13G Filing: Malcolm Fairbairn and Digimarc Corp (DMRC)

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Page 8 of 11 – SEC Filing


Item 1.



Name of Issuer:
Digimarc Corporation



Address of Issuers Principal Executive Offices:
9405 SW Gemini Drive, Beavertown, Oregon 97008


Item 2.



Names of Persons Filing:

This Statement is filed on behalf of each of the following persons (collectively, the Reporting Persons):

i)      Malcolm P. Fairbairn;

ii)     Emily Fairbairn;

iii)    Valley High Limited Partnership (VHLP);

iv)   Valley High Capital LLC (VHCLLC);

v)    Grant Fairbairn Irrevocable Trust September 30, 2011 (GF Trust); and

vi)   Nina Fairbairn Irrevocable Trust September 30, 2011 (NF Trust).



Address of Principal Business Office or, if none, Residence:
The address of the principal business office of each of the Reporting Persons is 10 Orinda View Road, Orinda, CA 94563.



See Cover Page, Item 4.



Title of Class of Securities:
Common Stock, par value $0.001 per share (the Shares).





Item 3.

Statement filed pursuant to Rules 13d-1(b), or 13d-2(b) or (c):


This Item 3 is not applicable.



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