13D Filing: Steel Partners Holdings (SPLP), Lichtenstein Make Another Push to Acquire SL Industries Inc (SLI)

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Page 9 of 10 SEC Filing

Item 6.
Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or Relationships With Respect to Securities of the Issuer.
Item 6 is hereby amended to add the following:
On February 5, 2016, H&H, an affiliate of Steel Holdings, delivered a letter to the Issuer formally proposing to acquire all the outstanding Shares of the Issuer, through an appropriate acquisition entity, for an all-cash purchase price of $35.50 per Share (subject to limited confirmatory due diligence).  Reference is made to Item 4 above for a more detailed description of this proposal.
Item 7.
Material to be Filed as Exhibits.
Item 7 is hereby amended to add the following exhibit:
Exhibit No.
Letter from Handy & Harman Ltd. to SL Industries, Inc., dated February 5, 2016.

Follow Sl Industries Inc (NYSEMKT:SLI)

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