13G Filing: Biotechnology Value Fund LP and Cytokinetics Inc (CYTK)

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Item 1(a). Name of Issuer:

Cytokinetics, Incorporated, a Delaware corporation (the

Item 1(b). Address of Issuer’s Principal Executive Offices:

280 East Grand Avenue

South San Francisco, California 94080

Item 2(a). Name of Person Filing
Item 2(b). Address of Principal Business Office or, if None, Residence
Item 2(c). Citizenship

Biotechnology Value Fund, L.P. (“BVF”)

1 Sansome Street, 30th Floor

San Francisco, California 94104

Citizenship: Delaware

Biotechnology Value Fund II, L.P. (“BVF2”)

1 Sansome Street, 30th Floor

San Francisco, California 94104

Citizenship: Delaware

Biotechnology Value Trading Fund OS
LP (“Trading Fund OS”)

PO Box 309 Ugland House

Grand Cayman, KY1-1104

Cayman Islands

Citizenship: Cayman Islands

BVF Partners OS Ltd. (“Partners

PO Box 309 Ugland House

Grand Cayman, KY1-1104

Cayman Islands

Citizenship: Cayman Islands

BVF Partners L.P. (“Partners”)

1 Sansome Street, 30th Floor

San Francisco, California 94104

Citizenship: Delaware

BVF Inc.

1 Sansome Street, 30th Floor

San Francisco, California 94104

Citizenship: Delaware

Mark N. Lampert (“Mr. Lampert”)

1 Sansome Street, 30th Floor

San Francisco, California 94104

Citizenship: United States

Each of the foregoing is referred to
as a “Reporting Person” and collectively as the “Reporting Persons.”


Follow Cytokinetics Inc (NASDAQ:CYTK)

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