:EB) is a leading event registration and ticketing platform. The platform provides a range of solutions to event creators and organizers including event ticketing, event marketing, ad management, and payment management. The company had more than 93 million unique event buyers in 2023. Eventbrite accounted for 47% of paid tickets sold in the fourth quarter of 2023. Event organizers can host their event at no cost for up to 25 tickets. For up to 100 tickets, event organizers may purchase the Flex plan for $9.99 per event. The Flex plan is priced at $24.99 per event for up to 250 tickets and $49.99 for unlimited tickets. The Pro plan is available for $29 per month for up to 100 tickets, $79 per month for up to 250 tickets, and $159 per month for unlimited tickets.

As per Eventbrite, Inc.’s (NYSE:EB) Spring release 2024, the company launched new tools to help event organizers reach a greater audience. Users can now place ads to boost visibility on search results and the homepage of the application. Users can also place ads to target attendees in a specific location. Event organizers may also launch ad campaigns on social media and use artificial intelligence to attract more opens, clicks, and sales via email marketing. Using “Tap to Pay,” event organizers can maximize their earnings. Tap to Pay is a contactless payment gateway that charges no extra cost on transactions. Here are some comments from Eventbrite, Inc.’s (NYSE:EB) Q4 2023 earnings call:

“In response to feedback from our creators, we have introduced new ways to tailor event listings, resulting in better ads efficacy and accelerated sign-up rates. With the implementation of AI-powered event and marketing flows, we drastically decreased the time it takes to create an event listing and marketing campaign. We continue to find new ways to apply conversational AI to serve our customers’ needs and generative AI to make hosting an event intuitive and successful. Each of these product areas focuses on addressing the most urgent need of creators, to sell more tickets and improve event success.”

Eventbrite, Inc.’s (NYSE:EB) popularity is not limited to its unique marketing and event promotion tools. On April 15, Eventbrite, Inc. (NYSE:EB) announced a 50% discount on all Pro Plans for all non-profit organizations. In 2023, the company provided support to more than 30,000 non-profit organizations across the globe. The company plans to empower non-profits by offering discounts. As of now, non-profits in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand will be able to benefit from the offer.

Meta: The Role of Social Media in Event Promotion

With more than 4.9 billion social media users across the globe as of 2023, event planning and promotion cannot be isolated from social media. Meta Platforms, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:META) Facebook is not just a platform to promote events. More than 700 million people use Facebook Events to market their events and over 35 million people come across a public event on Facebook every day. To set up an event on Facebook Events, event organizers must insert basic information about the event, add co-hosts and community groups, and include a ticket link to manage ticketing and registration. Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) also offers ad solutions to event organizers willing to promote their events. Users can boost their events, add RSVPs, and boost visibility using Meta event ads. The company offers integrations with AXS, Eventbrite, Ticketmaster, and SeatGeek to enable smooth event management. You can also take a look at the biggest social media companies and platforms for advertisers in 2024. Here are some comments from Meta Platforms, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:META) Q4 2023 earnings call:

“In addition to AI in the metaverse, we’re continuing to improve our Apps and Ads businesses as well. Reels and our discovery engine remain a priority and major driver of engagement, and Messaging continues to be our focus for building the next revenue pillar of our business before our longer-term work reaches scale.”

Latest Developments in AI-Driven Event Management

On February 5, Forbes reported why marketers must integrate AI for sustainable B2B event management. 63% of marketers and 72% of large organizations suggest that they are unable to fully benefit from event content posted on social media. 55% of marketers claim that they fail to extract value from event data. Companies also fail to deliver personalized event experiences due to a lack of attendee data. Forbes claims that AI may help marketers overcome these issues. 87% of marketers suggest that they are currently in the learning phase of integrating AI for event management. A majority of marketers believe AI can help companies extract valuable insights from attendee data. You can also take a look at the most advanced AI assistants.

While the adoption of artificial intelligence in event management is slow, a few startups are revolutionizing the industry. One such startup is Nowadays. Nowadays is an AI-backed event planning copilot. The copilot helps event organizers manage corporate events. It assists organizers by contacting venues. The AI co-pilot then establishes deals and negotiations on the organizer’s behalf. The Basic version of the application has no service charge and comes with 1 city search, 10 RFPs (requests for proposals), and AI-powered event planning. The assistant also negotiates rates and puts forward requests for discounts.

