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15 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners

In this piece, we are going to shed light on the coffee industry, and list down 15 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners. If you want to skip our detailed industry analysis, you can go directly to 5 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners.

Coffee, a beloved drink made from the beans of coffee plants in Africa and Asia, is a hit worldwide. After being dried, roasted, and ground, these beans are brewed with hot water to create that delicious cup of joe. The global coffee beans market hit around $35.23 billion in 2023, and it’s set to shoot up at a 6.10% growth rate until 2032, clocking in at $60.07 billion.

People are really getting into coffee beans because, get this, they come with some pretty sweet health perks. They can actually help lower the risk of stuff like diabetes and heart disease. That’s why coffee consumption is on the rise globally, and it’s only expected to go up even more in the future.

The US coffee market is forecasted to hit $33.64 billion by 2029, growing at a solid 3.69% pace. Coffee chains are buzzing due to our hectic lives – perfect for us ‘get-up-and-go’ coffee fans. U.S. peeps want top-notch java, and they’re big on quality coffee spots because who doesn’t love good vibes with their daily brews? Quick fix options like instant coffee are a hit ’cause, let’s face it, we’re all about shortcuts that keep us caffeinated. Artisanal coffee is also setting the bar high, with single-origin blends winning hearts and wallets. People are even splurging more on specialized coffee experiences. Starbucks even unveiled special roasteries for single-origin coffee lovers to relish various flavors – talk about fancy coffee adventures!

Now, here’s another cool thing: Folks are getting more into certified coffee because they care about where their java comes from. These certifications make sure you’re getting quality coffee sourced sustainably. It’s all about transparency, eco-friendly farming, and keeping the quality top-notch throughout the coffee-making journey. So, it’s not just about the taste, it’s about knowing you’re getting the good stuff from start to finish!

With so much about coffee already, let’s also check out some of the biggest players in the realm of coffee industry, namely, The Kraft Heinz Company (NASDAQGS:KHC), Nestlé S.A. (Other OTC:NSRGY), Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQGS:SBUX).

The Kraft Heinz Company (NASDAQ:KHC)

Kraft Heinz’s coffee shop, Maxwell House shook things up with instant iced lattes with foam, their first new launch in nearly a decade back in July 2023. While facing stiff competition from coffee giants like Starbucks and Dunkin’, Maxwell House is aiming to reel in the younger crowd with this fresh offering.

The move seems to be paying off, with net sales nudging up by 0.6% to $26.6 billion and net income soaring by 20.2% to $2.8 billion, for the year 2023. With numbers looking good, it’s clear Maxwell House is brewing up success!

Nestlé S.A. (OTC:NSRGY)

Nestle, one of the biggest coffee brands in the world, rocked a solid year in 2023. Their growth game was strong with organic growth hitting 7.2%, pricing at 7.5%, and a slight dip in real internal growth (RIG) at -0.3%. They spread that success worldwide, seeing wide growth in various spots and categories. In terms of sales, they brought in $105.61 billion, a bit down from the previous year at $107.2 billion. Foreign exchange did them dirty with a 7.8% hit, while net divestitures chipped away at sales by 0.9%.

Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ:SBUX)

Starbucks, yet another big name in the industry, had a great start to the year with Q1 (ending 31 December 2023) consolidated net revenues hitting a record $9.4 billion, an 8% increase. Comparable store sales climbed 5% globally, with North America and International regions both seeing a 5% and 7% uptick, respectively. The active U.S. Starbucks Rewards membership also saw a boost, reaching a whopping 34.3 million during the quarter.


To prepare our list of 15 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners, we extensively researched across various sources, along with putting our final faith on the Reddit threads and ranking the 15 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners based on the frequency of mentions and upvotes.

With this let’s now get started with our list of 15 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners.

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A barista pouring a freshly brewed cup of coffee from a high-end espresso machine.

15. Fontana Coffee

Number of mentions/upvotes: 2

Fontana Coffee Roasters is a family-owned gem in Houston, Texas, with coffee and tea expertise spanning over four generations. They’re all about top-notch specialty coffee blends, serving up delicious house blends that hit the spot just right. Not only do they offer coffee solutions for restaurants, but they’re also big on sharing their passion for quality coffee through training and consulting.

