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15 Best Cities for Cyber Security Jobs in the World

In this article, we will look at the 15 best cities for cyber security jobs in the world. We have also discussed the growing demand in the field. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to the 5 Best Cities for Cyber Security Jobs in the World

The cybersecurity field is growing at an unprecedented scale as cybercrimes have increased by 300% since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. This number is shedding light on the urgency of building strong defenses against online threats that has fuelled a 32% projected increase in cybersecurity jobs over the next decade. Presently, there are nearly 600,000 unfilled cybersecurity positions in the United States alone which confirms that there is an immense demand for skilled professionals in the industry.

Moreover, the UK has also decided to double its investment in overseas cyber security projects, confirming the increasing seriousness of cyber threats. With an increase in spending to £25mn ($32.02) in 2022-23, the government shows the understanding of the pressing need to fortify global digital defenses. 

Despite misconceptions about the field’s exclusivity, cybersecurity offers high-paying opportunities without the need for a bachelor’s degree. For example, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s initiative, Grow with Google, aims to address this gap by providing accessible online training in cybersecurity and other high-demand skills. With programs like these, individuals can acquire valuable certifications in as little as 3 months, setting them on a path to secure, well-compensated employment in cybersecurity. 

It is worth highlighting that several specialized areas tend to offer lucrative compensation in the cyber security field due to their high demand and the level of expertise required. Among these, roles such as Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), security architects, and penetration testers often command the highest salaries.

The field of cybersecurity is not attractive solely because of the high salaries, in fact, the field also offers the flexibility of remote work and the satisfaction of combating digital threats across different sectors, including finance, healthcare, and government. Salaries in the field often exceed $100,000, with some remote positions offering upwards of $200,000 annually. Speaking of salaries, Virginia and California are the highest paying states for cyber security professionals, making them the best states for cyber security jobs. To read more about high-paying remote jobs, see the remote jobs that pay atleast $50 an hour

Moreover, in 2024, cybersecurity predictions point to an increase in AI-generated threats. Even though large language models have revolutionized organizational cybersecurity, limitations have made it necessary to shift towards specialized, smaller models. Threat actors are expected to exploit AI development through sophisticated phishing campaigns and deepfakes. Furthermore, according to the World Economic Forum, there’s an anticipated spike in third-party data breaches, accentuated by a 72% increase observed in 2023. Consequently, organizations must fortify their cybersecurity posture by scrutinizing not only their practices but also those of their vendors.

In order to combat and raise awareness about the serious cyber threats, Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) launched its cybersecurity research center in Tokyo on March 7, 2024, aiming to improve security in the Asia-Pacific region. Situated in Tokyo’s Roppongi district, the center will engage in cybersecurity policy discussions, educational initiatives, resource development, and research collaborations with Japanese institutions. Covering 13 countries, it serves as an Asia-Pacific hub for (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s cybersecurity efforts. The initiative coincides with Japan’s “Cybersecurity Awareness Month,” highlighting how the country is committed to enhancing online security. With rising cyber threats, including government-targeted attacks and incidents like the Port of Nagoya ransomware attack, Japan is also actively working on its efforts to strengthen its cybersecurity infrastructure and promote regional collaboration.

On the other hand, International Business Machines Corp (NYSE:IBM) Consulting and Palo Alto Networks Inc (NASDAQ:PANW) have announced an expanded strategic partnership aimed at enhancing clients’ cybersecurity capabilities. This collaboration signifies the importance of unified efforts in tackling evolving security threats. With this partnership, International Business Machines Corp (NYSE:IBM) Consulting and Palo Alto Networks Inc (NASDAQ:PANW) aim to provide end-to-end security solutions to clients. Notably, the partnership will focus on two critical areas: modernizing security operations and securing cloud transformations.

This joint venture will essentially capitalize on advanced AI and automation technologies to provide clients with autonomous and advanced managed security operations. This includes 24×7 monitoring, investigation, and automated remediation of security alerts. Moreover, the partnership will facilitate clients’ journey to the cloud by leveraging Prisma Cloud byPalo Alto Networks Inc (NASDAQ:PANW) in conjunction with International Business Machines Corp (NYSE:IBM) Consulting services.

A high-rise office building, its staff busy at work providing cybersecurity services.

Our Methodology

To list the best cities for cyber security jobs in the world, we first identified 15 countries with the highest salaries for cyber security jobs. Then, for each individual countries, we looked at the top 3 business cities in the country and looked up the number of job positings in each city using different websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Payscale and averaged them. The 25 cities with the highest job postings (average) were eventually selected. Then, we looked at the average salaries paid in these cities for cyber security professionals. We scored the 25 cities based on their job postings and average salaries out of a total of 40. The 15 cities with the highest scores were eventually selected. 

Please note that we have added three cities from the US in the list as not only the job postings for cyber security in these cities were high but they also paid some of the highest paying salaries in the world to these professionals. 

By the way, Insider Monkey is an investing website that uses a consensus approach to identify the best stock picks of more than 900 hedge funds investing in US stocks. The website tracks the movement of corporate insiders and hedge funds. Our top 10 consensus stock picks of hedge funds outperformed the S&P 500 stock index by more than 140 percentage points over the last 10 years (see the details here). So, if you are looking for the best stock picks to buy, you can benefit from the wisdom of hedge funds and corporate insiders.

15. Singapore, Singapore

IM Score: 15

With top companies like Group8, ITSEC Asia, Blackpanda, WebOrion, and i-Sprint Innovations headquartered or with a strong presence there, professionals have ample opportunities. These companies offer diverse roles in offensive security, fraud detection, incident response, and identity management, catering to various sectors like finance, e-commerce, and government. Additionally, Singapore’s strategic location and robust infrastructure make it an attractive hub for cyber security professionals. The average salary of a cyber security engineer in Singapore is $100,798. 

