13G Filing: Archon Capital Management and Vericel Corp (VCEL)

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Item 1. (a). Name of Issuer:
Vericel Corporation
(b). Address of issuer’s principal executive offices:

64 Sidney Street

Cambridge, Massachussetts 02139

Item 2. (a). Name of person filing:

Archon Capital Management LLC

Constantinos Christofilis

Strategos Fund, L.P.

(b). Address of principal business office, or if none, residence:

Archon Capital Management LLC

1100 19th Avenue E

Seattle, Washington 98112

Constantinos Christofilis

c/o Archon Capital Management LLC

1100 19th Avenue E

Seattle, Washington 98112

Strategos Fund, L.P.

c/o Archon Capital Management LLC

1100 19th Avenue E

Seattle, Washington 98112

(c). Citizenship:

Archon Capital Management LLC – Washington

Constantinos Christofilis – United States

Strategos Fund, L.P. – Delaware

(d).   Title of class of securities:
Common Stock, no par value
(e). CUSIP No.:

Follow Vericel Corp (NASDAQ:VCEL)

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