Now that we have discussed the event management industry, let’s take a look at the 15 best Eventbrite alternatives for registration and ticketing. You can also read our piece on the best AI marketing tools for corporations in 2024.

15 Best Eventbrite Alternatives for Registration & Ticketing

Our Methodology

We employed a consensus methodology and consulted over 10 rankings online to aggregate the 15 best Eventbrite alternatives for registration and ticketing. Next, we sourced the number of reviews and customer ratings for each alternative from G2, Featured Customers, Gartner, and GetApp. We chose the aggregate number of reviews for each alternative across our sources as our primary metric and the average ratings as our secondary metric. We only selected alternatives with at least 500 total reviews and an average rating of 4.0 or above across our sources. The list is ranked in ascending order based on the total number of reviews, primarily, and the average rating, secondarily.

15 Best Eventbrite Alternatives for Registration & Ticketing

15. Bizzabo

Number of Reviews: 694

Average Rating: 4.47

Bizzabo is one of the best Eventbrite alternatives for registration and ticketing. It is a leading event management software for B2B events and conferences. The software provides a range of solutions including event marketing, registration, engagement, and analytics. Users can also sell a range of free and paid tickets. It has an average customer star rating of 4.47 based on 694 reviews.

14. TicketSpice

Number of Reviews: 772

Average Rating: 4.80

TicketSpice ranks 14th on our list of the best alternatives to Eventbrite for event registration and ticketing. The platform helps event organizers set ticket fees, sell tickets, and manage payments. More than 60,000 organizations in the world use the platform to manage tickets. It has an average customer star rating of 4.8.

13. Eventbee

Number of Reviews: 818

Average Rating: 4.33

Eventbee is one of the best online registration and ticketing platforms. The platform is trusted and used by more than 100,000 event organizers across the globe. Users can create an on-brand event page to promote and market their event. Users can also manage ticketing and payments. It is also integrated with key credit card processing companies.

12. Eventzilla

Number of Reviews: 876

Average Rating: 4.40

Eventzilla ranks 12th on our list of the best alternatives to Eventbrite for event registration and ticketing. Event organizers can automate registration, promote events, enhance engagement, and manage check-ins. It also enables users to manage multiple registrations based on the attendee’s demographic information.

11. Regpack

Number of Reviews: 912

Average Rating: 4.30

Regpack is one of the best online registration and ticketing software providers. Users can also use the Regpack event registration solution to increase event attendance, simplify operations, minimize paperwork, and retain existing attendees. The solution is available with a 14-day free trial.

10. AllEvents

Number of Reviews: 1,018

Average Rating: 4.47

AllEvents allows event organizers to create tickets, manage ticket registration forms, issue tickets, resend tickets, and mark tickets as paid. The platform is also a one-stop solution for people looking for events in a specific city. Such helps organizers to promote and market their events on the same platform.

9. Swoogo

Number of Reviews: 1,044

Average Rating: 4.87

Swoogo is one of the best alternatives to Eventbrite. Swoogo enables the management of in-person, virtual, and hybrid events. The event registration software by Swoogo allows users to build registration paths and store data. The platform is also integrated with several payment gateways such as Stripe, Paragon, Mollie, and Moneybird. The company does not charge an extra fee for every transaction.

8. Ticket Tailor

Number of Reviews: 1,068

Average Rating: 4.90

Ticket Tailor ranks eighth on our list of the best registration and ticketing platforms. It is a free event ticketing solution for large and small scale events. More than 80,000 event organizers use the platform to manage events. It has sold more than 23 million tickets since its inception.

7. Ticketleap

Number of Reviews: 1,193

Average Rating: 4.37

Ticketleap is one of the best online ticketing platforms. The online ticketing solution by Ticketleap is completely free to use, as the ticketing fee can be passed on to the attendees. Users can also manage attendees, check-ins, and sales using its mobile application. The company charges nothing for free events. It has an average customer star rating of 4.37.

6. Splash

Number of Reviews: 1,849

Average Rating: 4.33

Splash ranks sixth on our list of the best Eventbrite alternatives for registration and ticketing. Users can customize tickets to add the price and currency. Users can also manage available tickets and order limits virtually. Splash is integrated with Stripe, as an online payment processor.

Click to continue reading and see the 5 Best Eventbrite Alternatives for Registration & Ticketing.

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Disclaimer: None. 15 Best Eventbrite Alternatives for Registration & Ticketing is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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