Singapore is also one of the highest paying countries for cyber security experts.

14. Oslo, Norway

IM Score: 17

In Oslo, cybersecurity is a pressing concern. Pistachio, a Norwegian company, secured €3.25 million ($3.56 million) to combat evolving AI threats. With an impressive MRR of €60k ($65.65K) and 100+ clients across 8 European countries, Pistachio employs AI to customize security training, crucial as 88% of breaches stem from human error. The industry’s worth $172bn, expected to triple by 2030, demands innovative solutions. 

An entry level cyber security professional can expect to earn $73,804 per year in Oslo.

13. Copanhagen, Denmark

IM Score: 18

Copanhagen is one of the best European cities for cyber security jobs in the world. With startups like Muninn securing substantial funding for cutting-edge cybersecurity platforms, the city is at the forefront of the battle against cyber threats. Muninn’s success highlights the growing demand for sophisticated defense systems, particularly in a digital landscape where cyberattacks are rampant. Capitalizing on advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, companies in Copenhagen are pioneering solutions to proactively detect and mitigate cyber threats in real-time, making it an attractive hub for cybersecurity professionals seeking exciting opportunities and impactful work.

12. Dublin, Ireland

IM Score: 20

Dublin is one of the top cities for cybersecurity jobs due to several key factors. Firstly, it hosts major international conventions like ‘Zero Day Con,’ facilitating networking and knowledge exchange among experts. Secondly, the city attracts top talent with its vibrant tech ecosystem, supported by renowned firms and educational institutions. Thirdly, Dublin’s strategic location within Europe fosters collaboration between global agencies and businesses in combating cyber threats. Lastly, recent initiatives, such as voluntary agreements signed at conferences like the Munich Security Conference, underscore Dublin’s proactive approach in addressing cybercrime.

11. Brussels, Belgium

IM Score: 22

The city of Brussels is the European hub for cybersecurity jobs owing to important investments and initiatives by companies like Huawei. The opening of Huawei’s Cyber Security Transparency Centre in Brussels underscores the city’s importance in fostering trust and collaboration in cybersecurity. With over 200 representatives from various sectors attending, the Centre aims to address challenges posed by evolving technologies like 5G and IoT. The average cyber security manager gross salary in Brussels, Belgium is $116,346.

Belgium is also one of the highest paying countries for data scientists

10. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

IM Score: 23

Between 2018 and 2022, the UAE faced over $32 million in losses from cyberattacks, driving the urgency for fortified digital defenses. Dubai’s proactive approach is evident in its two cybersecurity strategies, spanning domains like cyber education, innovation, and resilience. The city’s first strategy, launched in 2017, focused on creating a Cyber-Smart Nation and fostering international collaboration, while its recent phase emphasizes cultivating cyber skills, promoting innovation, and fortifying cyber resilience. 

9. Amsterdam, Netherlands

IM Score: 25

The Netherlands has a thriving internet economy, constituting approximately 6% of its GDP, with Amsterdam hosting nearly one-third of Europe’s data centers. Home to AMS-IX, one of the world’s largest data-transport hubs, the city attracts numerous tech giants for their European operations. This prominence, however, invites cybersecurity challenges like cybercrime and digital espionage, creating a demand for skilled professionals. Amsterdam’s appeal extends beyond work, offering a high quality of life and top-notch education, with opportunities for cybersecurity roles like Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst at Group-IB, a leading cybersecurity solutions provider. The average pay for a Cyber Security Specialist in the city is $119,685.

With high wages, high standard of living and a promising tech sector, Netherlands is one of the best European countries for cyber security jobs.

8. Berlin, Germany

IM Score: 26

Berlin, though no longer as inexpensive, remains attractive for young professionals, with its burgeoning startup scene. In 2021, 273 startups in the city secured €14.3 billion ($15.65 billion) in funding, with 26.6% of Germany’s total deals. Germany’s strong data privacy laws enhance its appeal, particularly for roles handling sensitive information, with potential earnings increasing to €100,000 ($109,405) annually for graduates. Mercedes-Benz Tech Innovation is offering a high paying opportunity as a Cyber Security Consultant, involving assessments aligned with ISO 2700x standards, regulatory guidance, risk assessment, and coordination of security measures.

7. Sydney, Australia

IM Score: 27

Sydney is one of the top 10 cities for cyber security jobs as it has become a hub with cybersecurity with Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s monumental $5 billion investment, epitomizing its global significance. Collaborating with Australia’s online spy agency, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) has launched a formidable “cyber shield” to fortify networks against evolving threats, symbolizing a fusion of cutting-edge technology and strong security protocols. Currently, there are 602 jobs related to cybersecurity in Sydney on

Owing to the generally high salaries in Australia, it is one of the best countries for cyber security jobs

6. Toronto, Canada

IM Score: 29

With an average gross salary of $105,105 for a cyber security analyst in Toronto, Canada is one of the countries that pay the highest salary to cyber security professionals.

The demand for cybersecurity professionals in Toronto is also increasing due to the escalating frequency and severity of cyberattacks targeting public organizations and essential services. Incidents such as the infiltration of government bodies, healthcare institutions, and educational facilities have compromised sensitive personal information, sparking concerns for privacy and security.

Click here to see the 5 Best Cities for Cyber Security Jobs in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 15 Best Cities for Cyber Security Jobs in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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