14. Fara Coffee

Number of mentions/upvotes: 4

Fara Coffee is all about that gourmet, shade-grown goodness. For five generations, they’ve been growing 100% SHG Arabica beans on their family farms in the lush rainforests of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Each batch is roasted with care in Austin, Texas, making sure the full-bodied, zesty beans hold onto their special flavor.

13. Stumptown Coffee

Number of mentions/upvotes: 5

Stumptown Coffee digs deep into the roots of their beans, building direct relationships with the folks who grow them, like the Aguirre family from Finca El Injerto. Since 2003, Stumptown has been all about knowing the story behind each bean, offering a variety of delightful options from Ethiopian Heirloom to Villalobos.

12. Intelligentsia Coffee

Number of mentions/upvotes: 6

Intelligentsia Coffee has delved deep into the world of coffee over the years, immersing themselves in its rich sensory range. Their quest for top-notch joe means they’re always ready for surprises and new flavors, but they’re sticklers for quality too. Using factors like sweetness, acidity, and clarity, they gauge each coffee’s potential to thrill customers. If those elements don’t sync up, then it’s a no-go at Intelligentsia!

11. Counter Culture Coffee

Number of mentions/upvotes: 9

At Counter Culture Coffee, they like to keep things fresh and real when it comes to their single-origin menu. Just like any crop, coffee has its seasons, and they’re all about riding those waves. With coffee beans coming from both hemispheres, they switch up their menu to match each country’s harvest time. That way, they serve up the freshest coffee at the right time of year for the sipping pleasure!

10. Merit Coffee Co.

Number of mentions/upvotes: 11

At Merit, they’re all about serious coffee business. Since 2009, they’ve been creating cozy hubs where peeps can sip on great coffee, plug away on work, hang with pals, or just chill out. Their cafes are all about vibes that fit the vibe of the local scene and the neighborhood. Merit’s coffee game is strong too. Their crew jets off to nab top-notch beans from Central/South America and Africa, working hand-in-hand with the farmers to get the goods.

Once those beans hit Texas, they’re roasted to perfection on a fancy roaster straight outta Germany. And let’s talk brews. Their baristas are not just pros—they’re super friendly folk who love a good chat and creating the perfect cup of joe, all from those carefully sourced and roasted beans. Simply put, Merit’s goal is to brighten up their community, one cup of coffee at a time.

9. Flat Track Coffee

Number of mentions/upvotes: 16

Flat Track Coffee is your go-to spot for top-notch specialty coffee in East Austin. Their roastery and cafe are all about serving up freshly roasted beans that hit the mark with a perfect balance of flavors. Swing by to savor their custom house blends and a variety of single-origin coffees that’ll make your day!

8. Lavazza

Number of mentions/upvotes: 26

Origins At Luigi Lavazza, they take pride in sourcing the finest organic coffee beans from Africa, South America, and Mexico—the very regions near Luigi’s heart. Aroma Their dedication to slow, gentle roasting is a nod to Luigi’s original hand-crafted methods, ensuring every cup is simply perfect.

Blend The team at Luigi Lavazza are masters in the craft of blending, using premium natural and washed Arabica beans alongside top-notch Robusta, crafting a blend that’s truly exceptional. Variety Whether you prefer your coffee in whole bean form, Luigi Lavazza offers a range of organic, high-quality blends that’ll elevate your coffee experience.

7. Greater Goods Coffee Roasters

Number of mentions/upvotes: 29

At Greater Goods, they’re all about brewing up goodness by teaming up with like-minded partners who value long-lasting relationships. Their team goes all out to roast their beans just right, extracting the delicious flavors ranging from zesty acidity to comforting sweetness. And when you grab a bag of their coffee, you’re not just sipping on a cup of joe — you’re helping support their mission to give back! They donate a portion of every purchase to their non-profit buddies, spreading the love even further. They are all about coffee with a cause!

6. Third Coast Coffee

Number of mentions/upvotes: 33

Third Coast Coffee, an Austin-based coffee roastery, is dedicated to serving up Fair Trade, Organic, and Transitional coffees. They work directly with small farmer cooperatives through Cooperative Coffees to source their beans. With over 30 years of experience, they have the flexibility to roast to order, ensuring freshness in every brew. Their focus is on providing top-notch service to their clients, their team, and most importantly, the hardworking farmers who supply their beans.

Click to continue reading and find out about the 5 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Best Coffee Beans for Beginners is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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