13G Filing: Omega Advisors and Ocwen Financial Corp (OCN)

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Item 1(a). Name of Issuer:
Item 1(b). Address of Issuer’s Principal Executive Offices:
1661 Worthington Road, Suite 100, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409
Item 2(a). Name of Person Filing:
This statement is filed on behalf of Leon G. Cooperman (“Mr. Cooperman”). Mr. Cooperman is engaged in, among other activities, investing for his own account. Mr. Cooperman is the Managing Member of Omega Associates, L.L.C. (“Associates”), a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. Associates is a private investment firm formed to invest in and act as general partner of investment partnerships or similar investment vehicles. Associates is the general partner of limited partnerships organized under the laws of Delaware known as Omega Capital Partners, L.P. (“Capital LP”), Omega Capital Investors, L.P. (“Investors LP”), and Omega Equity Investors, L.P. (“Equity LP”), and also the general partner of exempted limited partnerships registered in the Cayman Islands known as Omega Charitable Partnership L.P. (“Charitable LP”) and Omega Credit Opportunities Master Fund, LP (“Credit LP”) . These entities are private investment firms engaged in the purchase and sale of securities for investment for their own accounts.
Mr. Cooperman is the President, CEO, and sole stockholder of Omega Advisors, Inc. (“Advisors”), a Delaware corporation, engaged in providing investment management services, and Mr. Cooperman controls said entity.
Advisors serves as the investment manager to Omega Overseas Partners, Ltd. (“Overseas”), a Cayman Island exempted company, with a registered address at c/o Intertrust Corporate Services (Cayman) Limited, 190 Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-9005, Cayman Islands, British West Indies. Mr. Cooperman has investment discretion over Overseas’ portfolio investments and is deemed to control such investments.
Advisors serves as a discretionary investment advisor to a limited number of institutional clients (the “Managed Accounts”).  As to the Shares (as defined below) owned by the Managed Accounts, there would be shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of such Shares because the owners of the Managed Accounts may be deemed beneficial owners of such Shares pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the Act as a result of their right to terminate the discretionary account within a period of 60 days.
Mr. Cooperman is the ultimate controlling person of Associates, Capital LP, Investors LP, Equity LP, Charitable LP, Overseas, and Advisors. The principal business office of Associates, Capital LP, Investors LP, Equity LP, Charitable LP, Overseas, and Advisors is 810 Seventh Avenue, 33rd floor, New York, New York 10019.
Mr. Cooperman is married to an individual named Toby Cooperman, and has an adult son named Michael S. Cooperman. Mr. Cooperman has investment authority over the Shares held by Toby Cooperman and Michael S. Cooperman.
Item 2(b). Address of Principal Business Office or, if none, Residence:
St. Andrew’s Country Club, 7118 Melrose Castle Lane, Boca Raton, FL 33496
Item 2(c). Citizenship:
United States
Item 2(d). Title of Class of Securities:
Common Stock, par value $0.01 per share ( the “Shares”)
Item 2(e). CUSIP Number:

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