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15 Best Countries for Teachers to Immigrate to

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In this article, we will list and explore 15 best countries for teachers to immigrate to. You can skip our detailed analysis and go directly to Best Country for Teachers to Immigrate to.

Countries with growing expatriate communities or expanding international schools often experience heightened demand for qualified foreign educators. This surge typically brings more attractive compensation packages, including higher salaries and enhanced benefits. Read our article 15 Countries with the Highest Salaries for Teachers for a comprehensive analysis.

Looming Shortage of Teachers Globally

According to UNESCO’s 2024 Global Report on Teachers, a critical requirement for approximately 44 million new primary and secondary school teachers by the year 2030. This includes the necessity for 70% of these educators to be at the secondary level, in addition to replacing more than half of the current teachers expected to exit the profession. The situation is particularly dire in Sub-Saharan Africa, where it is projected that 15 million new teachers will be needed by 2030.

Teacher shortages aren’t just a problem for underdeveloped areas; they’re hitting hard in wealthier regions like Europe and North America, too. Even with top-notch education systems in place, retaining skilled teachers has become a difficult task, which eventually impacts the quality and fairness of education. The report further notes that the attrition rate among primary school teachers has nearly doubled, rising from 4.62% globally in 2015 to 9.06% in 2022. Many educators leave the profession within the first five years of their career.

Teachers Moving Abroad: Key Considerations

Amidst the global teacher shortage, individuals seeking career opportunities would be well-advised to consider the field of education. The high demand for qualified educators represents a unique and urgent opportunity for professional fulfillment and stability. Some key considerations to ensure a smooth transition and a successful teaching career abroad include:

  • Qualification Recognition: Verify that your teaching qualifications are recognized in the destination country; additional certifications may be required.
  • Visa and Work Permits: Research specific visa requirements for educators, noting any special visas or conditions.
  • Language Requirements: Assess the need for proficiency in the local language, even if the instruction is in English.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Emphasize understanding local cultural norms, educational practices, and teacher-student dynamics.
  • Salary and Living Conditions: Investigate typical salaries and cost of living; some countries offer comprehensive expat packages including housing and health benefits.
  • Employment Opportunities: Explore job availability in international schools, private schools, and language institutes.
  • Professional Development: Look for continuous learning and training opportunities to advance teaching skills and career.
  • Contract Terms: Review employment contract details such as duration, benefits, working hours, holidays, and termination conditions.
  • Tax Obligations: Understand tax regulations in both your home and destination countries, including any double taxation agreements.
  • Networking and Support Systems: Connect with other expat teachers and engage with expat communities and professional networks for support and guidance. Connecting with peers who have experience in international teaching roles can also offer invaluable insights.

E-Learning Platforms Expanding Opportunities Worldwide

Thanks to technological advancements and evolving societal demands, the accessibility of education has significantly increased through digital platforms, personalized learning experiences, and online courses. This shift not only broadens educational opportunities but also enables teachers to become online instructors and collaborate with educational institutions and corporations globally.

Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG), Grand Canyon Education, Inc.(NASDAQ:LOPE), and 2U, Inc. (NASDAQ:TWOU) are leading companies that offer a variety of online learning solutions that cater to different educational needs. Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG) provides online tutoring, textbook rentals, and other student services, helping learners navigate their academic journeys more efficiently. Grand Canyon Education, Inc.(NASDAQ:LOPE) focuses on both traditional and online degree programs, leveraging technology to enhance the learning experience. Similarly, 2U, Inc. (NASDAQ:TWOU) partners with universities to deliver high-quality online degree programs, expanding access to education for students worldwide.

The Global Student Survey 2023 by Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG) revealed some interesting insights about the use and perception of AI tools like GenAI among university students worldwide. According to the survey, 40% of students reported using GenAI for their university studies. About half of these students input a question into GenAI tools at least once daily. A majority, 55%, commonly utilize AI tools to grasp new concepts or subjects, and the same percentage prioritize the integration of human expertise in enhancing AI-generated answers. Additionally, 65% of students believe that universities should modify assessment methods in light of free AI tools. Also, an equal percentage expressed a desire for AI tool training to be included in their curriculums, relevant to their future careers. Furthermore, 67% would prefer a cheaper and shorter university program, 59% have experienced inadequate sleep, and 65% feel optimistic about their future, contrasting with the 16% who feel pessimistic. Remarkably, 71% of students globally perceive their country as a good place to live.

Grand Canyon Education, Inc. (NASDAQ:LOPE) transitioned from being a traditional university to a services provider in 2018, when it sold the Grand Canyon University campus to the newly non-profit GCU, but retained its educational services business. The company also has an accomplished subsidiary, Orbis Education, which collaborates with a growing network of prominent universities and healthcare organizations across the country. Its mission is to prepare high-quality, career-ready graduates who are equipped to address the needs of the industry and join the workforce.

On March 19, edX, an online educational platform operated by 2U, Inc. (Nasdaq: TWOU), announced its recognition on Fast Company’s annual ranking of the World’s Most Innovative Companies for 2024. Positioned within the education sector, edX has been recognized for its innovative deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve both the accessibility and quality of online learning. Collaborating with top-tier universities and industry leaders, edX provides educational opportunities to over 83 million users worldwide, offering diverse programs in essential areas including AI, robotics, sustainability, and public health.

