13G Filing: Okumus Fund Management and Barracuda Networks Inc (CUDA)

Page 5 of 9 SEC Filing

Item 1.
Name of Issuer:
Barracuda Networks, Inc.
Address of issuer’s principal executive offices:
3175 S. Winchester Blvd.
Campbell, California 95008
United States of America
Item 2.
Name of person filing:
Okumus Fund Management Ltd.
Okumus Opportunistic Value Fund, Ltd.
Ahmet H. Okumus
Address of principal business office, or if none, residence:
Okumus Fund Management Ltd.
767 Third Avenue, 35th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States of America
Okumus Opportunistic Value Fund, Ltd.
Craigmuir Chambers
P.O. Box 71
Road Town, Tortola
VG 1110
British Virgin Islands
Ahmet H. Okumus
c/o Okumus Fund Management Ltd.
767 Third Avenue, 35th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States of America
Okumus Fund Management Ltd. – Cayman Islands exempted company
Okumus Opportunistic Value Fund, Ltd. – British Virgin Islands business company
Ahmet H. Okumus – Republic of Turkey
 Title of class of securities:
Common Shares, par value $0.001

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