Given this context, we’ll now move onto our list of 15 top countries for teachers to relocate to.

A teacher in a classroom instructing students on vocational skills.


To rank the best countries for teachers to immigrate to, we relied on Insider Monkey’s list to determine the countries with high teacher salaries as higher wages. We also prioritized personal income tax rates gathered from PwC, and the percentage of the immigrant population sourced from KNOMAD. We normalized these three metrics to ensure comparability and calculated a composite score for each country. The average salary and percentage of immigrants were normalized directly, while the PIT was inversely normalized, favoring lower tax rates. Countries were then ranked based on these scores, with higher scores indicating better conditions for immigrant teachers.

15 Best Countries for Teachers to Immigrate to

15. Austria

Average Salary: $53,494

Tax: 55%

Percentage of Immigrants: 18%

Composite Score: 0.0594

Austria offers a high-quality education system with good salaries and benefits for teachers. The country values education and provides opportunities for professional growth and development. Austria’s rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and high standard of living, makes it one of the top countries in Europe for educators seeking both professional opportunities and a fulfilling lifestyle.

14. Netherlands

Average Salary: $55,576

Tax: 49.5%

Percentage of Immigrants: 11.7%

Composite Score: 0.085

The Netherlands is known for its innovative and student-centered education system, providing a supportive environment for teachers. With competitive salaries and excellent social benefits, educators can enjoy a high standard of living. The country’s commitment to social equality, open-minded culture, and efficient public services, along with its beautiful cities and landscapes, makes it yet another appealing European country for teachers to relocate to.

13. France

Average Salary: $53,105

Tax: 45%

Percentage of Immigrants: 11.3%

Composite Score: 0.087

France provides good salaries for educators, with an average salary of $53,105. French is the primary language, but there are increasing opportunities for English-speaking teachers. France has a diverse economy, known for its luxury goods, agriculture, and technology sectors, and offers comprehensive social benefits.

12. United Kingdom

Average Salary: $56,789

Tax: 45%

Percentage of Immigrants: 12.2%

Composite Score: 0.125

The UK offers competitive salaries for teachers, averaging $56,789. English is the primary language, providing easy integration for expatriates. The UK has a diverse economy with strong sectors in finance, education, and technology. It offers numerous professional development opportunities and a rich cultural environment.

11. Denmark

Average Salary: $64,956

Tax: 55.9%

Percentage of Immigrants: 9.9%

Composite Score: 0.127

Denmark offers high salaries for educators, averaging $64,956. Danish is the primary language, but many locals speak English. The country has a stable economy with a focus on renewable energy and technology. Denmark’s extensive social welfare system and emphasis on work-life balance makes it among the top destinations for teachers to immigrate to.

10. Belgium

Average Salary: $58,957

Tax: 50%

Percentage of Immigrants: 16%

Composite Score: 0.132

Belgium is a multilingual country, with Dutch, French, and German as official languages. Belgium has a strong economy with key industries in finance, trade, and international governance, and offers excellent public services and transportation. Teachers might consider relocating to Belgium for an enhanced quality of life and improved career opportunities.

9. Germany

Average Salary: $56,782

Tax: 45%

Percentage of Immigrants: 13.8%

Composite Score: 0.132

Germany offers lucrative salaries and an overall excellent quality of life for educators. German is the primary language, but English is widely used in academic and professional settings. Germany has a strong economy, known for its engineering and manufacturing sectors, and provides comprehensive healthcare and social benefits.

8. Ireland

Average Salary: $52,424

Tax: 40%

Percentage of Immigrants: 16.4%

Composite Score: 0.132

English is the primary language in Ireland, making it easy for many expatriates to integrate. Ireland has a growing economy, particularly in technology and pharmaceuticals, and offers good social benefits and career advancement opportunities.

7. Norway

Average Salary: $54,308

Tax: 39.6%

Percentage of Immigrants: 13.6%

Composite Score: 0.14

Norway has been an attractive destination for immigrants due to its strong economy, high quality of life, and inclusive society. Norway consistently ranks high in global quality of life indices. It is renowned for its stunning natural landscapes, including fjords, mountains, and northern lights. The country also offers a clean and safe environment, excellent public services, and a strong sense of community and societal well-being.

6. Canada

Average Salary: $51,386

Tax: 33%

Percentage of Immigrants: 22%

Composite Score: 0.188

Canada offers competitive salaries for educators, with an average salary of $51,386. English and French are the primary languages, making it accessible for many expatriates. The country has a strong, stable economy and a high standard of living, providing educators with excellent healthcare and social benefits.

5. Australia

Average Salary: $56,450

Tax: 45%

Percentage of Immigrants: 28%

Composite Score: 0.189

Australia offers a good balance for teachers with a competitive average salary of $56,450 and a high percentage of immigrants (28%), indicating a welcoming environment. The composite score of 0.189 reflects a moderately favorable immigration environment.

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